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2023-08-04 14:15:02 来源:中国教育在线



  教育类雅思写作范文之课程设置,为帮助大家更好准备雅思考试,现在陆续为大家提供雅思作文考试新真题和范文及其译文,希望对大家雅思考试有所帮助,一起来看:教育类雅思写作范文之课程设置。  【考题解析】  考题重现:The authorities such as the government decide the subjects and lessoncontents. Some people argue that teachers should make the choice. To whatextent do you agree or disagree?  核心词汇:government decides the subjects, teachers decide the subjects  文章结构:辩论型片面式话题。  【9分范文】
  A heated debate has begun on whether the government or the professor has more right todetermine students' subjects. Some may doubt the local government's authority in blueprintingthe outline for university subjects. However, in my opinion, governments offer more assistance tomake the correct resolution than teachers do.
  Although teachers arc the closest people who update their teaching methods according tostudents' personalities, their problem is that they lack a full-scale view when making decisions onnew subjects. In addition, subjects are related to teaching books, and teaching books are relatedto selling profits, which may mislead the process of subjects innovation.
  When it comes to the benefit of governmental decisions, three things should be mentioned:Firstly, compared with a teacher or a school, the authorities have more money, which is a mustfor this public affair. In other words, the more funds invested in this area, the better the outcomewill be. Secondly, no matter who is in charge of this project, individuals arc the key elementsin the first place. Obviously, it is more efficient for the government to assemble more talent atone time who can contribute advice regarding subject innovation and planning. Lastly, withoutpursuing benefits, the government is impartial, and thus it will have a full-scale awareness of thesystematic arrangement of college education.
  ln conclusion, governments arc more appropriate to make a blueprint and provide a platformfor college education, on which teachers play vital roles in teaching and cultivating.
  【范文译文】  目前一个热议话题是,政府和教师。究竟谁有更多的权利来决定学生的在校课程。有些人可能质疑当地政府制定的大学课程规划蓝图。而我认为,比起老师,政府拥有更多支持。更能做出正确决断。  尽管教师接近学生,他们会根据学生的特点更新其教学方法。但问题是。他们制定课程时,会缺少全局观念。此外,课程会涉及到教材,教材就涉及销售利润,这一切都会误导课程创新的过程。  而政府制定课程。有三方面的好处:第一,与一名教师或一所学校相比,政府拥有更多的资金。这对于处理公众事件是必要条件。也就是说,投入在此的资金越多,效果就越好。第二,无论谁主管课程改革。人才首先都是关键的要素。显然,政府能更有效地一次性地组织更多人才,他们在课程创新和规划上会提供建议。后,不追求利益,政府做事相对不失偏颇。因此会有全局观念,从而为大学制定系统性的课程。  总之,政府更适合制定蓝图和搭建大学教育的平台。在此基础上,教师可起到教学和培养人才的作用。  【亮点句型】
  whether A or B has more right to do sth.
  A heated debate has begun on whether the government or the professor has more right to determine students' subjects.
  A is related to B, and B is related to C.
  In addition, subjects are related to teaching books, and teaching books are related to selling profits, which may mislead the process of subjects innovation.
  compared with A, B has more…
  …Firstly, compared with a teacher or a school, the authorities have more money that is a must for this public affair.
  sb. plays a role in sth./ doing sth.
  In conclusion, governments are more appropriate to make a blueprint and provide a platform for college education, on which teachers play vital roles in teaching and cultivating.


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