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2023-08-02 13:22:37 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语话题write


What do you most often write about?

Mostly, I write novels in my spare time. I like reading novels very much. Since I was young, I always yearned for the world that novels created. So, when I learned how to write, I started to write novels to create the world l like.

Do you like writing?

Yes, I like writing very much. Except for the novels I write, I write diary every two or three days. The diary I write is not just the things happening in these days. My thoughts and the perspective of viewing the world are also showed in my diary. It is very interesting to read my diary to see the past me.

Did you like writing when you were a kid?

Yes, I did. But the only thing I wanted to write was story. Affected by the fairy stories at that time, I always created some imaginary figures and made up stories based on settings of fairy stores I heard. When I finished the story, I would show it to everyone immediately.

Would you like to make writing your career in the future?

No, I don’t think so. Although the time of writing is enjoyable for me, I can’t imagine my life of being a writer and publishing something I write. Maybe I will write a book in the future and publish it, but I don’t want to use writing to make a living.


What types of public transport are there in your hometown?

Are you satisfied with the traffic in your city?

What are the advantages to society of having more people using public transportation?

Why do some people have to travel long distance to work every day?


1. What types of public transport are there in your hometown?

在回答这道题的时候,考生很容易一直举例子,却缺乏逻辑性或者深度,例如‘There are many different kinds of public transportation in my hometown, such as buses, underground, trains, trams, ferries and so on.’ 这种回答很难达到一定的长度,并且感觉没有深度。

所以考生在这里可以进行分类说明,类别可以有很多,比如高峰期in rush hours,人们喜欢什么;或者根据路途的距离来分类,比如短程travel for a short trip,人们会选用什么。这里 我选用的类别是最受欢迎和最常使用的类别。

Actually, there are many different kinds of public transportation in my hometown, such as, trains, trams, ferries and so on. However, the most of popular and common one would be the buses and the underground as these two types of transport are very reasonable and economical. They are most people’s choices, especially the underground, you know, the price’s very affordable and that you will never need to worry about traffic jam or being stuck in the traffic by taking underground.

在这里 我们补充一些,关于不同的公共交通设施的优点和缺点。


very cheap / reasonable/ affordable/ economical 经济实惠的

too crowd / hot/ noisy


Reasonable prices 价格公道

avoid traffic congestion 避免交通拥堵

a little bit packed in the rush hours 高峰期有些拥挤


Fast 快捷

be more expensive than buses 比公车贵

sometimes, not frequent enough 车次不是很多

some places cannot be reached 有的地方到不了


Urbanization 城市化

connect two cities 链接两个城市

very fast and efficient 非常便捷

not flexible enough 不是非常的灵活

注意:taxi是private hire 并不算在公共交通工具中。

2. Are you satisfied with the traffic in you city?



In general, I'm pretty happy with the transportation and traffic in my hometown. I mean the roads are quite wide and some transportation facilities are very advanced, especially the underground and buses, they look pretty new and clean all the time. But I do have something to complain, you know in the rush hours, the amount of cars increases very fast within a short time, some thoroughfares can be very congested. People who just finish their work cannot get a taxi or may waste a lot of time on going home.

另一个方向呢,就是考官会在part 3中和你讨论各种各样的交通工具,他们的优缺点和功能,以及人们为什么选择了这些交通工具。


1. Are you interested in robots?


误区:注意不要直接重复题目,所以不能直接回答‘yes I’m interested in robots’或者‘no I’m not interested in robots’;注意换词


Not particularly 不

my kind of thing 我喜欢的类型

science-fiction films 科幻片

science museum 科技馆

find… attractive 觉得……很迷人

related to… 和……有关联

other than that 除此之外


Not particularly. I mean I’ve probably only seen them in some science-fiction films. Other than that, I don’t really feel related to it in any way. Plus, I’ve never found them attractive or anything.

2. Do you want to have robots in your home?


误区:注意不要完全重复题目的用词,避免直接回答‘yes I want to have robots in my home’或者‘no I don’t want to have robots in my home’.


Not necessarily 不是很需要

I reckon 我猜想

Give me a hand 帮助我一下

tidy up my room 整体我的房间

make my bed 铺床

hoover robot 吸尘机器人

Robotic Vacuums 智能吸尘器

look clumsy 看起来很笨拙

it’s gonna be good 这会很好

that would be nice 那会很棒

have a hard time doing… 做某事很困难

a bonus 一个奖/附加的好处

help me out 帮助我

struggle with… 和……挣扎

school assignments 学校的作业


Not necessarily, but I reckon it would be nice if I could have a robot nanny indoors who is always ready to give me a hand tidying up my room and even making my bed. Plus, it would be a bonus if she could also help me out whenever I’m struggling with my school assignments.

3. Do you want to take a car which robot is the driver?


误区:注意避免和题目里面用词完全重复,所以无人驾驶车可以换换别的词,比如‘driverless car’‘self-driving car’或者‘robotic car’.


a driverless car = self-driving car= robotic car 无人驾驶车

autonomous technology

have a go at it 试一下

at least give it a try 至少试一下

increase the chances of a crash

potential safety problem 潜在的安全问题

take control 控制

in an emergency 在紧急情况下


Definitely not! I guess that’s the last thing I would wanna do. You might not know this, but I’ve heard a rumour that there have been quite a few accidents involving a self-driving car. To be fair, I don’t wanna risk my life or probably it’s just that I feel like I can’t trust a machine. Plus, I’ve got my own driving license, so I’d rather drive around myself.


1. Do you think it is necessary to create a law?



The development of human race has already proved that a proper and sound legal system is required to maintain social security and it is the best symbol of a modern society.


If there is no deterrent force of laws and regulations, inevitably, the whole society will become chaotic or disorderly.

If every individual acts without considering other’s feeling, there will be much trouble, because the basic right of others can be easily violated and no one can be protected from doing so.

The social order can only be kept through well-rounded legal system.

The legal system is also contributing to the social justice and a more healthy society in the long run.



If most people are fully self-disciplined and well-educated, they can take full charge of their own behaviour and control themselves even in extreme conditions. In this sense, there is no need to establish strict laws and punishment to guide people’s behaviour. Well, this can only be achieved when human beings develop into a very advanced level, not in the present-day society.

2. Do you think the law is fair?



I don't think law is fair in most cases. It is even sometimes described as the game of the rich people. This is mainly because the final judgment of a case is largely determined by the process of trial, in which lawyer and judge play an indispensable role. The truth is that only the more wealthy side of the case can have the financial power to hire the most experienced and well-known lawyer and it is very likely that they also have a very good relationship with the judge. I’m not saying that the final judgment is wrong, but it is conceivable that the richer can have more advantages in the case.

政府在制定(introduce/ devise)法律时,都是以政府的/当权者/大多数人的利益(interest)为出发点。所以,不可避免在一些特殊情况,会损害到少部分人的意见。

When each law is introduced in the first place, they are devised to maximize the profit of the authorities and the majority of the citizens. So, in some situations, the profit of the minority may be damaged. Also, it is almost impossible to create a perfect law that can meet the requirement of each social class. At least, it has not been created until now.



The creation and implementation of a law has never been decided by only a few people, but it is done by a large number of experts and specialists in this field, with every respects taken into consideration. Besides, with the enforcement of the law, it is also being revised and more cases can be referred when the court judge the situation.


Even if it was not justice and perfect when first initiated, it can be gradually modified and generally speaking, it can be regarded as a fair system.


>> 雅思 托福 免费测试、量身规划、让英语学习不再困难<<

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