










Resume of Ma Xiaoyan

Email: mxyfan@163.com


Xiao-yan Ma, female, obtained her Bachelor's degree(1989)from College of Architecture and Urban Planning Tongji University and Master's degree(2006) from Beijing Forestry University. She works as a teacher in Landscape Architecture College of the Beijing University of Agriculture(BUA) in July, 1989

Over these years, She has taught undergraduate and graduate courses, and mainly engaged in teaching and researching on landscape architecture as well as in design and construction of urban and rural landscape.

Current Positions

Professor and Dean, School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing University of Agriculture;

Members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC), Beijing Changping District;

Beijing Talents and Beijing Youth Backbone Teachers;

Experts of Bid Evaluation on Beijing Landscaping Project;

Director of Beijing Association of Agricultural Science Societies;

Director of Beijing Flowers Association;

Director of Beijing Agro-technological Extension Association

Honorary Title

City Greening and Beautification Activists of Beijing

Research Projects

1.Ecological Sustainable Development Research of Longtan Sports Industrial District

2.Research of the City Landscape Architecture Application

3.Research of Landscape Construction and Protection in New Countryside Development

Planning and designing Projects

1.Planning of Four Seasons Flower Valley Economic Development in Beijing

2.Planning and Design of Ganxi Coal Fired Power Plant in Jiangxi

3.The Culture Protection and Inheritance Planning of the Oroqen Nationality Forest

4.Courtyard Environment Design of Villa Distrcit, Phase IV of Longcheng Garden in Beijing Changping District

5.Campus Planning, Design and Construction of Chemical Engineering College of Beijing Union University

6.The Design of Beijing New Countryside Construction -- Landscape Reconstruction of Fangyi Load of Fangshan District

7.Tourism Planning of Changping Xiangshangkou Vllage

Participation Bookmaking

She published 2 textbooks as the chief editor , 3 textbooks as the subeditor, and participated in editing 1 book.





















15 河北省山海关国家级森林公园规划设计;


17. 鄂伦春自治旗阿里河镇绿地系统规划;





Fu Jun, female, born in 1967, Beipiao City, Liaoning Province, Han, PH.D, professor of Landscape Architecture. She successively in 1990, 2002, 2006 years has obtained bachelor, master, doctorate degree of Landscape Architecture Planning and Design Professional in Beijing Forestry University. Her primary domain of Research is engaged in Landscape Planning and Design. In the 1990-1999 periods, she taught at the Department of Landscape Architecture in Hebei Agricultural University, since 2002, she has taught at Department of Landscape Design & Forestry, Beijing of University Agriculture. Now, she is not only as a Member of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Institute of Landscape Architecture, but also as an Greening evaluation experts for Beijing Landscape.

Fu Jun is the Second prize winner of the 2000”The research of graduation internship Exploration and Practice that combined teaching, scientific research, production, is oriented society, to serve the public. In the 2003-2004 periods, She was entitled Advanced individual title of “San Yu Ren” on Beijing of University Agriculture .In 2011, she was named” greening and beautifying activists “title in the capital. In 2012, she was awarded Second prize for Beijing Agricultural College Teaching Achievement. In 2007-2009, She obtained Training funded in the middle of the middle-young age Backbone Teacher in Beijing city, In 2010-2012, she undertake issue—funded of Scientific research plan project

on Beijing Municipal Education Commission.

Her Primary teaching Course for undergraduate is ” landscape design, Theory of garden art, Planning of scenic spot” and forpostgraduate is” Landscape design, Seminar for Landscape Architecture.

Fu Jun has successively presided over and taken part in 6 Landscape planning and design project, 13 Municipal Landscape planning and design project, College-level multiple projects. She published more than 20 Research Articles,she is an chiefeditor of 5 monographs and textbooks that is Rural landscape planning and design, Planning for Scenic Spots, Urban green space design,Gardenengineering. she is an associateeditor,

participating in compiling monograph of Landscape architect design manual and 4 textbooks.

Presided over the Representative planning and design projects as follows:

2、Landscape Planning and Design of ecological corridor on Yang—Liu road (Yanqing segment) in Beijing.

