2023-11-05 17:26:39 来源:中国教育在线
变化一:文书大换血!出现了4个全新的必答题目,一起来看 ~
题目: (WHY Major类) Why did you choose that area of interest?
题目: (STEM探索类) At Caltech, we investigate some of the most challenging, fundamental problems in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Identify and describe two
STEM-related experiences from your high schoolyears, either in or out of the classroom, and tell us how and why they activated your curiosity. What about them made you want to learn more and explore further?
题目: (个人创造力) The creativity, inventiveness, and innovation of Caltech' s students,faculty, and researchers have won Nobel Prizes and put rovers on Mars, but Techers also imagine smaller scale innovations every day, from new ways to design solar cells to 3D printing dorm decor. How have you been an innovator in your own life?
题目: (背景塑造) The process of discovery is best advanced when people from diverse backgrounds come together to solve the greatest challenges in their fields. How do your past experiences and present-day perspectives inform who you have become and how younavigate the world?
题目: If there are aspects of your identity that you feel are not captured elsewhere in this application, please provide that information below.
题目: When not surveying the stars, peering through microscopes, or running through marathons of coding, Caltech students pursue an eclectic array of interests that range from speedcubing to participating in varsity athletics to reading romance novels. What is a favorite interest or hobby and why does it bring you joy?
题目: Did you have a hard time narrowing it down to just one interest or hobby? We understand一Caltech students like to stay busy, too 一tell us about another hobby or interest!