

题目1Mrs. Browers told her children to( )their toys __________and go to bed.

  1. put. . . away
  2. put. . . up
  3. put. . . down
  4. put. . . on

题目2I was wet all through( )a stormy night.(2 分)

  1. on
  2. at
  3. in
  4. for

题目3We have an old musical instrument( )a clavichord.

  1. calls
  2. call
  3. calling
  4. called

题目4A new road( ) outside my house now.

  1. is being built
  2.        builds
  3. is built
  4. is building

题目5"Open your exercise books and( )the following," the teacher said.

  1. put down
  2. put on
  3. put off
  4. put up

题目6When they have( )that new building, it will spoil the view.

  1. put off
  2. put on
  3. put up
  4. put down

题目7They( )the fire and crept into their tent.

  1. put out
  2. put up with
  3. put up
  4. put off

题目8I( )my coat and left the house.

  1. put up
  2. put away
  3. put up with
  4. put on

题目9I am getting a divorce. I can't( )him any longer.

  1. put up with
  2. put up
  3. put out
  4. put down

题目10The tables in the office( ) wood.

  1. are made by
  2. are made in
  3. are made of
  4. are made from

题目11The only games( ) I play are football and tennis.

  1. who
  2. which
  3. what
  4. when

题目12You can't remember his name,( )you aren't really thinking.

  1. because
  2. because of
  3. what
  4. that

题目13Do you( )that cats eat grass?

  1. believe
  2. believe in
  3. believe that
  4. believe at

题目14The man( )I served was wearing a hat.

  1. when
  2. what
  3. which
  4. who

题目15I've been a doctor( )1989.

  1. in
  2. since
  3. for
  4. from

题目16This bus is going( )slowly. I'll miss the train.

  1. too
  2. very
  3. quite
  4. a little

题目17Did he( ) you a gift last Sunday?

  1. carry
  2. fetch
  3. take
  4. bring

题目18The secretary( ) that she has stolen the letter.

  1. rejects
  2. refuses
  3. denies
  4. accepts

题目19I( ) the picture last month.

  1. painted
  2. have painted
  3. had painted
  4. was painting

题目20It can land on a( )field.

  1. ploughing
  2. ploughed
  3. is ploughing
  4. has ploughed

题目1Fans are necessary in( )hot country.

  1. a
  2. an
  3. /
  4. the

题目2Which river is( )shortest, the Nile, the Amazon, or the Mississippi?

  1. a
  2. an
  3. the
  4. /

题目3This great team crossed the ocean on( )raft.

  1. a
  2. an
  3. the
  4. /

题目4Why is America called( )United States?

  1. a
  2. an
  3. the
  4. /

题目5Tell Lily to call me as soon as she( ).

  1. gets there
  2. will arrive
  3. has gone
  4. reach here

题目6He has( ) for three days.

  1. left
  2. gone
  3. been away
  4. gone away

题目7You have failed two tests. You’d better start working harder ,( )you won’t pass the course.

  1. and
  2. so
  3. but
  4. or

题目8There isn't( ) water in the bottle.

  1. any
  2. some
  3. no
  4. not. . any

题目9George left the house and was soon( )sight.

  1. out of
  2. out
  3. of
  4. at

题目10The story was( )interesting that I told it to my friends.

  1. very
  2. so
  3. such
  4. quite

题目11( ) fast the boy ran!

  1. How
  2. How an
  3. What
  4. What an

题目12They saved the girl( )the fire.

  1. from
  2. in
  3. at
  4. during

题目13I( )the CDs to you if I have time tomorrow.

  1. returned
  2. will return
  3. have returned
  4. return

题目14I've a lot of( ) to do during the holiday.

  1. work
  2. job
  3. profession
  4. career

题目15He( )when the door opened and the manager came in.

  1. was smiling
  2. smiled
  3. is smiling
  4. has smiled

题目16( ) day, a woman came to his house.

  1. A
  2. One
  3. The
  4. This

题目17The thief is( )arrest now.

  1. under
  2. below
  3. at
  4. in

题目18I made the model better( )you did.

  1. than
  2. as
  3. like
  4. so

题目19I have sent you as much money as( ).

  1. possible
  2. before
  3. ever
  4. usual

题目20The temptation( )is strong for him.

  1. to sleep
  2. sleep
  3. sleeping
  4. being sleeping

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