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托福写作精选词汇整理分享 冲刺高分请学会使用这些形容词

2023-11-04 11:09:04 来源:中国教育在线

托福写作精选词汇整理分享 冲刺高分请学会使用这些形容词,相信这个问题是许多正在准备留学的同学关心的一个问题,那么下面小编就来和大家说一说,感兴趣的您赶紧往下了解吧。

托福写作精选词汇整理分享 冲刺高分请学会使用这些形容词


effective 有效的、实际的

Taking part in competitive sports events is an effective method of becoming a well-balanced person.

enhanced 加强的、提高的

It has been essential for everyone to combine his/her efforts for an enhanced standard of living.

essential 必须的、必要的

There is no denying that one essential condition in achieving personal happiness is to make others happy.

excessive 过量的、多余的

In recent years, the policy of reducing the students load has been implemented by the Chinese government, with the purpose of freeing children from excessive school pressure.

extensive 广泛的、大量的

Everyone has his/her own field of expertise, and therefore if scholars are talking about their professions, they are bound to have extensive knowledge on the subject.

far-reaching 深远的、意义重大的

No matter whether the business finally succeeds or not, such experience will bring about far-reaching benefits to a persons life.

fast-paced 快速的、快节奏的

The fast-paced living style has reduced the frequency with which people have a face-to-face conversation.

fatal 致命的、严重的

There have been many news reports about nuclear power stations polluting water and air as well as causing a large amount of fatal illness.

favorable 有利的、赞许的

Assessing the land potential and searching for alternatives for land use are favorable options for the government.

fierce 激烈的、剧烈的

When young people join in the fierce competition of the job market, making a careful decision is meaningful to their professional life.

formidable 巨大的、艰难的

It is difficult for people to visualize the formidable pains that athletes have endured in their daily training.

fruitful 有成效的、有益的

Covering diversified areas of knowledge and mastering extensive skills will benefit those who dream of a fruitful future.

fundamental 根本的、基础的

The fundamental qualities, such as being obedient, grateful, and responsible, have been well preserved and passed down through the years.

heatedly-discussed 激烈讨论的、热点的

A heatedly-discussed proposal has been brought to attention recently regarding the feasibility of paying teachers according to how well their students perform.

highly-competitive 竞争激烈的

The highly-competitive job market and overwhelming life pressure urges many college graduates to give up their passion and choose to work in another field.

increasing 越来越多的、渐增的

With the increasing popularity of different poker games among adults, we could easily sense their effectiveness in helping people relax.

immense 巨大的、无限的

The emotional gratification most people receive from their pets is immense.

imperative 必要的、至关重要的

A good leader is imperative to ones successful career.

indispensable 必要的、不可或缺的

The advertising industry has established itself as an indispensable power that values commercial prosperity.

inescapable 不可避免的、责无旁贷的

It is the inescapable responsibility of the government to raise funds and offer financial assistance to the poor.

inevitable 必然的、不可避免的

It is inevitable that each individual will have his/her own perspective and points of view; however, people with different views could also succeed as a team.

innumerable 大量的、无数的

Citizens have the opportunity to educate themselves with innumerable new sources at their disposal.

invaluable 宝贵的、无价的

The inner peace and balance that I enjoy from the company with my family members are invaluable to me.

keen 敏锐的、渴望的

Allowing students to make personal comments on a certain topic trains them to think with keen observation and objective insight.

main/major 主要的、重要的

A series of complicated social elements are the main/major obstacles that force job hunters or employees to give up the ideal of a life-long position.

multifaceted 多样的、多面的

Experts are talented individuals who have assimilated multifaceted knowledge from many areas, and are able to apply it with ease.

preferable 更好的、更可取的

Learning in a regular classroom is greatly preferable to learning in a virtual classroom.

primary 主要的、首要的

The primary purpose of most games is to make people feel happy and relaxed.

proficient 熟练的、精通的

I am more proficient in using machines than I am doing the same work by hand, and machines are faster and more efficient.

profound 深远的、重要的

Technological innovations have brought about profound changes to the political, economic, and cultural arenas of a nation.

remarkable 重要的、引人注目的

The concepts and ideas, created by wise men in ancient times, have remarkable impacts on ones character-shaping and problem-solving.

significant 重大的、有效的

Learning a new language shows a significant increase in an individuals memory capacity.

slim 微小的、极少的

With the improvement of multilateral relations among different nations, the chances of another world war have become slimmer than ever.

unprecedented 空前的、无前例的

Most working class faces unprecedented workplace challenges and competition.

unremitting 不懈的、持续的

All social units ought to make unremitting efforts to create a suitable atmosphere for working and learning.

vital 重要的、致命的

In such a fiercely competitive society, making the right decision for the future is of vital importance to each individuals success.


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