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2023-11-05 16:09:10 来源:中国教育在线



John Locke写作竞赛是由位于牛津的独立教育组织John Locke Institute与英国牛津大学、美国普林斯顿大学等优质院校教授合作组织的学术项目。约翰洛克学院致力于挖掘学生成为优秀作家的潜质,并希望学生拥有独立思考、知识深度、清晰的推理、批判性分析和说服风格的优良特质。

| 约翰洛克写作竞赛是什么?


· 源自牛津,助力 G5 申请准备(Eassy +面试)

· 立足国际课程,更好应对IB/AP/A-Level学术写作

· 英文写作/思辨能力全面提高


· 少有的文社科竞赛:覆盖政治、经济、历史、哲学、心理学、神学、法律等学科

· 辅助提高申请Eassy和面试准备:积累解题经验、部分题目和牛剑面试样题相似

· 评判标准和Oxbridge的written work要求类似




· 个人参赛,免费报名,无国家及学校的限制。

· 参赛者年龄2022年6月30日前须在18岁及以下(高年级组)。

· 作品:2000字议论文

· 每篇文章只需回答所选主题类别中的一个问题,且不得超过2000字(不包括图表、数据表、脚注、参考书目或作者声明)。


Best Essay;各分类一二三等奖;入围奖





| 2021获奖数据



共277 位中国学生成功入围。

| 2022竞赛新题大公开

【Philosophy 哲学】

Q1. How likely is the multiverse? Would it change anything if (somehow) we came to know the theory was true?

Q2. If our actions are a consequence of our capacities and preferences, and if those things are, in turn, a result of our genetic inheritance and the external world in which we happen to find ourselves, are we ultimately responsible for our choices?

Q3. Is it moral to take money from people through the force of law in order to pay philosophers to philosophize?

Q4. When, if ever, can acts involving only consenting adults be morally wrong?

【Politics 政治】

Q1. Should we allow political donations?

Q2. What, if anything, do rich nations owe poor nations?

Q3. Is there such a thing as a common good?

Q4. Is the good citizen always a good person? Is the good person always a good citizen?

【Economics 经济学】

Q1. Is Bitcoin a blessing or a curse?

Q2. What’s wrong with the housing market? How can we fix it?

Q3. Should Amazon pay people more? What would happen if they immediately increased every worker’s salary by twenty percent?

Q4. Is Henry George’s land value tax fair, efficient, both, or neither?

【History 历史】

Q1. Was there anything good about the British empire?

Q2. Is China an imperial power?

Q3. Is Western civilization in decline?

Q4. Do leaders make events or do events make leaders?

【Psychology 心理学】

Q1. Are we getting nastier?

Q2. Are men and women psychologically different? Does it matter?

Q3. Is there any mental illness that isn’t ultimately physical?

Q4. Does it even make sense to hate someone for his or her opinions?

【Theology 神学】

Q1. Why would God be so coy?

Q2. “The God of the Bible and the Koran is a primitive human’s idea of a great being… But that is not what an actual supreme being would be like.” Is there a holy book that manifests divine authorship?

Q3. “And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.” Can one be a Christian without believing in the miraculous resurrection of Jesus?

Q4. Is faith anything other than uncertain belief on incomplete evidence?

【Law 法律】

Q1. Does prison work?

Q2. “People who serve on juries are ill-informed, prejudiced, and not clever enough to avoid jury service.” Should we abolish Trial by Jury?

Q3. Should “hate crimes” be punished more severely than the same crime with different motives?



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