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2023-10-19 11:03:42 来源:中国教育在线




The reading passage states that the archaeology in Britain faces a variety of challenges. The professor, however, claims the guidelines,which were established in 1990, have changed the whole situation a lot.

The reading mentions that many construction projects destroyed the valuable ancient artifacts. It declares that the increasing population in Britain has posed a threat to the artifacts. The professor believes people can adopt several approaches to protect these priceless artifacts. She says that the construction sites should be examined by the archaeologists before any construction activities and then a plan could be made up to protect them.

The reading then argues that there is no adequate financial support for archaeological research in Britain. It also states that the financial support, which is influenced by the unstable government priority, is fluky. Nevertheless, the professor counters by saying companies, which are responsible for the construction sites, should pay for the archaeological work done on the sites, so archaeologists finally can do a lot of work with the new finance source.

Finally, responding to the claim that people can not find a career in archaeology, the professor declares that lots of jobs are provided from the guidelines. For example, many archaeology experts are hired all stages of the process to examine the archaeology site, and they can process the data and write reports and articles.


The writer puts forward three explanations for why the Akkadian Empire did not last long. However, the professor points out that none of the explanations is convincing.

First, as for the rebellions of the conquered city-states, the professor demonstrates that the rebel would not succeed. The only chance that the city-state rebels could successfully resist the central government was they can fight inside the city. But it was impossible because the defensive walls had been destroyed by the empire. So the rebellions would be easily defeated.

Second, the professor states that the Akkadians had the ability to solve the bad weather conditions which is different from the reading. It was because the Akkadians had excellent agricultural technology to help them deal with the bad weather conditions. Their irrigation techniques allowed them to bring water from long distance and they had the knowledge to store food for a long period. As a result, they could have enough food supply even during a long period of reduced rainfall.

Finally, contrary to the opinion of the reading that the loss of old trading partners caused the empire’s downfall, the professor says that the new trading partners could make up the loss. The empire constantly searched for new trading partners from the Indian subcontinent to Mediterranean Sea. So they still could get enough resources they relied on.


Both the reading and listening are discussing 3 reasons that can explain why gulf sturgeon jump out of water. While the passage believes so, the lecturer casts doubt on the writer’s view from the 3 aspects below.

Firstly, in the reading passage, they are jumping for flying insects. On the contrary, the professor says that they are fully fed in gulf of Mexico in winter, so they do not eat anything in Florida in summer. Moreover, they are seeking food under the sea rather than in the air.

Secondly, the professor opposes reading’s idea that they are jumping to get rid of parasites. He states that it is impossible because the parasites are in their bodies. In addition, some fish like sturgeon with parasites will not jump.

Finally, the professor disapproves the reading’s idea that they are jumping for aggression. Many tourists have been hurt by sturgeon. However, the professor claims that it is not convincing because they also jump while there are no ships.





Every Year, forest fires and severe storms cause a great deal of damage to forests in the northwestern United States. One way of dealing with the aftermath of these disasters is called salvage logging, which is the practice of removing dead trees from affected areas and using the wood for lumber, plywood, and other wood products. There are several reasons why salvage logging is beneficial both to a damaged forest and to the economy.

根据文章分析,本段第一句是背景阐述,说明salvage logging发生的地点及带来的影响;第二句则是对salvage logging的解释;最后一句是总观点,意思就是salvage logging对于破坏的森林和经济带来的好处。



比如真题(TPO14)我们刚刚已经找到了这篇文章的总观点,即:salvage logging对于破坏的森林和经济带来了好处。那么我们不妨把它设置成问题:salvage logging对于破坏的森林和经济带来了什么好处呢?此时,不难发现,我们要找的好处。那么,接下来,我们来读第一主体段。

First, after a devastating fire, forests are choked with dead trees. If the trees are not removed, they will take years to decompose; in the meanwhile, no new trees can grow in the cramped spaces. Salvage logging, however, removes the remains of dead trees and makes room for fresh growth immediately, which is likely to help forest areas recover from the disaster.

从这段的内容来看,第一句是说大火后的情况;第二句是说大火后树木不被移走带来的问题;而最后一句则是salvage logging带来的好处。所以,我们很快就能准确定位文章中的分论点。你们可以尝试使用这个方法去找一下第二主体段及第三主体段的分论点,发现只要你能找到问题的答案,分论点就很快解决了。


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