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2023-08-04 14:27:08 来源:中国教育在线



庆祝事件 雅思 口语话题


Describe an important event that you celebrated.

You should say:

What it was

When and where it happened

Why it was important

And explain how you felt about it




Last Saturday, my family had an important celebration. It was my father’s birthday and we celebrated the special occasion by throwing him a surprise party. A week prior to the party, we secretly invited our relatives and my father’s friends to the party.

In the afternoon of my father’s birthday, my elder brother Brian requested our father to take him shopping in a shopping center. Our father had no idea that it was just a pretext to get him out of the house. While they were away, my mother and I started to get ready for the party at home. After decorating the living room with crepe paper and balloons, we went to a bakery to fetch the birthday cake we ordered a few days earlier. Not long after we reached home, the caterers arrived and started to set up the food in no time.

About an hour later, the guests started arriving. Just then, Brian called to inform our mother that he and our father would be coming home soon. Mother told him to stay in the shopping center a bit longer as not all the guests had arrived yet. Brian said that he would try his best. After all the guests had arrived, all of us hid excitedly and waited for their return. Within moments, we heard a car parking, followed by people walking towards the front door.

After my father had turned the key and opened the door, all of us jumped out of our hiding places and shouted, “Surprise!” My father was quite flabbergasted to see so many people in our beautifully decorated living room. For a while, he was dumbfounded. When he had recovered from his ‘shock’, he laughed heartily. All of us then laughed and conveyed our birthday greetings to him.

My father has sacrificed so much for our family and we all love him dearly. He deserved such a lovely party.

I was happy to see my father having such an enjoyable time at the party, yet still, I felt a little sad as he had grown a year older and the number of his grey hairs had increased.


Describe a time someone or something made noise.

You should say:

When this happened

Who this person was/what this thing was

What kinds of noise was

and explain what you did when you heard the noise.


可以聊到neighbors makenoise, 比如邻居家中有toddler 还在学步的小孩总是会哭闹,或者邻居家总是会有party 会有loud music





When--- 具体是什么时间




unbearable 难以忍受的

sound proof 隔音

turn the musicdown 把音乐关小

vibrate 振动

apologize forsomething 向~~道歉

I actually had neighbors that make an effort to make loud noises when it was obvious that my family and I were preparing for sleep. They were young couple without kids and lived next door. The most unbearable time was a Monday evening, we had to get up early next day, but they were having an extremely loud party next door. Although the flat was pretty well sound proof, we could clearly hear the laugh , the music and they talked so loud until the mid-night. It was really annoying and we didn’t want to go knock on their door and ask them to turn the music down, because we had tried before and that reaction didn’t really get much accomplishment but my walls were literally vibrating with the music. Around 2 am, I called the community to help. They came after 20 minutes and stopped them. The couple were really embarrassed when they had to stop their party. They even didn’t apologize for the terrible noise. Luckily we moved to a new place and neighbors are pretty nice and amiable. People all want good neighbors, and we should be considerate and thoughtful to our neighbors for having a great relationship with our neighbors.


1. Do you like to watch the sky?你喜欢仰望天空吗? 对于这样一个yes/no 的问题,一个口语答题的常识就是千万不要给出yes/ no,后续的语言支撑才是重点。

喜欢看天空,喜欢什么时候看天空when I got nothing to do or have something stuck in my mind,在天空中你可以看到什么,crystal clear blue,clouds moving in an extremely subtle way,sometimes if I’m lucky,birds fly through in crowds 看天空时候你的感觉是怎样的it’s the most peaceful moment then get wandering . 对于雾霾比较严重的地区,还可以跟以前对比一下。内容的丰富度就会大大增加。

Example: Well, to be honest, I used to love looking up at the sky all the time. When I had my mind stuck in somewhere or simply got bored, I would go out to a roof or somewhere I can quietly enjoy the crystal clear blue sky, with the clouds moving subtlety, sometimes if I’m lucky, I can also see birds flying through in crowds. It was the most peaceful moment and perfect for wandering with the breezes. But now with the fog and haze, there’s no way I can do that again.

2.Do you prefer the sky during the day or at night?这是一道典型的对比类题目,这类的题目同学们首先还是要灵活熟练运用可以表述比较的语言: 比较级的用法more / less than , as ... as ,prefer 的名词性转变preference等。

其实本题的答题方向比较没有所谓,无论选择更喜欢白天或者黑夜,或者居中都可以。但切记不要选择其一而不表述另一方面。难点是找出可以对比描述的方向,比如白天因为有太阳更加明亮而且温暖so much brighter and warmer because of the sun,晚上有星星,更加静谧tranquil。接下来的sample answer中并没有给出一个明确的选择。

Actually, I don’t have any particular preference over this since they both got unique features. In the daytime, it’s so much brighter and warmer because of the sun, so it is more comfortable to have the sunbath while watching the sky. But it is not as tranquil or fascinating as it is in the evening with all those shinning stars blinking towards me.

