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2023-06-12 10:49:13 来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语介绍一本喜欢的书范文, 今天中国教育在线就来为大家分析这个问题。


Describe a book you liked to read in your childhood.

You should say:

who wrote this book

what it is about

hen you read it

and explain why you liked it.


I wasn't much of a bookworm but I did occasionally read novels from time to time during my childhood.In fact,I'd like to talk about a book I read when I was 9 years old,written by Li Hong.Its English name translates as'Hero'.

I would have been in primary school at the time,I guess around grade 4,but I can't remember exactly off the top of my head.Bear in mind that in those days I would rather go outside and play with my friends than read a book,but I remember this book in particular taking up a large portion of my time.

The book is actually the first in a series of 6 books that are set in a fantasy world of old magic,monsters and knights in shining armour.It is set on an epic scale across a vast,vibrant and immensely detailed world with each chapter dedicated to just one character's viewpoint.It's perfect for a young boy with a vivid imagination,looking for a bit of adventure.

In this way I think the book really stands out from the others I have read.The plot lines twist and turn with many surprises and cliff-hangers so I found it almost impossible to put down.The speed the story develops makes the book a real page-turner and even though it is nearly 1000 pages long I got through it in under a fortnight.


Describe an exciting book you have read

这道题的关键词是exciting,它在牛津词典中的解释是causing great excitement or interest因此童鞋们不要搞错了,很多人会以为单单是令人很兴奋的书。所以,只要是产生浓厚兴趣的都算做这个范畴的书。

You should say:

When you read it

What type/kind of book it i

What it is about

Why you read it/why it is exciting


一本我读过的让人振奋的书是《The Lonely Planet》,它是一本内容很丰富的世界畅销旅行指南。

An exciting book that I have read is the Lonely Planet,which is a very popular and informative traveling book in the world.


The first time I read it was during the last Christmas.I saw an advertisement about this book series,and immediately bought it on JD Read,which is an online book selling platform.It was a must for me during that time because I wanted it to be my helpful tour guide when I was traveling around New Zealand.


I thought this book was quite worthwhile reading,because there’s not only a lot of vivid pictures and maps which indicated some cultural aspects about New Zealand,but also provided up some up-to-date contact information of so many awesome hotels,cafeterias and museums,etc.


What made me feel very excited about this book was that it enabled me to find a very wonderful and quiet resort that was not known to most travels in New Zealand.This resort had first class service,and provided us tasty breakfast without charge.This place also allowed me to make some Maori friends who taught me a lot useful Maori expressions.I spend my most memorable two weeks there during the whole last year.

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