2023-06-04 15:56:25 来源:中国教育在线
项目全称:The Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Applied Statistics
“The program is intended for students with a quantitatively-oriented Bachelors degree in the agricultural, biological, computer, engineering, mathematical, physical, social, or statistical sciences. Our application is open to any major as long as students meet the minimum mathematical background necessary to keep up with course work. These are: two semesters of calculus, one semester of elementary non-calculus based statistics, a course in matrix algebra, and familiarity with standard computing tools (e.g., spreadsheets). To meet these prerequisite requirements, courses must be from an accredited college or university and be listed on an official transcript. However, space in the MPS program is limited and preference is given to applicants with more than the minimal mathematical background.”
STSCI 5030: Linear Models with Matrices (4 credits)
STSCI 5080: Probability Models and Inference (4 credits)
STSCI 5953: MPS Professional Development (1 credit)
STSCI 5999: Applied Statistics MPS Data Analysis Project (4 credits)
其他选修课程 II:
STSCI 5045: Python Programming and its Applications in Statistics (3 credits)
STSCI 5060: Database Management and SAS High Performance Computing with DBMS (4 credits)
STSCI 5065: Big Data Management and Analysis (3 credits)
Option I students must take at least 12 credit hours and Option II students at least 4 credits of Statistical Science electives from this list. Option II students cannot use STSCI 5045, 5060, or 5065 as a statistical science elective since these courses are required as core option II courses.
STSCI 5010: Applied Statistical Computation with SAS (4 credits)
STSCI 5040: R Programming for Data Science (4 credits)
STSCI 5045: Python Programming and its Applications in Statistics (3 credits)
STSCI 5060: Database Management and SAS High Performance Computing with DBMS (4 credits)
STSCI 5065: Big Data Management and Analysis (3 credits)
STSCI 5090: Theory of Statistics (4 credits)
STSCI 5100: Statistical Sampling (4 credits)
STSCI 5140: Applied Design (4 credits)
STSCI 5160: Categorical Data (4 credits)
STSCI 5550: Applied Time Series Analysis (4 credits)
STSCI 5600: Statistics for Risk Modeling (3 credits)
STSCI 5630: Operations Research Tools for Financial Engineering (3 credits)
STSCI 5640: Statistics for Financial Engineering (4 credits)
STSCI 5740: Data Mining and Machine Learning (4 credits)
STSCI 5750: Understanding Machine Learning (4 credits)
STSCI 5780: Bayesian Data Analysis: Principles and Practice (4 credits)
STSCI 6070: Functional Data Analysis (3 credits)
STSCI 6520: Computationally Intensive Statistical Methods (4 credits)
STSCI 6780: Bayesian Statistics and Data Analysis (3 credits)
AEM 7100: Econometrics I (3 credits)
BTRY 6381: Bioinformatics Programming (3 credits)
BTRY 6830: Quantitative Genomics and Genetics (4 credits)
BTRY 6840: Computational Genetics and Genomics (4 credits)
CS 5780: Machine Learning (4 credits)
CS 5786: Machine Learning for Data Science (4 credits)
ORIE 5510: Introduction to Engineering Stochastic Processes I (4 credits)
ORIE 5580: Simulation Modeling Analysis (4 credits)
ORIE 5581: Monte Carlo Simulation (2 credits)
ORIE 5600: Financial Engineering with Stochastic Calculus I (4 credits)
ORIE 5610: Financial Engineering with Stochastic Calculus II (4 credits)
ORIE 5741: Learning with Big Messy Data (4 credits)
ORIE 6500: Applied Stochastic Processes (4 credits)
ORIE 6741: Bayesian Machine Learning (3 credits)