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雅思口语good news范文

2023-08-05 16:45:39 来源:中国教育在线

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雅思口语good news范文

雅思 口语good news范文

新题何足惧,旧恨何其多,手握真题集,屠鸭亦可期。一转眼,雅思口语进入了9-12月的新一轮话题季,下面是小编搜集整理的关于雅思口语good news范文的资料,欢迎查阅。

After I finished my graduation, I applied for 2-3 jobs and faced the interviews in these companies. One day I got a phone call from one of the companies from the HR department and the caller confirmed that I was hired for the job I applied for. This was a very exciting and good news for me as I was expecting to start a job so eagerly.

I did not know the person who called me at that time but later I found that he was the head of the human resources department of the company and his name was Kane. I heard it in (…say a year i.g. 2017b…) and it was probably June.

My parents and relatives wanted me to get involved in a job right after my graduation and I felt the same. Some of my classmates were already doing jobs and I thought I should start a job as well. After I got the job confirmation call, I was very excited and happy. The first job confirmation, in my opinion, is very significant and exhilarating and I felt no less. I was so happy that I instantly confirmed that I’d be joining the job from the next week. Then I shared the news with my parents and sisters and they were very happy as well.


• What are the different of communicating online and face-to-face communication?

• By what means do people receive news from social media?

• How do people share good news?

• Why people do not share good news of their own?

• How do people share good news with their neighbours?


Describe a book you have recently read

You should say:

What type/kind of book it was What it was about

Where you read it

How you felt about the book?


One of the books that I have recently read is called At Home: A Short history of Private Life by an author called Bill Bryson. It is a thick, factual book about many different subjects. It is really a collection of information and anecdotes related to our private lives, past and present.


The book is mainly about things that have been included in our homes over the centuries. The author started out by wondering about the history of everything in his own home. As it is a factual book rather than a novel, it does not have a plot as such. Each chapter in the book covers the history of a particular room. For example, the chapter on the kitchen talks about the history of running water, electricity, gas cooking and so on. The chapter about the bathroom looks at the history of plumbing, sanitation and privacy. The book contains so much interesting information that I think I will have to read it again in order to take it all in.


As to the kind of people who would enjoy It, I think anybody who IS interested in history and enjoys learning lots of interesting facts would enjoy reading this book. It would also appeal to a busy person, as it is a good book to dip in and out of, because you don't have to follow a story, as you would with a novel. You can just take it chapter by chapter, or even page by page, as there is something to learn on every page. Each chapter is written like a story, even though it is a factual book, so it takes the reader to all sorts of unexpected places, and for me it was a real page-turner.


I like this book because I learned such a huge amount from it, which has made me look around my own home with different eyes and appreciate just how far we have come in a short space of time in terms of architecture, technology, lighting, comfort and many other things.



In your country, who would ask children to read, schools or parents? Do you prefer paper books or E-books?

Do you think printed books will continue to exist?

Do you think parents should continue reading?

What kind of books do children read?


Describe an experience that you were scared

When it happened

Where you were

Who you were with

Why you were scared

How you felt about it


I will share a dream that frightened me 2 years ago. I had a dream where I was awake, but not awake, during a surgical procedure. In my dream, the nurse drugged me with some kind of nerve de-sensitizer. I thought the nurse usually gives a sedative to help relax the patient before an operation. I tried to speak, but I couldn't hear myself. I tried to lift arms; it felt like weights tied down to my wrists.I felt immobilized.


Then, the nurse wheeled me out of my room to the operating room. I felt the burst of cold air from my toes to the crown of my head. It was constant trhoughtout the hallways. The doors flung open as the nurse pushed my bed into the operating room. I shut my eyes from the glare of halogen bulbs overhead. Then, a real doctor rolled a coffee table beside me. I saw a line of tools laid sraight. They looked sharp; they gleamed. My throat started to become dry. I felt the hairs of my arms stand upright. I struggled to lift my head so I could hear the doctors' conference, not that I could hear them anyway. A doctor draped in peach scrubs approached me. He said his name was Dr. Ballastine. He sounded muffled, but nodded yes. He gestured the procedure I was about to undertake. The gestures were slow and methodical; enough to where I could understand what he was saying without speaking. Again, I nodded. Then, he asked if I had questions. I still couldn't speak, so I shook my head. Ballastine nodded and gave me some nitrous oxide to put me to sleep.



What should people do when they feel scared?=How to overcome fear and anxiety

Is it ok to frighten others?

Why is it easy for some people to be scared?

Do children like to scare others?

How do people usually get frightened?


when I has been on a trip to India I saw a big brown spider in the kitchen and I started to scream .All my friends were laughing for along time. I'm never forgot that当我去印度旅行时,我看到厨房里有一只棕色的大蜘蛛,我开始尖叫起来。我所有的朋友都在笑。我永远不会忘记

I'm scared of caterpillars. Sometimes I wash the fresh vegetables and find one, my heart like jumps out of my body. I'm scared of flying too, especial these days there


Shadows.They remind me mirrors.They do whatever we do,but we can't see their faces.It is just a black figure.It might look like us,but is it


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