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2023-10-13 10:31:34 来源:中国教育在线




A foreign visitor has only one day to spend in your country. Where should this visitor go on that day? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.


If you attend a conference in China, and would like to take a one-day-visit on site seeing and  shopping, there are three factors you might consider: this place must have special tourist features which can represent China, and this place must be close to the place where the meeting is held,therefore you do not have to spend too much time on traveling.

If you are in northern part of China, the best place that you should visit is the city of Beijing, although spending one day in Beijing is too short of a period to fully explore the splendors of the city. Nevertheless, for those of you without the luxury of time, make sure you don't miss a few key points of interest--the Summer Palace, the Forbidden Palace, the Forbidden City, and the Great Wall of China.

The Summer Palace is a royal retreat located on the bank of a large lake. Visitors can walk along a waterfront promenade that leads to a concrete ship docked at the far end of the walk. At the concrete ship, you can take a ferry back to the entrance of the palace. Something you may want to do while at the Summer Palace is go into the gift shop, get dressed in traditional Chinese clothing, and pose for a souvenir photograph.

The Forbidden Palace is absolutely breathtaking. There are a series of gates that lead to the main palace grounds. Pay particular attention to the stairwells in the palace courtyards. There are slabs carved with intricate dragon designs, which the emperor was suspended over in a caravan whenever he left the palace grounds. It would be a good idea to get a local guide to lead you  around the palace and explain the significance of various buildings.

Finally, don't miss the Great Wall. It's located outside of the city and it takes up most of the day, but it's well worth it. When you ascend the Great Wall, there are two paths--one veering to the left and the one veering to the right. The path on the right is less steep and an easier climb. However, if you take the path to the left, you can see the remains of the original wall, and there is a cable car you can take down to the parking area.

Shopping in Beijing is becoming more convenient by the day. The Silk Market at Xiushui Jie is favorites among tourists, experts and locals alike. There you can bargain with the shop owners and buy good quality cloths with a very low price, you can even see plenty of pirated software- ironically, within sight of the US Embassy.

So, there you have it. I encourage anyone to spend at least a few days in Beijing, because there are so much to see.


If you could go back to some time and place in the past, when and where would you go? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.


Back to January 19th,2002 Till now, there is only one thing that makes me feel repentant of. My girlfriend died in Japan, and at that time I was doing my TOEFL test. If I could go back to some time and place in the past, I  choose to go back to January 19th 2002...

I will use a story to show the reasons for choosing this time in the past. My girlfriend's was  Christina. Her father is Japanese, and her mother is Chinese. That is why she looks as beautiful as  an angel. Last winter vacation, I was preparing for the TOEFL test. Of course, I did not pay  enough time for her as usual. I only saw her for twice a month. The night before the TOEFL test, she came to my house. I enjoyed her cooking, and everything looked fine as usual. The next morning, she cooked the breakfast for me.

Before I left, she kissed me and said " Jackey, good luck. I love you!" I replied: "Thanks, honey! I love you, too." The test goes fine. After the test, my cell phone rang as I turned it on. It is one of my best friends Moon. He said " Jackey, Christina went back to Japan. She tried to kill herself. Now she is in the hospital and she is in danger period. You must arrive to the airport in three minutes. The visa, passport and the air ticket are in the car. You have to come to Japan right now. We will see you in Japan!"

When I saw her, she said, " I think your business is more important than me. I do not think you need me any more! Goodbye, forever." She sleeps forever. If I go back to the time, I will stay with her and spend much more time on her. I even can drop my business.

In fact, it is impossible for backing that time! Christina is died. There is not another Christina for me, but will have four times per year for the TOEFL test. The lost would never be back.


What discovery in the last 100 years has been most beneficial for people in your country? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.


I think the most important discovery that has been the most beneficial for people in my country is the invention of Internet. So far as I can tell, the Internet has been beneficial to people around the globe. My view is a commonsense one, based on the fact that the Web is a vast storehouse of information and opinion, which can be scientific, literary, political, sporting or sexual. Anyone with access to a computer and a dialup connection can unlock the door and trawl through its offerings.

The Internet can be used as a broad base of knowledge that contributes to the educational system. Students and teachers benefit from the use of the Internet, as well as administrators and others outside of formal education. Students benefit because the Internet provides a resource to supplemental information for any subject. Educators benefit because the Internet provides a vast knowledge base to prepare for topics. People are not only learning from the Internet, they are contributing and sharing knowledge through networked communities. The Internet is the advancement of education for all its users.

Internet can deliver better customer services to people. The Internet is changing the way we do business. Using Internet broadcasting, we are able to target the right audience, prepare and present a technical presentation on a popular topic, interact with new customers, and collect hundreds of highly qualified leads. As Internet companies continue to find innovative ways to leverage the capabilities of the Internet for businesses, the more we will learn how to provide optimal solutions for customers. Which in turn, will greatly benefit people.

The Internet today is a way to transfer and share information. On the whole, it is a benefit to individuals of all kinds. We do have problems surrounding the Internet that need to be solved, but as with all new technologies there are debates and opinions. Since the Internet technology is spreading, it will soon become as popular as all other forms of communication. If you have not tried it, do so.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Telephones and email have made communication between people less personal. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


>> 雅思 托福 免费测试、量身规划、让英语学习不再困难<<

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