3.Have you learnt any courses about stars or planets?这是一道个人经历的题目,很多学生会陷入自己真实情况的困境,自己并无这方面太多的知识。其实雅思官方指导视频里面也明确的有说,编答案也是无可厚非的,毕竟考察项是同学们的英语表达水平,而并非是大家的知识量。当然如果同学们本身对星球星体这方面了解甚多,那就赶紧发挥你的脑容量小宇宙吧。

大家中学时期都是学过地理的,geography ,只不过地理上的只是简单的introduction,入门水平;此处可以和大家的实际情况相结合,如果是大学生或者高中的理科生,可以说很多都不记得了;但是大家平时还是会看一下这方面的新闻,最常见的就是流星雨。还有女生们比较了解的星座方面,往这个方向说会熟悉很多。

I kind of have. I memorized a range of introductions in my geography class. Unfortunately, I don’t think I can recall any of those detailed information any more. But I do read or hear some news mainly about the where to get the best views of the "shooting stars" or things like this quite often. And almost every girl I know never stops gossiping about constellation, such as who is a typical Virgo or how can one get along well with a narcissistic Sagittarius. This is pretty much all I know about the stars. 4.Where is a good place to watch stars?这是一个信息罗列题目,罗列的是可以看星星的地点。

此类题目很多学生容易上来就给一大堆地点,但却忽略了将内容做一个分类,因此丧失了语言长度和难度上的加分。 而且既然是a good place,未必非要给出一个特定的地址,可以给一个分类,给出具体的描述。 地点可以分为市区的地点urban areas和郊区农村 suburban district or country side. 后续再描述具体的地方:比如the roof of the skyscrapers ,Closest place to the sky. 说明这些地方看星星的好处和坏处。


Well, I guess it depends greatly on where one live. I mean, for someone lives in the suburban district or country side, with less lights and average height of the house, positions for a better view may not matter that much. However, for one form urban areas, it would be excellent to stand on the roof of a skyscraper or get in a planetarium or museum where a telescope is set. Unfortunately, I have never tried this.


1. What are the different ways that people communicate with each other?

视觉上的交流:verbal/ face to face communication/ by gestures/ facial expression/ video recordings/ speech/ lecture

First and foremost, most people will communicate face to face. This can happen in their daily life when meeting someone in the middle of the road, during the class, in the shared kitchen with their roommates or when they take part in a group discussion.They will also use gestures and facial expression to help the listeners to understand their meaning when they travel to some foreign countries where the locals cannot speak English.With the advance in technology, video chat and conference can be easily achieved in many websites or application on the phone or ipad. If two people stay in a different place but want to talk through something more clearly, they can just take a video chat by keeping online and using the same application.

听觉上的交流:audio communication/ telephone/ wechat audio message/.

However, face to face communication cannot be achieved all the time. We sometimes need to discuss with a person, but we cannot reach them immediately. In this case, the first choice for most people is making a phone call, since modern people are normally take the phone with them all the time even when they go to the bathroom.Also, some new apps such as Wechat allow users to send audio message, which can facilitate communication and improve efficiency, because many people think typing words time-consuming and find it hard to express their meaning as well as they emotion clearly through just words.

文字上的交流:written communication/ letters/ emails/ articles/ comment/ posters/ moments/

In addition, many people are comfortable with the form of written communication. They will send letters or emails to their family members, friends and clients, because these forms of communication are more formal and be easily saved and retrieved anytime anywhere with a device and internet connection.Besides, someone may prefer writing blog online as a way to record their everyday life and share their experience with the readers. And this way seems to be more widely accepted for many celebrities because the famous people want to have a word to their fans directly and ordinary people are always curious about the private life of the celebrities.

2.Do old people and young people use the same methods to communicate?

Old: 面对面、电话、出行(爬山、钓鱼、麻将等)、饭局In think older people like to communicate face-to-face. If they have something to discuss, especially some very important issues such as signing a business contract and making a travel plan, we will like to meet the guy directly. Only by doing this can they feel reliable.Also, they like to make a phone call whenever they come up with something. For example, I often receive lots of unexpected calls from my parents even in the middle of a exam, and they call me sometimes just to make sure I have locked the doors before I left home this morning.They all like to arrange some social activities as a way to exchange information and meet their old friends. For example, my father goes fishing with his old friends each month, and goes hiking with his workmates every two weeks.Old people also like to discuss business on the dinner table, and in China, you know, people may drink a lot of wines and liquor in order to show respect to others.

Young:facebook、朋友圈、博客、打游戏、喝一杯Younger generation will be more likely to use some social networking websites to communicate with their peers, by posting their photos on a daily basis, writing articles in their blog and commenting on other’s most recent tweet.Sometimes, youngsters may play an online game together as a way to exchange information and keep everyone in the group connected. They will discuss before the game to set up the strategy, during the game to cooperate and fight against the opponent players and even after the game to review and try to improve their skills for the next game.Young people may not as interested in having formal meals in a big restaurant as the elderly, but they will find any type of eating out convenient if the food is delicious and clean. So they might go for a drink in the local bar near their home to have a quick meeting with the friends passing by, or to drive a long way to a small but famous local market to try some exotic food from nearby village.


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