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2023-10-03 16:22:30 来源:中国教育在线



托福 口语教育类话题托福口语教育类话题



1. What can parents do to help their children succeed in school? Please include details and examples in your answer.

2. What do you think is the most important thing that parents should teach children?


课外活动extracurricular activities/after-school activities

体育运动physical activities

体育俱乐部sports clubs

提升健康improve one’s health

与他人社交socialize with others

与他人相处get along with others

好的社交者a good mixer

沟通技能communication skills


有礼貌: courteous(adj.) /courtesy(n.)/good manners


时间管理time management

根据重要程度给任务安排优先顺序prioritize tasks according to degree of importance

创建任务清单create a do-do list

提升效率improve efficiency

带领/导致某人做某事lead sb. to do


跟进孩子在校表现track children’s performance at school

学术表现/学习成绩academic performance



向目标奋斗strive for goals



3. Which one of the following qualities do you think a good school should have? Students who like to help each other, knowledgeable teachers or strict rules?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The success of a good school depends on experienced teachers.

传授知识convey/impart knowledge

遇到困难encounter difficulties

向…求助turn to sb. for help


(可供学习的)榜样role model

激励某人做某事motivate sb. to do


5. Which of the following three courses would you choose to take? A. Art history B. Science history C. 20th century history

6. What is your favorite subject at school?

7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should learn to draw or paint.

促进大脑活动boost brain activity

…是一种放松减压的方式: …is a way to loosen up and let go of stress

专业major(n.)/major in(v.)

跨学科课程interdisciplinary course

审美beauty appreciation

获得对…的深刻理解gain a deep understanding of…

颜色搭配match colors

增强艺术技能enhance artistic skills

科学研究scientific research




Some students like to take notes in class, others prefer to mainly listen to the teachers Which one do you prefer? Explain why.




take notes

Ø recall the important points --not everything discussed in the class are included in the textbook; easy to forget

Ø Serve as a brief outline of the primary contents. By reviewing these outlines, I can save a lot of time of screening the whole book.


三. Sample:

I prefer to take notes very often during class. First of all, not everything discussed in the class are included in the textbook. Everyone’s memory is limited and no one can guarantee that he/she is able to recall what has learned during the class. So, the notes taken during the class can help us to recall the important points. In addition, it will be easier for me to review the subject when needed. Usually, the notes we taking during the class are a brief outline of the primary contents. By reviewing these outlines, I can save a lot of time of screening the whole book. Finally, taking notes can facilitate the process of memorizing important point.


1. I prefer to take notes very often during class.


2 .First of all, not everything discussed in the class are included in the textbook.

这是第一个一个论点。这个句型中discussed做后置定语来修饰everything,be include in是被动语态。

3. So, the notes taken during the class can help us to recall the important points


4. In addition, it will be easier for me to review the subject when needed.

In addition是一个连词,大家在做练习的时候也要注意使用连词来表明段落和段落,句子和句子之间的层次性。这句话表明了第二个论点。

5 .Finally, taking notes can facilitate the process of memorizing important point.



1. Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science? Include details and examples to support your opinion. (05. 12.2; 07.10.17考题)

Sample answer:

Music and art should be important components(成分,科目) of the school curriculum(课程) because they have many uses besides recreation.

To study music is to study the basics. Through its study, students come into contact with(接触) other basic areas of the curriculum: math, science, social studies, languages, and physical education.

Apart from that, music, like reading, writing and speaking, conveys(传达) thoughts, ideas and feelings. It also provides an avenue for(提供方法/途径) developing self-expression and creativity.

On the other hand, art education in itself has tremendous value(具有巨大价值). Learning about the history, sharing ideas and knowledge, is always a good thing. Music and art, therefore, as important parts of our lives, should be taught in high school.

2. Do you think sports courses should be a required part of every school day? (06. 9.23; 06.11.3考题)

Sample answer:

From my point of view, sports courses form an essential part of children''''s education for many reasons.

First of all, doing sports helps maintain the physical fitness of students. Movement coming from physical exertion during exercise promotes circulation of blood to all parts of the body. Thus, it results in vigor and stamina which help to prevent diseases and sickness.

Moreover, exercise develops sportsmanship among students. When they play as a team, they are able to identify their role and worth to reach the same goal. It also helps enrich/promote/improve their friendship and personality.

Therefore, I think sports courses should be mandatory (必修的) in school.

3. Some students like classes where teachers lecture in class. Other students prefer classes where the students do some of the talking. Which type of class do you prefer? (06. 10. 15考题) (中立)

Sample answer:

Both teaching and learning approaches are valuable and have relative merits.

Classes dominated by teacher''''s lectures are full of enthusiasm which stimulates interest. Then the interested people tend to learn more. Also, lectures provide a faster, simpler method of presenting information to the students. They are particularly useful for students who read poorly or who are unable to organize the material. While on the other hand, tutorial allows students to participate in discussions which put them in an active role rather than a passive one. However, neither of them is universal. Therefore, I can hardly say that I prefer either approach; I think the choice should depend on circumstances including the subject to learn, the depth to explore and the quality that the lecturer or the discussing group have.

4. Do you agree or disagree that college students should do an internship before graduation? (07. 5.18考题)


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