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2023-09-08 15:31:05 来源:中国教育在线



  1、 注意着装,干净整洁,不浮夸,建议不要太过个性,民族特色的没事。 

  2、 注意面试环境,保持周边环境整洁、安静。家长不要在场,除非学校的老师需要叫家长的时候。 

  3、 保持网络环境的畅通 

  4、 提前15-20分钟上线等待。 

  5、 听不清问题或是不能表达可以直接跟老师说,切记不要答非所问。 

  6、 威立克面试是去所报名的考点参加考试,也通过录像的方式。 

  7、 开场轻松愉快些,给面试官个微笑和问候。 

  以下是总结了些面试的问题,但是不一定会问到,希望对孩子有帮助。 再次预祝孩子顺利。加油 

  1. What is your name? 

  2. Do you have an English name? 

  3. How old are you? 

  4. Where are you from? Where do you live? 

  5. What school do you go to now?  / What school do you attend now? 

  6. What type of school do you attend?  Is it a public, private, or boarding school? 

  7. What grade are you in? 

  8. What subjects/courses are you studying now? 

  9. What is your favorite subject/course?  And why? 

  10. What course is your least favorite?  And why? 

  11. Which course do you have the best/highest grade? 

  12. Which course do you have the worst/lowest grade? 

  13. What activities do you participate in outside of school? 

  14. Are you involved in any clubs/organizations/societies in your school? 

  15. What are your hobbies? 

  16. Do you play any musical instruments? 

  17. Do you play any sports? 

  18. Please describe a typical day at school for you。 

  19. Please describe your typical week schedule from Monday to Sunday。 

  20. What do you do on Saturday and Sunday? 

  21. What do you do for fun? 

  22. Where have you traveled with your family? 

  23. Where have you traveled alone? 

  24. Why do you want to study in the USA? 

  25. What do you want to do when you graduate from high school? 

  26. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? 

  27. Why did you choose to apply to our school? 

  28. Do you have any questions about our school? 

  29. Is there anything you want to ask about our school? 

  30. What books have you read recently? (English and/or Chinese) 

  31. What do your parents do for work? 

  32. Did your parents go to college/university? 

  33. Tell me about your parents? 

  34. Why do you want to come to our school? 

  35. Why should we choose you to be a student at our school? 

  36. If I asked your friends to tell me about you, what would they say? 

  37. If you want to be a good student, what should you do? 

  38. Tell me about your day-to-day life at school now.  What do you like/dislike about it? 

  39. Tell me about someone who has influenced you a lot。 



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