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2023-10-11 10:50:42 来源:中国教育在线




Your university has acquired a piece of land next tothe campus. There have been three options for the use of the land.

●the athletic facilities and stadiums

● a park with nature trails

● centers for students and hotel for campus guests

Which do you prefer? Why?








2017年3月11日大陆托福口语Task 2真题回忆:

You live in a crowded city with only one greenspace-the city park. The government recently proposes to build a housingcomplex on this only green space. Do you think this is a good idea?


2016年6月25日大陆托福口语Task 2真题回忆:

If there is someone who wants to donate a land to yourcommunity, which would choose to build, land for crops and flowers orplayground for children?


好了,对于2017年8月27日的托福口语Task 1,同学们会怎么做呢?



I prefer to build a parkwith nature trails. For one thing, the park will be a good place to forstudents to relax themselves because they can breathe the fresh air and enjoythe beautiful scenery while walking on nature trails. For another, the park willalso bring fame to the university. As part of the university, the park willdefinitely be one of the landmarks in the campus, attracting visitors fromnearby areas and even other cities. So, although athletic facilities andstadiums offer a place for students to take exercise and student centers andhotel bring convenience to students and visitors, I still believe a park is thebest choice.


参考答案的中心论点是“修建公园”,分论点一是对学生的好处(relax),分论点二是对学校的好处(landmarks、attracting visitors、bring fame to theuniversity)。

此外,这两个分论点还可以用来回答20170311 Task 2和20160625 Task 2这两道题目,比如:

2017年3月11日大陆托福口语Task 2真题回忆:

You live in a crowded city with only one greenspace-the city park. The government recently proposes to build a housingcomplex on this only green space. Do you think this is a good idea?

●中心论点:not a good idea


●分论点二:公园对城市的好处(landmarks、attracting visitors、improving reputation),改成住宅区就没有特色了。

2016年6月25日大陆托福口语Task 2真题回忆:

If there is someone who wants to donate a land to yourcommunity, which would choose to build, land for crops and flowers orplayground for children?

●中心论点:land for crops and flowers

● 分论点一:公园对所有社区居民的好处(relax),而儿童游乐场则以儿童为主;

●分论点二:公园对社区的好处(landmarks、attracting visitors、improving reputation),改成游乐场就没有特色了。



Your university will sponsor one of the following activities for students, an outdoor camp night, a music festival to experience the local culture or a computer game contest in the dorm. Which do you think is the best and why? 2015-09-17CN t (晚上夜游,音乐节 ,学校电脑游戏大赛)



Which class would you choose to attend if it is free: 1. improve the skill of public presentation, 2. how to start a small business 3. Improve photographic skill? 2014-01-11NA task1

翻译成中文: 有一个免费课参加,你会选择哪个?1. 提升演讲技能,2. 如何做一个小型企业3. 提升摄影技巧的课




1.March 18th, 2015

If you are about to make a donation to a community, which one would you prefer:city library, animal rescue center or environmental organization?

参考思路:选择"City library";Reason 1:library collection is inadequate, Reason 2:more teenagers will have access to resources.

Sample:If possible, I would like to donate part of my savings to city library. To begin with, I think, in the city where I live and learn the library collection is so inadequate that when students or others are working on advanced researches, they are not able to find any resources available, so donating money for the library to buy more periodicals or references will be my first option when it comes to philanthropy. Additionally, some facilities in the library such as the computers should be updated. Nowadays teenagers are more likely to use computers to search materials, so after spending money on those equipment youngsters will easily gain access to resources, which will help them with their academic performance.

2.March 29th, 2016

If you are a teacher of a tutor group and you are going to take students to a study trip, where would you take them to:a science museum, a local farm, or a theatre performance?

参考思路:选择"a theatre performance",Reason 1:students can learn better with their interests, Reason 2:it can help students enlighten their creativity.

Sample:If I were a teacher and had the chance to organize a study trip, I would definitely take my students to a theatre performance and here are my reasons. First, nowadays most students are interested in the acting and show stuff because of the influence of TV and movies, so they will feel excited and learn something about plays better this way. In contrast to that, museums and farms sound relatively more boring to them. Second, I'm going to choose one splendid performance instead of those cheap soap operas so that the kids can be inspired. I will also arrange them to perform by themselves when we are back. This, I believe, will help them enlighten their creativity.



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