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托福写作热门话题高分词汇句式汇总整理 教育EDUCATION类主题语料归纳

2023-11-01 09:49:12 来源:中国教育在线

很多同学都很关注托福写作热门话题高分词汇句式汇总整理 教育EDUCATION类主题语料归纳这个问题,那么接下来就跟着中国教育在线小编一起来看看吧,相信你通过以下的文章内容就会有更深入的了解。

托福写作热门话题高分词汇句式汇总整理 教育EDUCATION类主题语料归纳




重点词汇、短语:practical,get xxx ready for

I would say that the courses offered in universities should be more practical, specifically, they should get students ready for future jobs and increase students' future job opportunities.


重点词汇、词组:make it accessible to ,cost of living, textbooks and skyrocketing tuitions

I would say the decision makers should figure out a way to reduce the cost tertiary education and make it accessible to everyone. Currently, our universities and colleges are super expensive, the cost of living, textbooks and skyrocketing tuitions, all these combined makes it hard for lots of brilliant kids to receive higher education.

让大学生更加自由的选择专业, 现在高考成绩一般的学生没有机会学习比较火的专业如经济金融,政府应该让学生更加自由的选择专业而不应该用高考分数限定学生的选择。

重点词汇、词组:not be motivated to 没有动力做某事, be into 非常喜欢,be given to chance to do s/th, be based on 基于

Personally, I think government should make it easier for student to choose their majors. Currently, it is very hard, if not impossible for lots of average students to choose popular majors like economics, finance and accounting, cuz you have to get a really high score in college entrance exam. As known to all, one might not be motivated to do something unless he or she is really into that, students should be given to chance to choose majors they are interested in and it shouldn't be based on exam scores, thus they will better employ their creativity and imagination and be more likely to be successful in college.

教育的功能、目标the purpose of education:

传授知识、培养实用性技术impart knowledge and cultivate practical skills, provides students with the tools and skills


The utmost purpose of education is to impart knowledge and cultivate practical skills so that the students can be successful in their future career, like to become physicians, pilots, professors, architects, even engineers.

Tertiary education(高等教育) provides students with the tools and skills that are essential for them to be successful in their future career.

培养道德情操、求实精神:develop morality and values to live a good life and build up character to seek the truth



Another important function of university is to develop morality and cultivate values to live a decent life and help the students to build up character, and to seek the truth, and I think these qualities are very important to have in order to be a mature person.

帮助学生吸收知识、协助成长: the exploration of knowledge, to help students grow, to make men complete, explore our utmost ability, constant simulation, makes us understand things better


重点词汇、词组:noble cause光荣的使命,lead xxx on the path of, well-rounded全面的, constant simulation 不断的刺激


The noble cause of higher education is to lead students on the path of the exploration of knowledge, and help them to grow in to a more well rounded and compete person. You know, human beings need constant simulation to grow or it will die, university helps us to explore our utmost ability and makes us understand things better.



重点词组:people from all walks of life, prestigious, be accessible/available to anyone, fairness, social status, underprivileged 弱势群体,climb up social ladder


I would say that higher education should be available to people from all walks of life, as prestigious Chinese philosopher Confucius said: education should be received by anyone no matter what their social status are. Suppose higher education is available only to the rich, then only the rich will be likely to succeed and then the underprivileged will never get a chance to climb up the social ladder, that is not fair.

那么以上就是关于托福写作热门话题高分词汇句式汇总整理 教育EDUCATION类主题语料归纳的相关内容啦,以上内容作为参考分享给大家,希望能帮助到有需要的同学,如果还有更多想要了解的内容可以关注本平台继续浏览。

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