http://zige.eol.cn 来源:互联网 作者: 2016-03-23 大 中 小
1. Marsha confessed that she knew nothing of computer.
A. admitted
B. reported
C. hoped
D. answered
2. The police believe the motive for the murder was jealousy.
A. choice
B. idea
C. decision
D. reason
3. The high speed trains can have a major impact on our lives.
A. effort
B. problem
C. concern
D. influence
4. We explored the possibility of expansion at the conference.
A. offered
B. included
C. accepted
D. investigated
5. The study also notes a steady decline in the number of college students taking science courses.
A. continuous
B. relative
C. general
D. sharp
6. I rarely visit my parents after I obtained a decent job in this company.
A. seldom
B. frequently
C. normally
D. eventually
7. He went to attend the party with decent clothes.
A. honest
B. rich
C. good-looking
D. high-ranking
8. You must shine your shoes since you attend to such an important party.
A. lighten
B. clean
C. wash
D. polish
9. The workers finally called off the strike after the government made the promise.
A. put off
B. ended
C. cancelled
D. demandedfor
10. You should not touch it if you are not sure it is secure enough.
A. clean
B. pretty
C. distant
D. safe
11. His idea is always utterly different from his classmates.
A. hardly
B. rarely
C. simply
D. totally
12. The magnificent church towers always attract people's attention at fast.
A. ancient
B. old
C. modem
D. splendid
13. People should work together to deal with environmental problems.
A. list
B. forbid
C. handle
D. allow
14. This factory had a far better yield after introducing the new machine.
A. goods
B. production
C. brand
D. friend
15. The frightening news is spread across the whole country.
A. surprising
B. boring
C. happy
D. horrible
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