2024-09-01 11:15:27 来源:中国教育在线
1. sullen (adj.) 愠怒的;不高兴的
Mark was sullen most of the time, while Lori was quiet and subdued.
Mark 大部分时间都愁眉不展,而 Lori 安静而乖巧。
2. sulk (v.) 生气;愠怒
She is liable to sudden mood changes and would sulk and cry for no apparent reason.
3. fume (n.) 愤怒;烦恼
Your harsh words put her in fume.
4. displeased (adj.) 不开心的;生气的
He was rather displeased with his friends.
5. irritate (v.) 引起恼怒;引起不愉快
Her snubbing attitude had irritated him.
1. as mad as a wet hen 气得哇哇叫
My mom gets as mad as a wet hen wheneve anyone drops ashes on the rug.
2. choke with rage 气得说不出话
choke 有噎住、阻塞的意思,所以 choke with rage 就是指气到都得内伤,气得都说不出话来了。
Raymonds dad was choked with rage when Raymond finally got home at two in the morning.
Raymond 凌晨两点回到家时,他爸爸气得说不出话来。
3. champ with rage 气得咬牙切齿
champ 有大声咀嚼、咬牙切齿的意思,所以整句的意思就是带着愤怒地咬牙切齿。
Lisas boss champed with rage and fired her on the spot when she missed the deadline for the report again.
Lisa 的老板在发现她又没在期限内完成报告时,气得把她当场解雇。
4. get hot under the collar 气得脸红脖子粗
collar 是衣领的意思,领子下面很热?意思就是太生气了,整个身体都发热,气得脸红脖子粗。
She got hot under the collar when they spilled coffee on her face accidentally.
5. as mad as hell 气坏了
hell 是地狱的意思,所以 as mad as hell 就是生气的感觉就像是被打入地狱那样难受的程度。
He got as mad as hell after he found his car has been stolen while he was away.
6. foam at the mouth 火冒三丈
foam 是泡沫的意思,foam at the mouth 嘴包里都是泡泡,意指你真的很生气,气得口吐白沫。
She was foaming at the mouth because of her daughters rudeness.
7. hit the ceiling 气得发火
hit the ceiling 直接翻译的话就是撞到了天花板。形容一个人太生气了,暴跳如雷,像卡通那样气得都飞起来撞上天花板了。
Saras dad hit the ceiling when she cut class for no reason.
Sara 的爸爸在得知她翘课后气得发火。
8. piss someone off 惹某人生气
piss 的原意原本是上小号,但是现在已经很少人会把他当上小号的`意思了。反倒是 piss off 这个片语就非常常用,指的是反感、厌恶、生气的意思。
His attitude just pisses me off.
9. blow a fuse 勃然大怒
blow 在这边我们当作烧断的意思,而 fuse 则是保险丝。烧断保险丝为什么是生气呢?如果电流太强,电器无法负荷时,保险丝就会断裂。形容一个人的愤怒达到极点时,便会失去理智,勃然大怒。
He blew a fuse after he found out his wife had spent so much money on a purse.
10. fly into a rage 暴怒
rage 本身就是愤怒、生气的意思,所以 fly into a rage 非常简单明了也是愤怒、生气的意思。
I asked to speak to his boss but he flew into a rage all of a sudden.
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