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2023-08-02 12:18:51 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语话题数学课学到的技能


1.What the skill was?

Super拿Calculation of percentage百分数的计算举例

The useful skill I learned in a math class from my primary school is calculation of percentage, which

is to calculate numbers expressed as a part ofa whole.


2. How you learned it?

I learned it in my math classes in primary school. Because thisisa compulsory content必修内容for all the pupils around China in their high school education.In the class, the teacher explained what the percentage means and how it is written. 同学们可以根据自己的经验丰富内容

3. Who taught you?

It was a middle-aged female teacher who taught me this. 此处可以加些形容词,具体描述一下那位老师,这里,描述人物的材料可以派上用场。

4. And why it was useful to you (6分段)

Whenever I goshopping, I alwaysencounter questions(面临、遇到问题)such as How much is this shirt going to cost once the 40% sale is applied? What about once the 8% tax is added? What if it’sadvertised as “half-off(半价),” or “20% off thesaleprice(打八折)”? Compared with going to gather my things,head up to the cashier(奔向收银台), andhope for the best(希望获得最好的结果,即获得最大的折扣), I would rather knowahead of time(提前)whether I’m able to afford the clothes withoutbreaking the bank(花费过大、破产). That takes math knowledge, and at least a basic understanding of how percentages work. So I think calculation of percentage is very important and useful in my daily life. And I believe it should receive greater focus in math c ourses throughout primary school.

【难度上升!】再以概率和期望值Probability and Expected Values举个栗子


Once I was tempted to play the lottery in hopes of winning more money than I would lose (as opposed to与…相反purelyforentertainmentpurposes以…为目的), and I was told that probability and expected values are something that would benefit me greatly. So, I tried to learn something about it. And then it becomes very useful in my life,especially when I have to answer questions like “How do you decide what leve lof return is needed tocompensateyoufor(为…补偿,抵消…)the level risk taken?” It is always about seeking to achieve a good return based on the amount of risk taken.


Describe an important river/ area of water in your country

You should say:

How long the river is

Where it is

What it looks like

Why it is important


在祖国的大地上流淌着的两条最大的river,想必各位烤鸭都不会陌生,长江和黄河,这两条河都可以拿来说一说。这题今天正好有学生问到。说长江是不是Long River?

(我想说这个直译真的挺好的,但是先辈们已经把长江的英文名取好了,不叫long river,我们得叫它the Yangtse River)。不过,黄河我们可以放心得叫它the Yellow River. 除此之外,对于想说河流的同学们,如果长江黄河离家不是那么近,没去过,没话说的话,可以说一说家附近的河流。若实在还是没有思路的话,可以说说一片水域。什么叫水域呢?英文已经解释很直白了,就是area of water,有水的那一片地方都能说。


Speaking of an important river, I would like to talk about the Yangtse river, which is the biggest and longest river in China. It’s about 6,300 kilometers long.


The Yangtse River lies in the south of China. It stretches to 11 provinces in China and drains nearly one-fifth of the land areas of China.


If you see it on the map, you will find it looks not that special, maybe just like any other rivers, for example, the Nile or something. However, when you take a closer look at it, you won’t feel like it’s something that other rivers can copy.


I remember when I was in the grade 9, I took a boat trip with my parents to Sanxia, where we saw the most stunning view of the Yangtse River along with the tall green mountains like Shennv Feng.


It is indeed very important, not only for the local residents who need the water for life, but it is also crucial for the entire nation, because there’s the Three Gorges Dam lies on it, and it ha’s been generating a lot of electrical power, which is used for all the families and industries in China.


Describe a historical period that you are interested in

You should say:

What the historical period is

How you know it

What happened during that period

Why you find it interesting

Speaking of a period of history that I fond of,I would like to talk something about the Middle age. Life in the Middle Ages was completely different than we see it today. Some reflections of life of that period are found in cinemas but most of them are unrealistic. They are filled with fantasies. The real life in the Middle Ages was filled with classifications and the feudal system dominated the entire society. And most importantly, people were superstitious to a great extent. This is a very smart candidate task card and I am happy to have it in my share.

In some terms, living in the Middle Ages was beneficial. Life was not so much complicated as it is found today. People used to live near nature. And there were fewer traffic congestions in the streets. Though the streets remained crowded round the day, there were no troubles among the pedestrians and people used to live in their own way. Minding the own business was the key task. The other important benefit was that they did not think so much about the career or about the other silly issues that matter most in the present day.

But there were some drawbacks as well. The classification was the most important obstacle of this age. People were classified into various groups and the noblemen used to dominate the poorer section of the society. The scope of entertainment was limited and the lower parts of the society had no or little access to such activities. The daily life in this age was the subject of wealth and power.

I would like to have lived in that period of time. In fact, a fascination works in me about that age. I have seen numerous events in movies and got addicted to the age. So, I want to travel in the streets with a dimmed lantern with me and enjoy the views around.


Describe an interesting tradition in your country

You should say:

what it is

where it came from

when it occurs

and say why you think it is interesting.


Well, China has a long and rich history, you know, so we have countless traditions, but today I’d like to talk about what usually happens during the Spring Festival, which is the most important celebration for Chinese people.

On Chinese New Year’s Eve, all the family members would come back home for the family reunion dinner, no matter where they are and how far away they are from home. And it’s not an ordinary meal, I mean, every dish has its special meaning. For example, we must eat fish that day, because in Chinese, fish is pronounced as YU which sounds like “surplus”, so you see, that’s a good wish for the coming new year, meaning that the family would make more than enough money.

And I’m sure you know the tradition that everyone has to eat dumplings on New Year’s Eve. The interesting part is, when we make the dumplings, we would mix some coins or peanuts into the fillings, and the one who get the specially made dumpling would have good luck throughout the whole year. I know it sounds a little superstitious, but it’s a time-honored tradition.

And there’s another activity we have to do during dinner, which is like a ritual, that is, to watch the Spring Festival Gala broadcast by China Central Television. It’s an annul variety show, and it’s the most watched TV show all around the world, you know, because of the large population in China.

Anyway, I think it is the tradition that helps people get in festive mood during Chinese New Year, so I believe it’s worth passing on the next generation.


>> 雅思 托福 免费测试、量身规划、让英语学习不再困难<<

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