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2024-04-04 10:06:42 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语描述花园


Describe a garden you visited and liked

You should say:

where it is

how it looks like

and explain why you often go there




Well, your questions have reminded me of the Classical Chinese Garden which is just a 10-minute walk away from where I live. It’s always a perfect place to visit. The covered walkways provide shelter so the beautiful views can be appreciated in any weather.

The place is very peaceful, almost like a window on another world. Like other traditional Chinese park, there are a whole bunch of meadows, waterfalls, lakes, rockery there. The scenery seems to change every few feet. Therefore, many elementary school teachers take their students there to discover the secrets of the Chinese culture and the garden is often rented for filming.

I always go to the park to let off steam after work because of the stunning natural views there. The garden is breathtaking in every season. When in spring, everything in the garden turns green and the flowers bloom almost at the same time. In summer, the trees are pretty shady so we can watch fish play in the glistening ponds. The trees change colours in autumn and the foliage looks absolutely fascinating. The garden is brilliant even in winter because snow makes it pure and neat.


地道用词:let off steam

stunning natural views

The garden is breathtaking in every season.

高分句式:Well, your questions have reminded me of the Classical Chinese Garden which is just a 10-minute walk away from where I live.

The trees change colours in autumn and the foliage looks absolutely fascinating. The garden is brilliant even in winter because snow makes it pure and neat.


Describe a public park or garden 描述一个公共公园或者花园

该题目较为简单,只有一个信息点:public park or garden。而且是日常生活中比较常见的事物,对各位考生来说应该不存在什么难度。需要注意别写成自己家的花园,然后说半天花园如何维护就好。就中国而言,公园的景色较为固定,通常都是中间有个湖,沿着湖修个长廊,湖里可以划船,夏天的时候会有荷花。小路将公园分割成块,中间点缀些特色植物,或者修个亭子。公园里会有阿姨跳广场舞,小孩追跑打闹,年轻人谈恋爱,中年人锻炼身体,老年人散步,有时候可能还会有些人钓鱼,基本上就这些情况 。

You should say:

Where it is 它在哪

What it looks like 它看起来如何

What you do there 你在那干吗

And explain how you feel about it 说说你对它的感受


The park I am going to tell you is called Purple Bamboo Park. It is located to the west of the city center of Beijing, surrounded by Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing Dancing Academy and National Library of China.


Like many other Chinese parks, a large lake is situated at its center, with calm and glinted water under the sun. People can paddle boats on it. When summer comes, the lake will be covered by lotus leaves and you can smell the fragrance of lotus from quite a distance. Paths stretch out from the lake, separating it into a variety of irregular areas. Bamboos are scattered in some of them. According to the notice board, there are 32 different kinds of bamboos there. That is where it gets its name. But I cannot tell their difference. They are all the same to me. Other areas are constructed as small squares. There, you can always see middle-aged women doing their square dance, children chasing each other, and small chorus practicing their performance.


As the park is very close to where I live, I often do jogging around the lake to keep fit. Sometimes, when I come back from work pretty exhausted, I will take a stroll there or simply sit on one of the benches, trying to wind myself down.


I really love this park. It provides a heaven to escape the crowded city life and endless work.


Describe your favourite park/garden.

You should say:

Where it is

What can be seen there

How often you go there

And explain why you like it.


Well, as you can imagine, I've been to quite a few parks and gardens, but if I had to pick a favourite, I guess I would probably say Taiziwan Park, which is somewhere in the centre of Hangzhou, not far from the West Lake.

And regarding what you can see there, well I guess the first thing to mention would be the tulips, which are really gorgeous, and are all over the place. In fact, I'm sure if you look on the Internet, you'll probably be able to see some photos of the park and the flowers. And as well as the tulips, another thing that a lot of people go to see is the cherry blossom, which is quite literally stunning, especially in the spring time. Unfortunately though, I've seen quite a number of people shaking the blossom off the branches, which means it disappears quicker than it would do naturally. So it's a bit of a pity, as nothing much can really be done about it. But anyway, it's honestly no exaggeration to say that the park is incredibly beautiful, and that's why you'll also see a lot of young couples there taking wedding photos.

Anyway um, as for how often I go there, well if truth be told, I don't really go there all that often, probably only something like three or four times a year, the main reason being that it gets really crowded on weekends, and it's a bit of an effort to get to from where I live.

So finally then, with regard to why I like this park, well there's not really that much more to say about it, you know, it's just a really nice and scenic place to go and relax. Oh yeah, and the other great thing about it is that it's free entrance, which didn't use to be the case a while ago, so I guess I'll be going there more often in the future!


Describe a garden you visited and liked

You should say:

where it is

how it looks like

and explain why you often go there




There’s a special garden here in the city where I live that I really love. Well, actually it’s more than a garden, it’s like a park, but with gardens within it; it’s very large.

Apparently it was created from an old lake, which dried up. It’s been there for hundreds of years now and has a lot of trees, plants, flowers and other interesting things like statues, monuments and fountains and stuff like that.It’s a public place and every day you can see hundreds of people there- some of them are tourists visiting the city and others are locals just walking through the gardens on their way to some place. You can often see people sitting having something to eat or drink at one of the cafes. Just last week I saw several people sitting on some of the benches reading, now that the weather has turned nice again.

I used to go to the gardens a lot when I first arrived here from abroad. I found the atmosphere very relaxing- so much greenery- in the middle of the capital city. Now I try to go every couple of weeks to explore a little and learn a bit more about the gardens. I have some favourite places in the garden, for example, there’s a beautiful fountain, and there are many other monuments and commemorative sites which honour explorers, reformers, and volunteers and people who died in various wars and for various causes throughout history.

It’s almost like walking through a history book sometimes. I would love to have enough time to learn about all of them. But one of the things I like most is that you can always find a quiet place to be by yourself if you go…or you can go to different parts where there are a lot of people all around; there’s a lot of variety and you can see, and sometimes even meet people from all over the world. I suppose if you were really interested in flowers and trees and things like that it would be a great place to spend some time too. I’m not really, but it’s easy to see that there are a lot of different plants and shrubs throughout the garden.

I just like going there because there is always something to do and different people to see, and to see how different the gardens look as the seasons change.


地道用词:dried up

walking through

高分句式:It’s been there for hundreds of years now and has a lot of trees, plants, flowers and other interesting things like statues, monuments and fountains and stuff like that.

But one of the things I like most is that you can always find a quiet place to be by yourself if you go…or you can go to different parts where there are a lot of people all around.

I suppose if you were really interested in flowers and trees and things like that it would be a great place to spend some time too.

I just like going there because there is always something to do and different people to see, and to see how different the gardens look as the seasons change.

I have some favourite places in the garden, for example, there’s a beautiful fountain, and there are many other monuments and commemorative sites which honour explorers, reformers, and volunteers and people who died in various wars and for various causes throughout history.



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