3、Landscape Planning and Design of lavender manor on Song zhuang, Peking City,

4、Landscape Design of Economic management cadre institute in Zhengzhou city。

5、Landscape Design of the road of National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone in Baoding.

6、Landscape Design of back river residential community on Jincheng, Shanxi

7、Landscape Design of Surface waterworks on Baoding, Hebei

8、The eighth middle school campus environment design on Langfang, Hebe

9、An army of Environmental Design of Baoding city in Hebei Province.

10、Courtyard Environmental Design of Qinhuangdao Military District cadre sanatorium.

11、Landscape Planning and Design of tourism orchard on Wulong Villa in Shahe Town, Xingtai City, Hebei Province.

12、Conservation and development planning of Yunnan honghe ‘s Hani terrace culture heritage.

13、The feasibility study report on green construction of the Economic and Technological Development Zone in Wushitai, Inner Mongolia.

14、The provincial Forest Park Planning and Design on Yudai Mountain in Hebei Province.

15、Shanhaiguan National Forest Park Planning and Design in Hebei Province.

16、Green Space System Planning on High-tech Industrial Development Zone in Baoding.

17、Green Space System Planning on Ali Town, Autonomous Banner, Oroqen

18、A detailed construction plan of greenbelt on Island of peaceful in Yun County, Hubei Province.

20、Village Domain tourism industry planning of Fangshan District, Beijing

Contact info: E-mail:fujun6711@163.com


王先杰 男 1963年6月生。北京农学院园林学院,教授,风景园林硕士研究生导师,北京林业大学风景园林在读博士,北京市园林评标专家。












10. 黑龙江省武警总队农场规划设计

11. 大庆希望田园规划设计

12. 大庆市富强集团观光园规划设计

13. 黑龙江省月亮湾电视城龙园规划设计

14. 大庆市大同区职教中心庭院规划设计

15. 黑龙江省电力公司镜泊山庄绿地规划设计

16. 大庆农业观光园百花园种植设计

17. 黑龙江省林甸县城市道路系统规划设计

18. 黑龙江省林甸县政府庭院绿地规划设计

19. 黑龙江省农科院园艺分院庭院绿地规划

20. 黑龙江省农场总局香坊农场现代农业园规划

21. 牡丹江滨江城市花园景观设计

22. 东方集团黑河水岸壕庭景观设计

23. 沈阳水系景观修复规划

24. 北京市新农村景观规划设计节约行方法设计

25. 潞安矿区人居环境景观生态规划设计研究

26. 顺义生态园规划设计

27. 张家口太阳城小区景观设计

28. 天津宝坻金水湾小区景观设计

Professor Wang was graduated from the school of landscape architecture of Beijing Forestry University In July, 1988, and then assigned to the landscape system at the Northeast Agricultural University. He successively held the posts of lecturer, associate professor and the dean of Department of landscape architecture. In January, 2004, Professor Wang was transferred to the Beijing University of Agriculture. Up to now, he has published 40 articles of relevant academic papers and has edit six textbooks and works. He has also host many well-reputed projects. Such as:

1. Landscape Design on the Qinghe District, Beijing;

2. Campus Planning for the Harbin University of Commerce;

3. Campus Planning for the Beijing University of Agriculture;

4. Garden Landscape Design for the Foreign Office of Ministry of Defence;

5. Garden Landscape Design for the Electric Hotel on the Heilongjiang Province;

6. Landscape Planning and Design on the Dahu Villa, Shunyi, Beijing;

7. Landscape Design for the Taiyangcheng Community, Zhangjiakou;

8. Landscape Design for the Chengshihuayuan Community, Mudanjiang;

9. Landscape Design of the Agricultural Sightseeing Garden on Daqing FuQiang Groups;

10. Landscape Design of the Agricultural Sightseeing Garden on the Shunyi town;

11. Recovery Planning for the River System of Shenyang;

12. Ecological Planning for the Living Environment of Luan Mining Area.

13. Landscape Design of Central Square on the Huanan town, Heilongjiang Province;








C.V. of Associate Professor Lusheng

Lusheng: Associate professor of Beijing University Of Agriculture, Tutor for graduate. City Planning and Design (landscape architecture) Doctor of Beijing Forestry University.

