2022-02-22 14:41
  The Measures for the Administration of Work-Study for International Students in Institutions of Higher Learning published at the end of 2021 is the first edition of the more detailed normative document issued by the People's Republic of China specifically for the work-study activities of international students. Although other laws and regulations have previously regulated the work-study behavior of international students, there is no unified and specific document to guide it in detail. Therefore, the release of these measures is of great significance. It shows that China's laws and regulations on the management of international students are gradually improving, and they are moving towards an open road. So what are the main points of the newly issued document that deserve our attention? Let me interpret it for you:
  一、关于勤工助学时长和薪酬 About Work-Study Hours and Salary
  The newly promulgated document continues the previous regulations on the duration and salary of work-study in the Measures for the Administration of Work-Study in Institutions of Higher Learning, that is, "In principle, the time for students to participate in work-study should not exceed 8 hours per week and 40 hours per month", and clarified that "During the winter and summer vacations, the time for students to participate in work-study should not exceed 16 hours per week and 80 hours per month in principle". In terms of treatment, whether it is on-campus or off-campus work-study, the remuneration standards for international students and Chinese students are still similar, that is, not lower than the local minimum living standard or minimum wage standard.
  第五条 国际学生校内外勤工助学,原则上每周不超过8小时,每月不超过40小时。寒暑假期间,原则上每周不超过16小时,每月不超过80小时。
  第六条 学校不得安排或授权学生参加有毒有害和危险的生产作业,且须确保从事勤工助学活动的国际学生已购买覆盖勤工助学活动的保险。
  二、关于校内勤工助学 About On-Campus Work-Study
  As far as on-campus work-study is concerned, it is foreseeable that on-campus work-study positions open to Chinese students may be gradually opened to international students. On the other hand, on-campus work-study positions with international characteristics that are specially open to international students may appear. Compared with off-campus work-study, on-campus work-study is simpler in procedure, more convenient, standardized, and more secure, but the salary level may not be high.
  第七条 国际学生校内勤工助学,岗位设置应以校内教学助理、科研助理、行政管理助理和学校公共服务等为主。岗位设置既要满足学生需求,又要避免占用正常学习时间。国际学生校内勤工助学活动的薪酬支出由学校统筹安排。
  第八条 国际学生勤工助学按以下标准计酬:校内固定岗位按月计酬。每月40个工时的酬金原则上不低于当地居民最低生活保障标准,可适当上下浮动。
  三、关于校外勤工助学 About Off-Campus Work-Study
  These measures put forward some prerequisites for international students to engage in off-campus work-study activities. It specifically mentions that only international students who have studied continuously in the current school for more than a year can participate in off-campus work-study activities, which means that freshmen do not have the eligibility to participate in off-campus work-study activities. At the same time, the measures mentioned that only international students with "the remaining valid residence time of more than six months" can participate in off-campus work-study, which means that many international students holding short-term study visas/residence permits are also restricted from participating in off-campus work-study programs. In addition, the geographical scope of work-study should be limited to the municipal administrative area with districts where the school is located.
  It is worth noting that these measures do not restrict or guide the off-campus work-study positions, employer types, industries, professional qualifications, and so on. Are international students qualified to engage in language teaching jobs in off-campus work-study activities? Can international students work as entertainers or even bar DJs? It is expected that these specific questions can be answered in the implementation rules of the work-study management measures for international students to be promulgated by local governments/schools.
  第八条 国际学生勤工助学按以下标准计酬:校内固定岗位按月计酬。每月40个工时的酬金原则上不低于当地居民最低生活保障标准,可适当上下浮动。
  第九条 国际学生从事校外勤工助学活动,需满足以下基本条件:
  第十条 学生应将与用人单位之间签署协议书副本提交学校备案,同时提交单方承诺函,对风险承担等方面作出承诺。
  第十一条 国际学生在校外从事勤工助学活动,须持协议书、学校证明函件及相关材料,按照有关规定于十日内向学校所在地公安机关出入境管理部门申请居留证加注工作单位、期限等勤工助学相关信息。持用未加注勤工助学相关信息的居留证不得进行校外勤工助学活动。
  四、温馨提示/注意事项 Tips
  It should be reminded that if your work-study behavior exceeds the time and scope stipulated by the law, you will still face the risk and punishment of "illegal employment", such as fines, detention, and even deportation. Therefore, let's abide by the law when engaging in work-study activities.
  第十三条 国际学生如有以下情况之一,学校应取消其勤工助学资格,并及时向公安机关出入境管理部门报告:
  第十四条 国际学生勤工助学超出岗位范围或规定时限的,由公安机关出入境管理部门依法予以查处。
  第十五条 各省级教育行政部门应会同当地公安、移民管理、人力资源社会保障等部门,对本行政区域内国际学生勤工助学活动进行协调和监管,指导本行政区域内学校结合本校及当地实际情况,制订完善国际学生勤工助学实施细则,根据当地相关规定对国际学生勤工助学岗位范围实施动态管理。
  Although these measures have been promulgated by the end of 2021, it will still take some time for provincial education administrative departments and colleges and universities to formulate detailed work-study implementation rules for international students, especially to further regulate the conduct of off-campus work-study activities. Let's be patient. After all, they are already on the way to legalizing part-time jobs for international students. I believe that the future of studying in China will be bright, and the dream of studying in China will be easier to realize.

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