2024-04-23 12:49:22 来源:中国教育在线
Significant (adj.) -- 意义重大的,重要的
例句:The study shows a significant improvement in test scores.
Implication (n.) -- 含义,暗示
例句:The implication of his words was clear: he was not satisfied with the situation.
Consequence (n.) -- 后果,结果
例句:The consequence of his actions was that he lost his job.
Ambiguous (adj.) -- 模棱两可的,暧昧的
例句:The meaning of her words was ambiguous, so he was not sure what she meant.
evident (adj.) -- 显然的,明显的
例句:It is evident that the company is doing well based on its financial reports.
Fluctuate (v.) -- 波动,变动
例句:The stock market is known for fluctuating frequently.
Innovate (v.) -- 创新,更新
例句:The companys ability to innovate is what sets it apart from its competitors.
Mitigate (v.) -- 缓和,减轻
例句:The government should take steps to mitigate the impact of natural disasters on civilians.
Diverse (adj.) -- 多样的,不同的
例句:The culture of the city is diverse, with a mix of ethnic and linguistic groups.
Inevitable (adj.) -- 不可避免的,必然的
例句:Given the circumstances, it was inevitable that the project would be delayed.