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2023-10-07 12:39:19 来源:中国教育在线





There are a lot of views whether the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. Different people has different viewpoint. In my opinion, a group led by a tour guide is the best way to travel. The argument for this view goes as follows:

In the first place, there are many advantages when people travel in a group. First, people will not feel boring in a long trip. People can talk, laugh and make joking like a big family. Second, the  group will help you a lot when you have any emergency. The people in the group could help you figure out the awkward situation that will be unimaginable when you travel alone. Third, with the group discount, such as the discount for airplane ticket, the hotel, and the admission ticket, travelers can save a lot of money when they use the group discount.

In the second place, there are many advantages too when people travel led by a tour guide. The tour guide will arrange all the details about the trip in advance. The traveler need not worry about where to find the hotel, where to rent the car, and how to find the direction. It will make the trip a little bit easy. Another advantage is that led by a tour guide will save much time than traveling alone. With the professional knowledge, tour guide will make the smartest schedule. I would never forget that one of my friend, a city tour guide in the Shanghai, China, said that she can lead traveler to visit the whole city by one day which people should spend two or three days to finish it.

In conclusion, there are many advantages when people travels in a group led by a tour guide, such as save money, save time, do not feel boring, and is easy to take care of. Therefore, I stronglyagree that the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide.


No doubt,I do strongly advocate this idea that the best way to travel in a group led by a tour guide. There are numerous reasons why I agree with this opinion, and I would in here explain a few of the most imporant ones.

At first, I can get many conveniences if I travel in a group led by a tour guide. I don't worry about some things such as residence, transportation, and eating. During the whole journey, I can completely enjoy the pleasure of traveling without being disturbed by some trivial things.

Another reason why I agree with this idea is that traveling with a group people is more enjoyable than traveling alone. We can share with the beautiful view each other and can express our feeling each other. In addition, if I encounter certain difficulities, there will be many people to help me. So, this traveling pattern will also more safe.

The last reason is that a tour guild will let us learn more knowledge about where we will go because we aren't familiar with that place. Maybe due to our ignorance, we will miss many interesting places without a tour guild.

Understanding the reasoning above, it is quite safe now to say: the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guild.


A great benefit of taking a tour is the relaxation you get to do. Obviously, We all have over-scheduling workday or schoolday, due to various problems or issues bothering us. The distance given by traveling can also help you figure things out that you would not have understood. It’s a very good stress remover so that we can enjoy a stress free time. Also, going on vacation lets us recharge our “batteries” by disconnecting us from our regular life. When we come back we feel invigorated and we are happy to be back in our day to day routine.

Traveling expands our knowledge and widens our perspective, thus increasing our resourcefulness. To view new customs, different ways of living is fantastic for the mind. It gives us a new perspective about life and especially our life. I have noticed that people who traveled a lot in life were ready to embrace change and foster a natural ability of overcoming problems that others would frown upon.

When traveling with friends or family it creates memories for a lifetime. Travelling is worth every penny you will spend because memories last forever.These memories will create an emotional bond that nothing can erase no matter what happens to the friendship/relationship. It can also give a new perspective on the relationship and cement the bond forever. It also gives nice stories to tell people afterwards, you can make photo albums about your trips and when you feel nostalgic you can take an hour of your life and experience the trips again by looking at your pictures.


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