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2023-10-03 13:46:40 来源:中国教育在线



托福 口语第一题模板



T: topic (answer the question)

S: supporting ideas (reasons or details)

C: conclusion (restate your point)

T: TOPIC 重复题目:

Personal speaking, I would like to do______ I would choose ____ as my

my ____ is_____

What ______did/do you _______ 修饰成分

the _______ that I ______ most 修饰成分 is______

based on what I’ve known


There are 2 reasons to name/mention/talk about.

I can further explain this with a couple of reasons.

I would like to do sth because of the following reasons

I will name 2 reasons to support my explanation.

S-supporting reasons and details

R1 first /the first reason is…, doing sth is a good way to …

D1 for example / because

R2 second / the second reason is, by doing … it can…

D2 I still remember/ suppose


Describe a public area that you visit frequently. Please state why you visit it frequently and include specific examples and details in your explanation.

Let’s focus on the “s” part first

Ways to expand your answers


A. quiet ---roommates, noise

B convenient and comfortable--- Wifi, journals, books and big table


personally, I would have to say that, my favorite place to visit is the library, and there are a couple of reasons to name.

Supporting ideas

论据1,reason & detail

Reason: the most important thing is that I need to find a quiet place to study.

Detail: because my roommates like to watch TV and create too much noise in my dorm room. So the library is the best place I have found so far, it’s more than just quiet.

论据2, reason & detail

Reason: also, the library provides Wifi and many journals and books. There are big tables to work at too.

Detail: therefore it’s quite convenient and comfortable.

Conclusion : that’s why I love it.

T: personally, I would have to say that…

And there are a couple of reasons to name.

S: the most important thing is that, you know, ……

also, ……

C: so that’s why….


1.zero in on 瞄准;集中精力

例 句:Once you have identified suspicious traffic, you can then start to add specifications on the command line to zero in on the detail of the traffic.


2.Gentleman’s agreement 君子协议

例 句:"What we have seen over the past couple years is, you might think of it as a kind of a gentleman's agreement not to discuss Iraq, " he said.


3.Walk on air 兴高采烈

例句:Some students seem to walk on air after they succeed in passing the entrance examination of college.


4.At an awkward age 即将成年

例句:Tom was very easy to bring up and never seemed to have an awkward age at all

汤姆是一个很容易带大的孩子,他好像从来就没有 成年前的那种彷徨。

5.Autumn of somebody’s life 在垂暮之年

例句:It's amazing that somebody can still contribute to society even in the autumn of his life.


6.Paint the lily 多此一举

例句:Comment upon this would be to paint the lily.


7.Lay at somebody’s door 归咎于某人

例句:Don't lay the blame at my door; you spilled food on the carpet too!


8.Wall-to-wall 无处不在的; 似无处不在的

例句:Within minutes, the presidential salvo is wall-to-wall on the wire services and TV news. Then the Internet.


9.To Put on the dog 摆阔、装门面

例句:But what I like about him was that he never put on the dog to show off his money.


10.On the side 作为兼职

例句:He's a teacher but he does some journalism on the side.



托福口语除了背诵模板之外,大家也需要积累一些相应的素材,其中一些高分句型的储备和使用, 也是非常关键的。大家在口语的回答中,熟练的运用这些句子,也可以辅助大家拿到托福口语部分的功夫。

1 Get going!


2 We've got to hit the road.

(我们要赶快了,hit the road表现出紧急,很形象)

3 I can't place his face.


4 Once bitten , twice shy.


5 I'm exhausted.


6 ..is now in season.


7 Let's grab a bite to eat.


8 This food is out of the world.


9 What a bummer!


10 First things first .


11 Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.


12 Did you get the picture.


13 Be back in...minutes!


14 Time is running out.


15 Great minds think alike.


16 it's just my cup of tea.


17 Take it easy. easy dose it.


18 Do as i said.


19 Let's roll up our sleeves.


20 Put it in my hands.



>> 雅思 托福 免费测试、量身规划、让英语学习不再困难<<

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