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2024-04-04 13:03:50 来源:中国教育在线




Describe an intelligent person you know.

You should say:

who this person is

when and where you first met them

what kind of person they are

and explain why you think this person is intelligent.


Ok right then, well the person that I’d like to talk about is one of my university coursemates called Nick, because he’s honestly one of the smartest people I know. And we’ve been friends ever since I started university, because I found myself sitting next to him in our first lecture, and we (kind of) just got talking.

As for what kind of person he is, well um, I guess the best way to describe him would be sociable and likeable, coz I mean, although he’s a super smart guy, he’s not arrogant in the slightest, and he gets on well with pretty much everyone in my year.

Anyway, moving onto why I think he’s intelligent, well first of all, he always does really well in all our exams, you know, like coming top or second in most of them. And what’s amazing is that he doesn’t seem to study (all) that hard, but still manages to do so well. For example, as well as studying, he’s also got a part-time job, which I’m sure must take up quite a bit of his time. So it ‘s really impressive how he’s able to do this without it affecting his studies whatsoever.

And another thing is that whenever the lecturer asks a question, he always knows the answer, and sometimes he’ll just whisper it to me because he feels a bit embarrassed to answer every time!

So yeah, I’d say he’s a really clever guy, and I feel very lucky to have such a good friend.


A person who has influenced you

Please describe a person who has greatly influenced you

You should say:

Who the person is (was)

How you came into contact with this person

How he/she has influenced you and why

And you have you say whether this person has influenced others

To talk about a person who has influenced me the most, I think there is none other but my father. Working as a government official, he doesn’t appear to be extraordinary in any way, but just working faithfully and peacefully raising his family, never putting his family or children aside. Yet however regular he may look, he is never ordinary to me, because I’ve learned many of the most basic and important life lessons from him: family, responsibility, accountability, faithfulness, vision and fulfilling goals, etc.—he is the first and best teacher in my life. As to influence, people all influence one another in one way or another during their contact. But as to whether my father has influenced other people as much as he does to me, I am not sure. Nevertheless I always hear people in the neighborhood talking about him as a model husband and family head. He must have touched some lives.



Describe a person that you admire .

You should say:

Who this person is

How you knew this person

What you like to do together

Why you admire this person


In China ,the most significant Agriculture outcome in recent decades was hybrid rice , which was developed by a group of scientists whom led by Yuan longping in central China's Hunan province.This outstanding contribution already has been written in the textbooks of my generation.

During the year 1959 to 1961,the most mainland Chinese suffered for a nationwide drought along with serious food shortage and famine. Yuan longping found a special kind of natural hybrid rice, which

brought him the idea of cultivating a bran-new super hybrid rice for the entire country. With 40 years studies ,his creative team finally developed the super hybrid rice ,which was especially suitable for inland regions.

Surprisingly he still continues his research even nowadays.His creativity and continuity deeply remind me that to be constantly reflect on some little things, do not quit easily for everything ,catch every tiny sparks in my mind ,and always try to find out other methods to solve a problem. The influence makes me become much positive when difficulties came ,and reminds me that be patient all the time on what I am doing. In order to giving the best outcome ,I also review the work I did several times and ask others for opinions before I turned in.


Describe a polite person you know.

You should say:

Who the person is

How you know the person

What the person looks like

And explain why you think the person is polite.

Ok, right then, well the person I’d like to talk to you about is a very good friend of mine called Matthew, the reason being that he must be one of the nicest and most polite people I know, which I’ll come to explain in a moment.

But firstly, as for how I know him, well we’ve basically known each other since middle school, because we were in the same class together, and we still see quite a lot of each other. You know, if I feel like going out and doing something, I normally give him a call and see if he’s free to meet up.

And moving on to why I think he’s so polite, well it’s basically because he’s just got really good manners. And just to give you an example, he always says thank you to people, even for the slightest thing. For instance,I’ve noticed that whenever we’re eating at a restaurant, he will thank the waiters and waitresses every time they bring a dish to the table. And another example would be that whenever he gets off a bus, he will always say thank you to the driver, which a lot of people probably think isn’t necessary, but I’m sure the bus drivers really appreciate it, as do the waiters and waitresses, because it’s not all that often they hear people thanking them!

So yeah, that’s basically why I’d say he’s such a polite person, and I’m just trying to think if there’s anything more to add, um……, oh yeah, and one other thing to mention would be that he’s always very complimentary to people. So what I mean is that he tends to always say nice things to people, for example he might make a comment about how nice someone’s looking, or how good their cooking is, which I know might be seen as being a bit um,…what’s the word……um… insincere, but I think he genuinely means what he says, at least most of the time anyway!

And I mean, I can’t remember a single time when he’s ever been rude or unpleasant to anyone, and I also can’t really imagine him being nasty to anyone either.

So yeah, that’s pretty much it then. Thanks for listening.


Topic:Describe a person/something that made you laugh.

You should say:

what it was

when it happened

who was with you

and explain why you laughed.

Sample answer:

I'm going to talk about a funny thing that happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I think it was a Saturday morning,and I was sitting having a coffee in a cafe in the vicinity of (习语,在...附近) my house/flat.

I was on my own (习语,独自) so I decided to read the newspaper while drinking my coffee. I must have been quite engrossed (全神贯注) in what I was reading because the time passed quickly,and I suddenly realised that I needed to get going.

What I didn't realise was that I had been sitting with my legs crossed. As I stood up to leave the cafe,I quickly became aware that my left leg was 'dead',but it was too late;I started to fall. I thought I could catch myself on the table, but the table tipped over(翻转) and I fell to the floor in front of everyone in the cafe! Worse still,the coffee splashed(溅) on my new white shirt,leaving stains that looked like a dummy pig.



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