Research interests: landscape architecture teaching and scientific research, landscape architecture landscape planning and design.

At present, he is mainly responsible for the courses of undergraduates: Computer Aided Landscape DesignAutoCADPhotoshop,Construction Drawing DepictingComputer 3D Rendering and so on. Covering landscape architecture, design theory, design and environment as his research fields, Professor Lu published about six professional papers, being the chief editor for Plant Landscape , Computer Aided Landscape DesignLandscape Design and Drawing,Diagram of Garden Plant Landscaping and Examples and participating in editing another 6 books.

Having taken charge of a number of landscape designs, Professor Lu won the honored title of advanced individual in Beijing University of Agriculture during 2006-2008, and was funded by the municipal government particularly for young backbone teachers during 2010-2012. The representative designs of Professor Lu include: environment design for 208 Qincheng Prison, Beijing Yu garden residential environment design, environment reconstruction of Embassy of Belgium, outdoor environment design for Beijing Blue House Cluster, gate design for Xinxin Apartment in Changping District, landscape design for Xinye Golf course, environment design for Beijing Hujialou residential area, plant furnishing for Regal Riviera Golf Club, landscape restoration planning for BeiJingTuanhe xanadu, Daxingzhuang village new rural construction planning in Pinggu District in Beijing, afforestation for the north entrance and exit of Jincheng in Shanxi province .




主要起草和编写了北京市地方标准《居住区绿地设计规范》(DB11/T214-2003)和《屋顶绿化规范》(DB11/T281-2005) (为主要起草人),并参与编写建设部行业标准《种植屋面工程技术规程》及北京市建设委员会地方标准《种植屋面防水施工技术规程》(DB11/366-2006),发表相关论文50余篇。


Han Lili, LA bachelor,graduated from Beijing Forestry University in 1987. Now is working for Beijing Institute of Landscape Architecture as director of design department.

Senior Engineer at professor grade. Mainly study on the subject of city greening, including landscape design, project management and technical specification compiling.





联系方式: zhangweini3000@163.com

Wei-ni Zhang (Female, Han), born in Liquan, Shanxi province in 1971,obtained her Bachelor's degree(1994)and Master's degree (2003) on City Planning and Design (landscape architecture) in Beijing Forestry University (BFU) . She works as an associate professor and tutor for graduate in Landscape Architecture College ofthe Beijing University of Agriculture(BUA). Professor Zhang wasa visiting scholar of the BFU during 2010-2011 and visited to Slovenia in Aug.2012. At present, she is a member of the Chinese society of landscape architecture, Beijing Institute of landscape architecture, Party committee of Landscape Architecture College in the BUA and the secretary of teacher's Party branch of Landscape Architecture College in the BUA.

Scholarship and Awards: Professor Zhang, engaging in landscape planning and design, won Research Book Award in the BUA with the research of university campus landscape outdoor environment planning and design(2005)and three prize of the Beijing City Agricultural Technology Promotion with Reservoir watershed forest vegetation recovery integrated technology in Miyun (2008).

Selected Works : In BUA, Professor Zhang teaches the courses of “garden green space planning” ,“ urban green space planning and construction " for undergraduates and the part of “the development of the foreign modern landscape”― “the United States and other countries of the modern landscape” for graduates. She is the chief editor of three textbooks, “Preliminary of Landscape Design”, “Landscaping Works”, “Preliminary of Garden Design” and the associate editor of the book “ Design of Urban Green Space”. Meanwhile, she participated in anther 6 materials and monographs, 5 scientific research projects and more than 20 planning and design projects. The representative designs of Professor Zhang include, the environmental design of Yingbin Hotel in Hebi of Henan province, the greenbelt landscape design for the west side of Beijing Fragrant Hill villa, the restructuring of the Central University for Nationalities campus planning and design, Xinjiang Fuyun Irtysh River cross-strait riverside landscape belt design, the village industry development plan for ten Duzhen villages of Fangshan in Beijing, Industry development planning of Tiankai in Hanhe town

Contact information:

