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2023-10-04 15:58:43 来源:中国教育在线



托福TPO7口语task4题目 Reading Part:

Behavior Modification

Individuals often modify their behavior based on what they have learned about the possible consequences of their actions. When an individual learns through experience that a certain behavior results in pleasant consequences, thatbehavior is likely to be repeated. An unpleasant consequence, on the other hand, discourages further repetition of the behavior. While behavior modification can be observed in experiments, it also occurs frequently in everyday settings,when individuals change their behavior based on what they have learned about the consequences of that behavior.

托福TPO7口语task4题目 Listening Part:

Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic in a Psychology class.

(male) This happens all the time with kids in schools. Say there was a little boy or girl who’s just starting school. Well, they’re not really used to the rules about proper behaviors for classroom. So at the beginning they might, Idon’t know, interrupt the teacher, walk around the classroom when they’re supposed to be sitting down. You know, just misbehaving in general.

Ok, but, what happens? Well, the teacher gets angry with them when they act this way. They might get punished. They have to sit at their desks when everyone else is allowed to go outside and play. And they certainly don’t like that.

Soon, they’ll learn that this kind of behavior gets them in trouble. They’ll also learn that when they raise their hand to talk to the teacher and sit quietly and pay attention during class, they are rewarded.

The teacher tells them she’s proud of them and maybe puts a little happy-face sticker on their homework. Now that their behavior gets a good reaction from the teacher, the kids learn to always act this way in class. And not behave theway they used to.

托福TPO7口语task4题目 Question:

Using the example from the lecture, explain what behavior modification is and how it works.


1. Reading key

(1.1) Term: Behavior Modification

(1.2) Definition: Individuals often modify their behavior based on what they have learned about the possible consequences of their actions.

2. Listening key

(2.1) Example part one

(2.1.1) Improper behavior: walking around the classroom; interrupting the teacher

(2.1.2) Reaction from teacher: gets mad; punish them by not allowing them to play outside

(2.1.3) Result: discourages further repetition of the behavior

(2.2) Example part two

(2.2.1) Proper behavior: sitting quietly in class, raising hand before talking

(2.2.2) Reaction from teacher: tells the kids she’s proud of them; puts happy face stickers on their homework

(2.2.3) Result: kids will repeat the desirable behavior to receive more compliment from the teacher


The professor talks about behavior modification which is people would change or modify a behavior according to the result of that behavior. The professor gives the example of school kids. When they interrupt the teacher or misbehave inany other way, the teacher gets angry and might punish them by not allowing them to play outside. So the kids will learn those behaviors get them in trouble, and will likely stop doing it. On the other hand, when they behave themselvesin the classroom, the teacher will tell them she’s proud of them and put a little happy face sticker on their homework. Therefore the kids will begin to act in the way in which they can receive more compliment.



首先看看题目要求:Using the example from the lecture, explain what behavior modification is and how it works.要求中包含了三个重要的内容,即得分点:1.使用听力讲座中的例子;2.解释文章中的一个概念(behavior modification);3.这个概念是如何发挥作用的。使用听力中的例子,即要将听力的内容完整地概括出来。一般来说,听力中包含一个或两个具体的例子或实验,字数在280-320左右,要求考生在一分钟之内将例子概括完整。如果概括的不全面,那么分数就会受到很大的影响。


第三个得分点是分析这个概念是如何发挥作用的。建议考生在概括完听力中的例子后,用一句话来回应第三个得分点,例如:From the examples we can conclude that pleasant consequence encourages the repetition of behaviors.






在一分钟之内用口语概括出阅读、听力中的内容,这个是很有难度的。看一个例题:One group got the boy looking angry. In fact he was actually throwing the cake on the floor. The other group got a picture of the boy smiling, happy, holding out the cake like he was offering it. Same boy, same cake, but different emotions expressed in each picture.


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