2023-09-27 10:26:53 来源:中国教育在线
School of Engineering Celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the Internet
On October 29th, the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering celebrated the 50th anniversary of the birth of the internet. The public event, called “Internet 50: From Founders to Futurists,” brought together pioneers of the network with some of today’s leading visionaries. This program included presentations on the culture that led to the creation of one of the world’s greatest inventions and discussions of current and pressing issues presented by the internet, such as online security, technology stagnation, and social impact. The following speakers presented at Royce Hall:
10月29日,加州大学洛杉矶分校Samueli工程学院庆祝互联网诞生50周年。这次名为“Internet 50: From Founders to Futurists”的公开活动,汇集了互联网的先驱和当今一些有远见的领军人物。这项计划包括介绍导致世界上最伟大发明之一诞生的文化,并讨论互联网当前和紧迫的问题,如在线安全、技术停滞和社会影响。
Mark Cuban, entrepreneur, investor and owner of the Dallas Mavericks
Jamie Dimon, chairman and CEO of JP Morgan Chase
Jameela Jamil, actress, activist and founder of I Weigh
Ashton Kutcher, actor, investor and entrepreneur
Tom Leighton, CEO of Akamai
Robert Metcalfe, entrepreneur and co-inventor of Ethernet
Katelyn Ohashi, UCLA gymnast, NCAA champion and viral sensation
Henry Samueli, co-founder and chairman of Broadcom
Eric Schmidt, former CEO and executive chairman of Google
Peter Thiel, entrepreneur and investor
Bud Tribble, vice president of software technology at Apple