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2024-11-03 12:31:21 来源:中国教育在线










韩国的学院(韩语称学院,英语名称一般使用Institute 或College )主要是由社会力量创办的非学历教育机构。



Ajou University

Andong National University

Anyang University

Asia United Theological University

Busan National University of Education

Busan Presbyterian Theological CollegeSeminary

Calvin University

Catholic University of Daegu

Catholic University of Pusan

Changwon Nationao University

Cheju National University

Cheju National University of Education

Chinju National University of Education

Chodang University

Chonan University

Chonbuk National University

Chonbuk National University of Education

Chongju University

Chongshin University

Chonnam National University

Chosun University

Chugye University for Arts

Chunchen National University of Education

Chung-Ang University

Chungbuk National University

Chungju National University

Chungnam National University

Chungwoon University

College of Medicine,Pochon Cha University

Daebul University

Daegu National University of Education

Daegu University

Daejeon University

Dae Jin University

Dan Kook University

Dong-A University

Dongduk Womens University

Dong-eui University

Dongguk University

Donghae University

Dongseo University

Dongshin University

Dongyang University

Duksung Womens University

Eulji University Scool of Medicine

Ewha Womans University

Far East University

Gachon Medical Shool

Gongju National University of Education

Gyeongsang National University

Halla University

Hallym University

Hanbat National University

Handong University

Hanil UniversityPresbyterian Theological Seminary

Hankuk Aviation University

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

Hankyong National University

Hanl Yo University

Han Nam University

Hansei University

Hanseo University

Hansung University

Hanyang University

Hanyoung Theological University

Honam Theological UniversitySeminary

Honam University

Hongik University

Hoseo University

Howon University

Hyupsung University

Inchon Catholic University

Inchon National University of Education

Information and Communication University

Inha University

Inje University

Jeonju National University of Education

Jeonju University

Jinju National University of Industry

Joongbu University

Jungang Seunggha University

KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

Kangnam University

Kangnung National University

Kangwon National University

Kaya University

Keimyung University

Kkottongnae Hyundo University of Social-welfare

Kongju National University

Konkuk University

Konyang University

Kookmin University

Korea Baptist Theological College Seminary

Korea Maritime University

.Korea National Open University

Korea National University of Education

Korea Nazarine University

Korea Polytechnic University

Korea University

Korea University of Technology and Education

Korea Bible University

Korea National University of Physical Education

Kosin University

Kumoh National University of Technology

Kunsan National University

Kwandong University

Kwangju Catholic University

Kwangju National University of Education

Kwangju University

Kwangju Womens University

Kwangshin University

Kwangwoon University

Kyonggi University

Kyongju University

Kyungdong University

Kyung Hee University

Kyungil University

Kyungnam University

Kyungpook National University

Kyungsan University

Kyungsung University

Kyungwon University

Kyungwoon University

Luther Theological University

Methodist Theological Seminary

Miryng National University

Mokpo Catholic University

Mokpo National Maritime University

Mokpo National University

Mokwon University

Myong Ji University

Myungsin University

Nambu University

Namseoul University

Pai Chai University

Pohang University of Science and Technology

Presbyterian Collegeand Theological Seminary

Pukyong National University

Pusan National University

Pusan University of Foreign Studies

Pyongtaek University

Sahmyook University

Samchok National University

Sangji University

Sangju National University

Sangmyung University

Sejong University

Semyung University

Seokyeong University

Seonam University

Seoul Christian University

Seoul Jangsin University and Theological Seminary

Seoul National University

Seoul National University of Education

Seoul National University of Technology

Seoul Theological University

Seoul Womans University

Seowon University

Silla University

Sogang University

Sookmyung Womens University

Soonchunhyang University

Soong Sil University

Sunchon National University

Sungkonghoe University

Sung Kyul University

Sung Kyun Kwan University

Sungshin Womens University

Sunmoon University

Sunwon Catholic University

Taegu Arts University

Taejon Catholic University

Taeshin Christian University

Tamna University

The Catholic University of Korea

The University of Seoul

The University of Suwon

