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2023-10-20 10:07:47 来源:中国教育在线



托福 独立口语学习方法



1. 如何练就地道口语表达


2. 如何针对托福考试练口语


3. 避免低级错误

大家在口语表达中一定要注意表达的准确性,注意时态、单复数和人称等等。一些低级错误,我们听起来可能觉得不是什么大问题,但是对于native speaker来说却是非常明显的错误。举个简单的例子:如果考生把“he does”说成了“he do”,“he has”说成“he have”,整句话听起来都会非常怪异。大家在平时练习一定要注意这些错误,口语练习时建议大家将自己的答案录下来,及时听录音纠正表达错误。



1. 思考时间短,答题时间长


2. 听力和速记能力




1. Important gift, why important? (一件重要的礼物)

An important gift I have ever received is a Nike basketball from my parents on my 16 years old birthday. The gift is important to me because I really like playing basketball and I never have a high quality basketball before. So after I receive this gift, I always bring it to sport stadiums and play with teammates. It has a high quality that we have played it for such long time and not only I and also my friends obtained a lot of enjoyment. Furthermore, it is important because I get to know that my parents are always thinking of what I like to do, and this really makes me moved and I gain a lot of power to study better and repay them.

2. Describe one of your challenging experiences (描述你的一个刺激/惊险/难忘的经历)

One of my challenging experiences is to prepare for the TOEFL test. I am a high school student and I find TOEFL test is lot more difficult than the text in my school, so it is really a challenge for me. Some times I try to recite a hundred words in a day. Sometimes I read long articles and just don’t know what they are talking about. However, when facing with these difficulties, I never give up. What I have done is to keep reciting words and read more articles in order to have a better understanding of them. After a month, I find that I have improved my ability in English, and I am more confident now facing TOEFL test.

3. 描述你的一件作品。

I took a group of pictures that has shown the huge change in my city Beijing. Our city

is going to hold the 2008 Olympic Games and because of this, the city is changing big day by day. Therefore, I use my camera and took a group of pictures, the group has 8 pictures, I called them “8 aspects of Beijing change”, I took pictures in parks, in sport stadiums, in my community and other places, through the 8 aspect to show the huge change of Beijing, and show our harmonious daily life. I always show them to my teachers and friends, and I am really proud of this work.

4. 描述一件自己印象深刻的celebration或者moment。

The most impressive moment in my life is my going to a seashore town before. When I was a child, the sea I watched on TV gave me a nice memory, since then I have a desire to go to the seashore some day. I went there after few years, the life near the seashore is really comfortable, for the sky there is blue and always full of sunshine, seabirds are singing and the ocean breeze is blowing. I swam in the sea and lie on the beach for a rest, which I could never enjoy in big cities. Moreover, I tasted sea food such as lobsters, crabs and fish there. So I consider the moment I have at sea shore is really impressive.


>> 雅思 托福 免费测试、量身规划、让英语学习不再困难<<

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