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2024-04-04 12:15:19 来源:中国教育在线



1.What do you think are the differences between home schooling and studying at school?
  There are a lot of differences between them. Home schooling is more personalized and focused on the individual student's needs, whereas the personal attention is not available in schools because there are other students. Studying at home allows the student to spend more time on the subject he is interested in or questions he doesn't understand. However, in school, the students can develop their communication skills during the class discussion or school activities. So there are good points and drawbacks in both types of studying.
  2. What do you think learning theoretical material is emphasized more than learning practical skills?
  Learning theoretical material can help you to develop practical skills. I thinks it would be better to keep a balance between theoretical material studying and hand-on experience. But now, most of schools in China put too much emphasis on theoretical teaching because the students are expected to get high marks in exams. Unfortunately, most of the information the students learn in the classroom is not quite useful when it comes to a real job.
  3.Do you think education system in China should be reformed?
  The education system in China is now under reforming. We are noticing the government is trying to make progress in several aspects. You can see the primary schools change their schooling time to 8AM to 4PM instead of 7AM to 5PM. Thus the students have more time to sleep and relax instead of studying intensively. Besides, the schools have adjusted their subjects arrangements by adding some hand-on courses to help students develop practical ability. Personally speaking, experience is the better teacher, if students can be offered courses with lots of useful information and practice opportunities, as you know, a well-rounded education, they will find jobs more easily.
雅思口语Education System话题
题目:Tell me about the education system in your country.
  1. at what ages students go to different schools
  2. what the advantages and disadvantages of the system are
  3. how the system is changing
  4. and explain what changes you would like to see.
  Example 1:
  Well,the education system in my country includes preschool, primary school, secondary school, high school, university and college, as well as graduate school education. Kindergartens take children above three years old with a term of three school years; Primary schools and secondary schools take six school years and three school years, five school years and four school years, or just nine-year-through schooling.
Most areas practice the six-year and three-year school-year terms. Therefore, primary school term is six or five years, and secondary school term is three or four years; school age for primary schools is six or seven years old, and 12 or 13 for secondary schools; School age for common high schools is 15 or 16, with a term of three school years,
Secondary professional schools are divided into two types: school age for the first type that takes junior middle school graduates is 15 or 16, usually with a term of four school years but with some exceptions of three-year schooling; school age for the second type that takes high school graduates is no more than 22, with a two-year term of schooling; secondary vocational schools usually provide three or four years of schooling; technical schools provide three years of schooling; school age for vocational high schools is 15 or 16, with a term of two or three school Years, or even four years in some places.
  Example 2:
  To begin, because the country has a federal system of government that has historically valued local governance, no country-level education system or curriculum exists in the United States. The federal government does not operate public schools. Each of the fifty states has its own Department of Education that sets guidelines for the schools of that state.
Public schools also receive funding from the individual state, and also from local property taxes. Public colleges and universities receive funding from the state in which they are located. Each state's legislative body decides how many tax dollars will be given to public colleges and universities. Students in grades 1-12 do not pay tuition. College and university students do pay tuition, but many earn scholarships or receive loans.
雅思口语Education's Role话题
1. Should developing countries concentrate on Improving industrial skills or should they promote education first?
  2. Education is a critical factor in a country’s development. Opinion is divided, however, on whether a developing country with limited resources should give priority to improving and expanding basic education for the masses or to providing a high quality tertiary education for the future leaders. Pd(1)
  - Why should improve and expand basic education?
  - Everyone born to this world is equal and, hence, is entitled to receiving basic education.
  - Only by improving basic education could a poor nation encourage its people to discover their potential, which would translate into their knowledge and skills to be employed at work, thus/thereby improving productivity and , ultimately, living standards.
  - It’s common people who make up the largest part of the workforce.
  - The moral question of equal opportunities for everyone. On what criteria can a young person be judged as a potential future leader or just as a common person?
  - Deprive the involved individual of higher education opportunity to explore his/her full potential, and might also deprive the nation of a potential clever leader.
  3. Describe the major purpose of education in society.
  - Well – educated and good citizens.
  - Skillful and qualified workforce.
  4. Too much education is dangerous. If people receive more education than they need to function in their job, it only breeds dissatisfaction. For or against? -Preparation and practice –141
  Too much education is dangerous?
  - Education gives people unrealistic ambitions: the law of the market decrees that not every one can be a managing director.
  - There is very little point in training people for a level of job that they can never hope to achieve.
  - Education is expensive. Overeducation is a waste of time and money.
  - Students tend to be a disruptive influence on society: found at the forefront of radical organisation.
  Why should invest in education?
  - Most countries need a high standard of human resources in order to compete in the world market.
  - Uneducated people unable to show initiative.
  - Constantly changing technology means that the workforce has to be flexible and receptive to new ideas in order to be of value to employers.
  - Moral question: who has the right to say how much education a person is entitled to? What criteria could be used to decide a level of schooling?
  5. Topic19: Education is the single most important factor in the development of a country. Do you agree? Cuc 2
  Why education is the most important factor?
  - Education provides basis for other skills.
  - Literacy improves working person’s capability.
  - Creates self/ national respect.
  - Education provides basis for healthy population.
  Why education is not the most important factor?
  - Health is more important than education.
  - Economic development is important, and may only need unskilled workers.
  - Difficult to find enough trained teachers.



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