E-mail: zhangweini3000@163.com








Jiahaiyang, male, who was born in lin-fen city in Shanxi province, graduated from Shanxi university. Now, he is an associate professor in major of environment design of Landscape Architecture School. At present he also hold the office of the dean of art design department. In2000,He Got a bachelor degree in normal college of Shanxi university. and then, ,got a master graduate student degreein 2006. Since 2006, he was Engaged in teaching and scientific research in Landscape Architecture School of Beijing University of Agricultural.


 research direction

he is engaged in the field of design science. The main research direction is the Chinese modern art design history, the transition of Chinese ancient building environment. Now he committed himself to the mountains nature and agricultural landscape of Beijing city, rural landscape protect and development research. And give the lecture, for example the Chinese&foreign history of Fine Arts, environment aesthetics, Hand-painted effect chart, Fast performance training and so on. As faculty adviser, his student acquired the first prize in China Youth Innovation Competition.

Representative Achievement

His achievement includes the following, joined an completed two Provincial projects, and published two academic books, published representative academic papers,’Woodcarving Sparrow Brace Decoration in the Shape of a Horse in the Qiao Courtyard’, ‘On the Advertisement and Characteristic of Ta-kung Daily —Taking the Period from 1926 to 1927 For Example’.

Communicate method

Email: jiahaiyang@163.com



黄凯,男,1967年出生,广东兴宁人, 1990年毕业于北京林业大学,经济学学士;2005年在北京航空航天大学获得公共管理硕士学位。北京农学院园林学院旅游管理系副教授,硕士研究生导师。








6.北京方兴园林绿化中心项目:“ 观光采摘园规划 ”






(4)Kai,Huang.Ting,Zhu-Li.Huan,Chen-Zhi.Lee,Sang-Yup Ticket Model Analysis and Application in the Temple of Heaven in Beijing  .The Korean Association for Local Government &Administration Studies.Winter 2008,Vol.22 No2:235-244


(6)天坛公园门票价格分析. 价格理论与实践2008,1:36-37





(11)北京九个开放园林景观的经济价值评价. 抓住2008年奥运会机遇进一步提升北京城市园林绿化水平论文集.2005

(12)北京森林旅游客源主体的初步分析.北京农学院学报.2004,2: 53-56+72







一种大型苗木移栽用水泥容器及其制作方法.ZL2009 1 0224091.6



















联系方式:hk2878@163.com  电话:010-80799327

Personal profile
Huang Kai, male, born in Guangdong Xingning, graduated from Beijing Forestry University in 1990, Bachelor of economics; obtained a master's degree in public administration at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2005. Current position is associate professor of tourism management, supervisor of postgraduate at Department of tourism management and landscape architecture, Beijing Agricultural College.
Main research topics are rural tourism and tourism forestry, landscape architecture, gaming and tourism management. Teaching Courses: Economics of tourism, landscape management, landscape bidding and budget, principles of management, tourism legislation, tourism enterprise and financial management, Introduction of gaming and tourism. Current research projects are:
1 National Spark Technology Project: "large ornamental trees (fruit trees) grown in large containers at planting garden"
2 Beijing Municipal Education Commission research project: "tourism business model and management mechanism for urban leisure mechanism of agriculture and forestry "
3 Beijing Forest Tourism Development Corporation research projects: information system development for Beijing forest tourism management, tourism marketing research and marketing strategy for Beijing Forest Park 
Representative achievements:
1 Publication of research articles:
(1) Analysis of the ticket price in North Palace Forest Park. The Second session of China Forestry Academic Conference.2009, s13 :1-9
(2) The evaluation of landscape resources in Jiufeng Forest Park. Problems of Forestry Economics .2004,2:88-91
2 Innovative patents:
A large cement container for transplanting seedlings and its production methods. ZL2009 1 0224091.6
3 Publication of books:
(1) "Urban Forestry Economy and Management" Beijing: China Business Press, 2005
(2) "Landscape management" Beijing: China Forestry Publishing House 2012
(3) "Sociological Research of Tourism " Beijing: China Business Press, 2012
Contact: hk2878@163.com Tel: 010-80799327

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