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2022-10-17 14:36:50 来源:中国教育在线


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Many people continue to use cars and motorcycles even though they know that they are bad for the environment.

Why is this?What can be done to reduce the use of these vehicles?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.












While most people are aware of the environment damage done by using private vehicles,many people still rely on cars and motorcycles on a daily basis.This situation can be explained by the current lifestyle in our society,as well as some psychological considerations.In order to reduce the use of conventionally fueled vehicles,a series of government intervention and support would be needed.

In most cases,the public choose different modes of transportation to suit their lifestyle.The fast pace of living encourages people to go for efficiency as much as they can.In terms of daily commute,people tend to enjoy the convenience and privacy in their own vehicles,instead of enduring the hassle involved in taking buses and trains,Besides,in sparsely populated areas,due to a lack of well-developed public transportation,buying a self-owned vehicle would be essential for travelling prolonged distances.

Psychology is also at work when people decide what to take for their trips.Driving a vehicle is very often considered as a symbol of freedom,in that it provides a sense of having control over life.For some people,car ownership also means an improvement in personal social status and may even be regarded as an advantage in business settings.Another psychological factor is that,despite the awareness of environment protection,individuals would think that their choice of transportation makes little difference in this global matter.

To encourage people to make a change,governments need to continue investing in public transport,in order to make them more comfortable,reachable and faster than they are at the moment.This would hopefully make people consider using buses and subways more,particularly for people having to travel long distances frequently.In addition,the promotion of cycling and carpool system has been proven to be effective.For instance,with government funding and policy support,employers can carry out programs,such as providing cash incentives,to encourage their employees to use green transport more,or to share a vehicle when traveling to the same destination.

In conclusion,the public choose to use cars and motorcycles because of their lifestyle,social belief,and lack of incentive.Public transport and green modes of commuting would need to be more comfortable,available and attractive for people,with collaborative efforts of authorities and employers.

(382 words)


rely on依赖于

on a daily basis每一天

this situation can be explained by…这个状况的原因是…

psychological consideration心理考虑,心理因素

conventionally fueled vehicle传统燃油汽车

intervention n.干预,干涉

suit their lifestyle匹配他们的生活方式

the fast pace of living快节奏的生活

go for倾心于,选择

endure v.忍受

hassle n.麻烦

sparsely populated areas人口较少的地区

be at work在起作用

in that因为

have control over对…有控制

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