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2023-10-03 15:04:50 来源:中国教育在线




A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or to protect the environment. Which do you think the company should choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Deciding between supporting the arts and protecting the environment is a difficult choice to make,  but I think I would choose protecting the environment. Arts help to maintain our culture and serve  as a source of entertainment. However, we need a healthy environment in order to survive so we  must protect it. We need to protect the environment now to help prevent health problems, to  maintain the ecosystem, and to preserve the Earth for our children.

Pollution from factories and cars can cause damage to the environment. Moreover, pollution  causes health problems particularly for children and the elderly who have weaker immune  systems. We need to ensure that there are controls on the amount of pollution when possible so as  to prevent health problems caused by breathing dirty air.

We also need to pay attention to the ecosystem. Trees, plant life, and people all depend on each  other. An unhealthy environment can have harmful effects on the ecosystem. For example, if a  plant dies because of changes to the environment and that plant is food for a animal, that animal  won't have any food. If humans use that animal as a food source, there could be big problems.  If we do not respect our environment now, it will continue to get worse and our children will  suffer the consequences. They would not have the same quality of air to breathe or natural beauty  to admire. That would be sad.

Without clean air to breathe, a healthy ecosystem, and a future for our children, the human race would not survive. That's why protecting our environment is important. If we have a healthy environment, we have healthy children who will be able to participate and appreciate the arts.


Some people are always in a hurry to go places and get things done. Other people prefer to take their time and live life at a slower pace. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Life is short. Haste makes waste. What's your hurry? These three sayings characterize the way I  manage my day to day chores. I don't want to rush through things; I prefer to take my time. Life is short. You never know what may happen tomorrow so it is important to enjoy today. Of course, some people will say that's why it is important to cram a lot into a day. But then, how would you possibly have time to enjoy all of those experiences. By doing a few things slowly and doing them well, you can savor the experience.

Haste makes waste. We are not machines. We can't rush through things mechanically. If we do, we might forget something; we might take shortcuts. By taking our time, we can do a chore carefully, completely, and correctly.

What's your hurry? Where's the fire? I don t see any need to rush to the next experience. There's still a lot to see and learn from the chores around you. Taking care of your baby brother for instance can be very rewarding. You could simply keep him near you while you watch TV and write a letter and talk on the phone. Or you could devote your whole attention to him and observe his reactions to his environment. You can observe carefully, if you are trying to do four things at the same time.

To twist a common saying, "Don't just do something, sit there!" Take life easy and savor each minute. Life is shorter than you think.


What do you want most in a friend - someone who is intelligent, or someone who has a sense of humor, or someone who is reliable? Which one of these characteristics is most important to you? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice.


Friends are very important in everyone's life. But there are different types of friends: some of them are very intelligent, some have a good sense of humor and some are reliable. What I want  most is the friend who has a good sense of humor.

Humor is a very important character of a person, because a person who is humorous can always  bring you happiness. I have a friend, who is not very intelligent and reliable, but he is one of my  best friends, just because he has a good sense of humor. Whenever you call him, talk with him, he  always tells you some funny jokes that make you laughing. Even though you are in a very bad mood, he can make you laugh and forget the sad things. A friend with a good sense of humor is very optimistic; they can make your world full of light.

If a person doesn't have a sense of humor at all, that's really bad. No matter how intelligent he is, no matter how reliable he is, he will never bring you happiness, although he can help you solve a few problems, his world is without laughter. In my class there is a very smart guy, but because of his lack of humor, we don't like to play with him, although it seems that he knows everything. Friend plays a very significant role in everyone's life. But humor is the most important character in a friend, because humorous friends make you happy and see the world optimistically. They make your world full of hope, and full of laughter.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons for the future. Use reasons and specific examples to support our answer.


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