http://zige.eol.cn 来源:互联网 作者: 2016-03-23 大 中 小
l. Don't give yourself too much stress.
A. suggest
B. rule
C. cake
D. pressure
2. It's impossible to approach this problem in this way.
A. handle
B. raise
C. pose
D. consider
3. "Go out!" he said in a harsh voice.
A. open
B. sudden
C. relaxed
D. unkind
4. I'm late because I met the rush hour.
A. border
B. goal
C. peak
D. level
5. He does this thing with a sole purpose of him.
A. main
B. only
C. practical
D. real
6. The love of money is the root of all evil.
A. result
B. indirect
C. similar
D. positive
7, I remember him. He did some marvelous things for his country.
A. magnetic
B. magical
C. harmonious
D. deficient
8, The man was tempted by the young girl's beautiful,
A. taught
B. kept
C. changed
D. attracted
9. It seemed incredible that tbe baby saved his parents.
A. offensive
B. obvious
C. unbelievable
D. unclear
10. I bring some information as regard other companies.
A, at
B. with
C. from
D. about
11, Just put a minute amount of money to the share market at first,
A, certain
B. fair
C. full
D. small
12, His girlfriend broke up with him because he sent her a bunch of artificial flowers.
A. pure
B. lovely
C. false
D. wild
13. Did the boss accept your proposal?
A. invitation
B. plan
C. suggestion
D. view
14. Her life is becoming more varied after she has a daughter.
A. generous
B. humorous
C. romantic
D. diverse
15. It was prohibitively to bring the dogs into the museum.
A. determinedly
B. incredibly
C. amazingly
D. forbiddingly
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