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2023-10-07 12:58:11 来源:中国教育在线




If you are selecting a leader for a student organization, honesty is the most important to consider in deciding whom to vote for. 如果为学生社团选择一位领导者,性格诚实应该是你选择投票给谁时最重要的考虑因素。


Honesty is a good quality to lead a student organization. A lot of students vote for a campaign candidate who is loyal and honest as the best one to lead a student organization. As far as I am concerned, being honest is essential in running a students union; however there are other factors that draw the same attention.

Admittedly, telling the truth when dealing with student affairs is helpful for colleagues to improve. In order to fully support other workmate, directly telling them where the problem is and how to correct it are useful. For example, when a colleague who is new to the Office of Student Affairs, makes a mistake in correctly registering student’ names, plainly pointing out his mistake is necessary. In addition to this, it would be also appropriate to tell him that student’ handwritings are normally scratchy, and there would be more typos if he has not paid enough attention to them. In a word, being honest to his mistake would not discourage his working enterprise, but encourage him to work with more cautions. However, on balance, for a leader to manage the team well, being honest is not enough for the absolutely honest to others would hurt their feelings. To avoid this, we have to consider other factors as a leader of a student organization.

To begin with, admitting to personal mistakes is a crucial characteristics for a leader, which sets foundation for self-improvement. If one is unable to acknowledge where he has failed, he will never be able to begin the process of working on the areas of weakness. In order to be a strong leader, one has to make mistakes, and confront them with a desire to do better in the future. This has more to do with improving your competence as a leader, rather than how people perceive you. A leader will constantly be faced with tough decisions. Every leader thus has to take risks, but a good leader takes calculated risks. The only way to get better at this decision-making process is to make mistakes and learn from them. Also, if you are willing to make your mistakes public, the voters and colleagues may be willing to trust you to take bigger risks in the future.

In addition, how to cooperate with other teammates is also worth noticing. In other words, team cooperation is able to improve the efficiency when encountering difficulties. According to a survey conducted by Gallup, after polling hundreds of student leaders from universities in California, a significant percentage of them regard that being cooperative in dealing with problems could get everybody involved when making decisions. During the discussion, suggestions from different members would make the problems comprehensively considered, and hence minimizing the chance to ignoring certain aspects. Meanwhile, letting everyone have an opportunity to express his opinion makes them feel a part of the team, which is essential to build team spirit.

To sum up, there is no denying that honesty could help a student leader to run the organization. However, to consider it as the most important one is too absolute, and there are other factors, such as admitting to errors and teamwork, that are indispensable for a leader to take consideration.


Do you agree or disagree: It is impossible to always be completely honest with your friends?


We can never over emphasis the importance of friends who help us get through hard time and keep us company in daily life. Though it is commonly believed that honesty and mutual trust are essential ingredients for people to maintain friendship in the long run, people usually have justified excuses to lie or encounter various situations under which they have to hide the truth. In fact, to be absolutely honest with friends is impossible.

To begin with, people sometimes tell white lies, in order to protect friends’ feelings and interests. Under certain circumstances, the so-called truth does no good to friends but bring many troubles. At this moment, although friends may appreciate our honesty, they still feel hurt and choose to keep distance with us, as our appearance will remind them the unhappy situation. Gradually, friends become estranged and feel difficult to patch up the relationship. Therefore, to avoid unnecessary frictions, people need white lies. For example, it is unwise to tell a female friend that she has gained weight and does not fit the new dress, if she comes to show her new look happily. The candid comments will severely discourage her confidence or even irritate her if she is sensitive on her appearance. On the contrary, white lies can help her keep positive and if necessary we could advise her to do more exercises to keep fit.

Secondly, people sometimes hide privacy with friends to avoid embarrassment and give themselves an opportunity to forget the past and have a new beginning. Inevitably, people encounter something unpleasant or even disgraceful, such as discomfiture and defeat. When asked by friends about those experiences, people either refuse to answer or make up another story. Furthermore, for some people who have suffered too much, they even move to a new place to start a new life and make new friends. In a new environment that no one knows him or her, the fake but well-meaning introduction of one’s background is therefore acceptable. Take a criminal who gets released from the prison as an example. With no offense, he usually chooses to hide the unmentionable experience behind bars to new friends met in gym in a new city that he tries to settle down.

To sum up, there is almost no unconditional honesty between friends. On the opposite, people need white lies to be in rapport with friends in the long term. Also, there are justified reasons for people to hide truth so as to avoid troubles.




一个诚实的领袖 -->会言而有信体现真诚(具体来说,一个诚实的人看重道德&严格守法不会贪污)-->从而让民众觉得他值得信赖-->从民众中获得的支持非常重要-->因为政客在管理和推行政策中发挥重要作用


Animportant quality of a good politician is honesty. As we all know, a faithful politicianwill give high regard for(看重) morality and be highly law-abiding(守法的) without no tendency tocorrupt so that he will display sincerity and practice what he preaches(践行所宣扬的). In other words, he makespromises and keeps those promises. As a result, the public will form the beliefthat the statesman is trustworthy and reliable(可信可靠).The support from the general public plays a positive role in implementingthousands of important laws and policies(推行法律和政策)to their communities and country. By contrast, a dishonest person is likely to steal taxpayers’ money(偷纳税人的钱)instead of serving people, which is definitely a disaster for the wholecountry.

托福官方题库范文之Are parents the best teachers?

Do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons andexamples to support your answer.


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