
  江汉大学商学院于2002年6月成立。建院以来,坚持以人为本,以学科建设为龙头,狠抓本科教学和科学研究,以培养 有创新精神和实践能力的应用型人才为目的,立足武汉,面向省内外,不断探索一条“教学立院、科研强院、服务兴院”的有特色的建设与发展道路,推动学院持 续、健康、协调发展。


  The School of Business at Jianghan University was established in June, 2002. Since its establishment, the school has developed a people-oriented environment. It focuses on discipline construction and pays close attention to undergraduate education and scientific research. It aims to raise innovative spirit and practical ability of the talents, to better serve Wuhan city, Hubei province, and beyond. It continues to explore a characteristic path by emphasizing teaching, research and public services as foundation, promoting sustainable, healthy and harmonious development for the school.


  学院下设五系、一中心、六所、三办。五系:经济学系、工商管理系、会计学系、旅游管理系、信息管理系;一中心:湖北省级实验示范中心—江汉大学经济 与管理实验中心;六所:武汉市制造业战略与发展研究所(武汉市普通高等学校人文社会科学重点研究基地)、江汉大学区域合作与发展研究中心、武汉创就业研究中心,江汉大学企业发展研究所、江汉大学旅游管理与发展研究所、江汉大学家族企业研究中心;三办:党政综合办公室、教学管理办公室和学生工作办公室。


  The school contains five departments, six institutes and three offices. The five departments are department of economics, department of business administration, department of accounting, department of tourism management and department of information management. The six institutes are Wuhan institute of manufacturing strategies and development (the key research base for social sciences of universities in Wuhan), research center for regional cooperation and development of Jianghan University, Wuhan institute of employment and entrepreneurship, institute of enterprise development of Jianghan University, institute of tourism management and development of Jianghan University, and research center for family business of Jianghan University. The three offices are office of administrative affairs, office of teaching management, and office of student affairs.


  学院现有教职员工123人,其中专任教师102人。专任教师中:教授10人,副教授36人,讲师54人,助教1人,具有博士学位者17人,具有硕士学位者63人, 年龄在35岁以下的青年教师共20人。学院有湖北省有突出贡献中青年专家1人、享受武汉市政府津贴专家3人、市级学科带头人7人、武汉市优秀青年教师3 人,部分教师具有国外学习的经历,25位教师在全国性学术机构兼职 。学院正在形成一支职称结构、学历结构、年龄结构逐渐合理的师资队伍。


  The school has 102 faculty and 21 staff. Among all faculty members, there are 10 professors, 36 associate professors, 54 lecturers and one teaching assistant. 17 faculty members have doctor’s degree and 35 faculty members have master’s degree. 20 faculty members are young scholars who are 35 years old or younger. The school has one faculty who is awarded distinguish young scholar in Hubei province. Three faculty members are receiving special allowance from the city government. Seven faculty members are research leaders in Wuhan city. Three faculty members are entitled excellent young teachers in Wuhan city. Some of our faculty members have overseas studying and research experience. 25 faculty members have joint appointment at other universities in China. The structures of professorship, degree and age of faculty in the school are becoming more and more reasonable.




  The school has two key disciplines in the university: enterprise management and accounting. The discipline of business administration is the supporting discipline for the master’s program. The discipline of economics is the characteristic discipline for education development.


  学院现开设有八个本科专业,涵盖经济学与管理学两大学科门类。它们分别是金融学、国际经济与贸易专业;工商管理、市场营销、会计学、财务管理、旅游管理、信息管理与信息系统专业。目前在校学生1700多人。学院于2002年开始举办湖北省人才培养模式改革试验班——工商管理类试验班。2007年与深 圳市盐田港物流有限公司联合举办首批工商管理类专业人才培养模式教改实验班。为适应21世纪高等教育国际化办学趋势,培养国际商务管理方面的外向型高级专门人才,学院于2008年与荷兰格罗宁根汉斯大学开展本科学历教育交流项 目,合作培养工商管理(国际商务与管理)专业高级专门人才。2008年开始在管理学科实行大类招生。旅游管理专业和会计学专业为江汉大学品牌专业。《金融 学》和《管理信息系统》为校级精品课程。7位教授与湖北省内高校及研究单位联合培养硕士研究生。学院着力营造“严谨治学,从严执教,爱岗敬业,教书育人” 的良好氛围,先后有51名教师获得校级教学质量奖,1人获得湖北省教学演讲比赛一等奖,9人获市级以上教学荣誉称号。


  The school has eight undergraduate subjects, covering the two major disciplines: economics and management science. The eight subjects are finance, international economics and trade, business administration, marketing, accounting, financial management, tourism management, and information management system. The school has more than 1,700 full-time undergraduate students. In 2002, the school started to offer business administration experiment class, which is the experiment class for undergraduate education reform in Hubei province. Since 2007, the school has created cooperation with Shenzhen Yantian Port Logistics CO., LTD and provided internship opportunities to the students as part of the education reform in business administration. In order to adapt the internationalization of higher education in the 21st century and provide advanced trainings for experts on international business management, in 2008 the school set up a joint undergraduate program with Hanze University Groningen in the Netherlands. In the same year, the school started to enroll students in management science as a general subject. The subjects of tourism management and accounting are regarded as the brand subjects in the university, and the courses of finance and information management system are awarded as the essence courses in the university. There are seven faculty members who are advising graduate students from other universities in Hubei province. The school emphasizes the quality of teaching and provides an excellent environment for teaching. There are 51 faculty members won teaching awards in the university. One faculty member won the first award in the teaching presentation match in Hubei province. Nine faculty members are entitled teaching experts in Wuhan city.


  2007、2008连续两年学院被评为校科研工作先进单位。2008年社会科学类科研全校排名第一。学院科学研究的宗旨是:构筑科研团队,提倡科研协作,鼓励科研创新,勇攀科研高峰。近年来,三大检索论文28 篇,各类获奖43人次,其中获得国家级教学成果奖1项,湖北省科技进步三等奖2项,武汉市科技进步二等奖3项,三等奖1项。


  The school was awarded the excellent research department in the university in both 2007 and 2008. It also ranked number one in social science research in the university in 2008. Our goal in research is to construct an elite research team, to enhance research collaboration, to encourage scientific innovation, and to create research results. In recent years, the faculty in the school has published 28 articles that are cited in SSCI, SCI or EI, and won 43 research awards, including one country-level awards, three province-level awards and four city-level awards.


  建院以来, 在全院师生的共同努力下,学院各项工作取得了一定成绩。每年都圆满完成学校下达的各项目标管理的指标,2007年被评为学校目标与绩效管理先进单位; 2003年商学院党委被中共武汉市委授予“武汉市先进基层党组织”光荣称号;2006年被评为武汉市教育工委先进基层党组织;2008年学院被评为校社会 治安综合治理先进单位。


  Since the establishment of the school, we have made progress step by step under the efforts of all faculty, staff and students. The school excellently accomplishes the tasks assigned by the university every year. In 2007, the school was award the advanced department in performance management in the university. In 2003, the party in the school was awarded the advanced base party organization in Wuhan city. In 2006, it was entitled the advanced base party organization in education system in Wuhan. In 2008, the school was awarded the advanced department of public security management in the university.


