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2023-08-01 12:50:53 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语描述你梦中的房子


Describe your dream house

You should say:

where it is

what it is like

when you want to live there

and explain why you like it




If I were a billionaire and had the money, I would love to rent or buy a castle for my own royal lifestyle.

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always wanted to become a princess and live in a castle which looks like one in a fairy tale, or like Windsor Castle in England. So living in the castle will be able to fulfill my childhood dreams.

Anyway, my castle looks very antique from outside, but extremely graceful and appealing with a brook dancing beside the border wall. Into a wall, a large scrolled gate was set, and above the gateway was an ornate arch over-run with friendly ivy. The castle spackles in the sunlight with some huge beautiful, magnificent gardens and the picturesque countryside surrounded it.

The most interesting thing when I live in a castle is that I could experience a royal life and be served like a queen. Wearing a gorgeous dress and a dazzling crown on my head, enjoying a plenty of delicious and distinctive food which are made by profound chefs, walking in the marvelous beautiful gardens, I could live life to the full. There are plenty of rooms that my family and friends could shuttle in together. Also, collecting conventional arts is my hobbies, having an exhibition and enjoying every traditional detail in the castle would be a very fascinating experience.


地道用词:fulfill my childhood dreams

Into a wall

shuttle in

动词叠用: Wearing a gorgeous dress and a dazzling crown on my head, enjoying a plenty of delicious and distinctive food which are made by profound chefs, walking in the marvelous beautiful gardens......

高分句型: collecting conventional arts is my hobbies, having an exhibition and enjoying every traditional detail in the castle would be a very fascinating experience.


I want to live in a big house with great views, so a house near a river or a park would be perfect.

A soft king size bed is on my must-have list, because after a long day’s work, I really need a good rest on the comfy bed. And a walk-in closet with tons of clothes and accessories is every girl’s dream, I’m sure.

And also, the spacious bathroom must be equipped with a Jacuzzi, so every night before I go to bed, I can enjoy a relaxing bubble bath and release all of my pressure.

As a foodie, there has to be a variety of cookers in my kitchen. And a big oven is necessary ‘cause I like to bake my own cakes. Cooking is my favorite pastime, and I find it quite soothing. Making all kinds of dessert is my forte. Plus, I can invite my friends over and cook for them. That would be nice.

The entertainment facilities in my living room must be state of the art, like the fancy home theater and the Xbox, that way my guests would never feel bored because there’s so much to do in the house.

I’m also a dog person, so I’d like a room for my pet dog. I know puppies can be a little naughty, and they always make a mess, so a room of their own is a must.

In my spare time, I’m really into growing some plants and flowers, so a roomy sunlit balcony would be perfect for my hobby.

And as for the location, my house should be situated in the city center, because it would be convenient to get around and I’ll have easy access to all the public facilities. But the only downside is, the housing price might be a little high, so I might not able to afford it until I am 30 years old.

大家可以把这个房子无限“装修”,比如,如果你是一位bookworm,你就可以要一间书房(study);如果你是一位老顽童,我们还可以建一个game room,里面你可以play pool(打台球),play table tennis,各种board games、video games;如果你是一位fitness freak,就给自己一间workout room吧!Anyway,喜欢做什么,就说什么,这道雅思口试题目给了大家超大的空间,自由发挥吧!


Describe your dream house

You should say:

where it is

what it is like

when you want to live there

and explain why you like it




We all as humans dream fancy about our houses. So, there are some who want all the luxuries in their house while some prefer living close to nature. I want my house to be a mimic of nature. So, I want a small waterfall in my house wherein I can take bath and then I want my house to have lot of flowers and be surrounded by trees. So, that in the evening when I wish to sit down, I should feel calm and serene from inside.

Then I want my house to have a library as well. Library of the books that I have already read, so it will be more like a collection of books that I love and could offer others to read and in the library there will be my study table and in one corner will be the place where I could look out of window and see the entire nature at its best and have something to drink or relax. There will be part of my house, where I will allow anyone to come in and sleep over and have food just for free. Because, I want people to travel and travel with entire safety. With nothing to worry I want them to explore this beautiful world.

Also, in my house I wish to have a beautiful field wherein I could go for jogging or play some games. I don ’ t wish for the most expensive house in the world but I wish for the house that is the most special for me.

4. 口语高分语料

地道用词:living close to nature

a mimic of nature

explore this beautiful world

go for jogging

高分句型 : so it will be more like a collection of books that I love and could offer others to read and in the library there will be my study table and in one corner will be the place where I could look out of window and see the entire nature at its best and have something to drink or relax.


Describe the ideal home(house or apartment) that you would like to live in

You should say:

Where it would be

What type of house it would be

Who you would like to live with


It’s a family vocation house located in an upscale community ,five-minute walk away from the beach. The house is made of transparent glass and steel , under the sunshine ,it looks incredibly beautiful and distinctive. There is a big yard attached to it - the lawn is perfectly mowed and the plants are all trimmed into the elegant shapes .inside this fancy house , everything is decorated fabulously ,and the home appliances are all equipped . living in it , you have nothing to worry but enjoy .

in the morning you will be awakened the warm sunshine through the french windows. there is also a spacious balcony stretched out from the living room on the second floor where you can have the amazing view of the sea, on weekends it could be an ideal place for the friends meeting up or holding a glass of wine meditating for a while just getting away from all the stress . it is a beautiful place for anyone.


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