Tongmyong University of Information Technology

Uiduk University

University of Inchon

University of Ulsan

Wonkwang University

Woosong University

Woosuk University

Yeungnam University

Yewon University

Yongin University

Yonsei University

Yosu National University

Youngdong University

Youngnam Theological College Seminary

Youngsan University

Youngsan Won-Buddhist University


Agricultural Cooperative College

Ajou Motor College

Andong Science College

Ansan College

Ansan College of Technology

Anyang Technical College

Baekseok College of Cultural Studies

Baewha Womens College

Bucheon College

Busan Arts college

Busan College of Information Technology

Busan Kyeongsang College

Byuksung College

Catholic Sangji College

Ceonju Kijeon Womens College

Changshin College

Changwon College

Cheju Halla College

Cheju Tourism College

Cheonan Yonam College

Cheongyang College

Choonhae College

Chosun College of ScienceTechnology

Chosun Nursing College

Christian College of Nursing

Songgok College

Chung Cheong College

Chungbuk provincial College of ScienceTechnology

Chungkang College of Cultural Industries

Chunnam Techno College

Daedong College

Daeduk College

Daegu Health College

Daegu Mirae College

Daegu Polytechnic college

Daegu Technical college

Daejeon Health Science College

Daekyeung College

Daelim College

Daewon Science college

Dong Seoul College

Dong-A College

Dong-Ah Broadcasting College

Dong-Eui Institute of Technology

Dongju College

Dongkang College

Dongnam Health College

Dong-Pusan College

Dong-U College

Dongyang Technical College

Doowon Technical College

Geochang Provincial College

Gimcheon College

Gimhae College

Gumi College

Gwang Yang Health College

Gyeongdo Provincial College

Hallym College

Han Yeong College

Hanyang Womens College

Hyechon College

Hyejeon College

Iksan National college

Incheon City College

Induk Institute of Technology

Inha Technical College

Jaeneung College

Jangan College

Jeju College of Technology

Jeonbuk Science College

Jeonju Vision College

Jeonnam Provincial Collage of Namdo

Jinju Health College

Juseong College

Kang Neung Yeong Dong College

Kangwon Provincial College

Kangwon Tourism College

Kaywon School of Art And Design

Keimyung College

Keukdong College

Kimcheon Science College

Kimpo College

Koje College

Kongju Communication Arts College

Korea National College of RehabilitationWelfare

Korea National Railroad College

Korea Tourism College

Kunjang College

Kunsan College of Nursing

Kwangju Health College

Kyongbuk College of Science

Kyonggi Institute Technology

Kyungbok College

Kyungbuk College

Kyungbuk Foreign Language Techno College

Kyungdong College of Techno-Information

Kyungin Womens College

Kyungmin College

Kyungmoon College

Kyungnam College of InformationTechnology

Kyungwon College

Masan College

Mokpo Science College

Munkyung College

Myongji College

Naju College

Namhae College

National Medical Center College of Nursing

Osan College

Paekche Arts College

Pohang College

Pusan Womens College

Red Cross College of Nursing

Saekyung College

Sahmyook NursingHealth College

Sangji Youngseo College

Seoil College

Seojeong College

Seokang College

Seoul Health College

Seoul Institute of the Arts

Seoul Womens College of Nursing

Shin Heung College

Shingu College

Shinsung College

Sohae College

Songho College

Songwon College

Soong Eui Womens College

Sorabol College

Suncheon Cheongam College

Sunchon First College

Sungduk College

Sunghwa College

Sunlin College

Suwon Science College

Suwon Womens College

Taegu Science College

Tongwon College

Ulsan College

Wonju National College

Wonkwang Health Science College

Woongji AccountingTax College

Woosong Information College

Woosong Technical College

Yangsan College

Yeojoo Institute of Technology

Yeungjin College

Yeungnam College of ScienceTechnology

Yonam Institute of Digtal Technology

Yongin Songdam College

Yuhan College


Berea University of Graduate Studies

Daehan Theological Seminary

Gospel Theological Seminary

Hapdong Theological Seminary

Information and Communication University

International Design School For Advanced Studies

Jungang Graduate School of Theology

KDI School of International Policy and Management

Kukje Theological University and Seminary

Kyeyak Graduate School of Theology

Seoul Bible Graduate School of Theology

Sungsan Hyodo University of Graduate Studies

Seoul Sports Graduate School

Transnational LawBusiness University

Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology

Westminster Graduate School of Theology

Won Buddhism Graduate School

Yeail Thological Seminary



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Kaplan, Inc. 30 多年来一直是Graham Holdings(前身为 The Washington Post Co.)的一部分,是其最大的子公司。Graham Holdings Co.(纽约证券交易所代码:GHC)总部位于弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿,是一家多元化的教育和媒体公司,其主要业务包括教育服务、电视广播....