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2023-08-08 10:02:04 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语关于购物的话题




Where do you normally shop?

It depends slightly on what sort of shopping I’m doing. If I’m just doing the groceries, I’ll go to the supermarket, but if I need a little retail therapy then I generally go to the retail park where there’s every sort of shop available and I can window shop to my heart’s content.

注:to my heart’s content意思为“直到我满意为止”;类似的短语还有to my satisfaction.

When you do go shopping?

Typically I do the shopping at the weekend. There are times though when I’ll pop out to the local corner shop or newsagents if I need a paper or a bottle of milk.

注: There are times when I…是一个很好的替代Sometimes I….的表达方式。




Have you ever bought anything online?

Yes I have and I shop online fairly regularly. I do my grocery shopping online nowadays because it’s much more convenient to have it delivered to your door isn’t it? And you get a discount if you use your loyalty card. But I still prefer to shop for clothes on the high street. I prefer to try things on before I buy them.

注:fairly regularly表示经常,类似的表达方式如quite often

When was the last time you bought a present for someone?

I guess it was for my wife’s birthday – that was just last month. I got her flowers of course but then I also got her a ring – it was an absolute bargain as it was in the sales.



Do you prefer to shop in big stores or small shops?

I mostly prefer to shop in department stores. You get a much better selection there and the customer service is generally much better too. Sometimes I go to small boutiques for clothes shopping – it can be more fun.

Is there any kind of shopping you don’t enjoy?

To be honest I dislike most shopping. When I need a pair of shoes I just buy the first ones I see. When I was younger though I was a bit of a shopaholic and went on shopping sprees all the time – mostly for music and gadgets.

雅思口语A plan in your life话题

A plan in your life

(that is not related to work or study)

You should say:

What it was about

When you made it

How it worked

And how you felt about the result

范例: Well, to be honest, I’ve got to say it’s a pretty difficult topic for me, cause you might not know this, but most of the time, it’s my mom who does all the planning for me, especially when it is study related. So if I’ve got to choose a plan of mine and tell you a little bit about it, perhaps I can just bring up the one I did for my trip to Sri Lanka.

In fact, way before last year, I bought Lonely Planet Sri Lanka when it was on sale, you know, it’s a guide book. They do all sorts of destinations. And then there was this one day, I realized that edition I had been having was going out of date soon, cause I saw the new version was coming out soon. So I thought it was time to plan a trip soon. You might not know this but normally I would love to go somewhere totally on my own. By accident one of my friends heard about my idea and she said she wanted to join me. So I booked our tickets and the hotel for the first night. We didn’t choose to go with a guided tour group, so we had to do a lot of research online before hand. Luckily I found a good website called tripadvisor which gave me all sorts of information I was desperate to know.

This Chinese New Year, we finally made it to Colombo, which is the capital. Even now, I’m feeling so lucky that I came up with the idea of travelling cause I really had a blast on that beautiful island. What I liked the best was the trip was quite spontaneous. I didn’t make any specific route before hand, so we were just following our heart the whole time. Apart from that, thank god, I checked the weather and that and successfully avoided the north which was pissing down at the time. Where we went, which is along the southwest coast, was sunny throughout the whole journey. Still though, there was something I didn’t arrange too perfectly. I didn’t pre book the hotels so when we got to each new city, we had to look for one ourselves, and the prices were relatively high as well. If I didn’t spend that much money, I would have probably stayed a bit longer. At the same time, my friend who went along seemed to enjoy herself just as much. Anyway, I think I might crack on a new plan for the next journey hopefully really soon.


Describe an interesting magazine. You should say:

what magazine it is

what the magazine is about

how often you read it

and explain why you like to read it.


对于part2 的话题,大家习惯性的答题方法是两句话总结cue card的上的问题,然后将问题的答案进行一次又一次的重复,因为每个问题其实都没有得到深度的解答,因此,建议同学们将四个问题认真分析,把两分钟的演讲按照提示问题分成四个三十秒钟的回答,这样的答案结构清晰,易于考官理解,并且每个问题因为有三十秒的限制,都能够得到较为详尽的解释,给考官信息量丰富的感觉。


第一点,选题。在选题方面有一个原则即 don’t step out of your comfort zone,翻译成中文是不要走出舒适区,这句话的意思是要求同学们谈论自己熟悉的,了解的题材,而非从网络或者书上借来的内容,越和你自己生活相关,你在谈论的时候也会更有信心,答出的细节也会更多更真实。常见的杂志可分为时尚类,体育类,政治类,历史类,经济类,新闻类等等,选择你喜欢的领域。

第二点,根据话题卡确定答题结构,根据本题要求,给出大家一个样本供参考:a.杂志名称+它的titles,例如是全国最受欢迎杂志,在2014年卖出多少份等等,把它说的厉害一点b.杂志内容+举例,通常内容涵盖好多方面,大家可以拿出一个方面细说c.你看杂志的频率+理由,为什么看的那么频繁或者不频繁,给出原因d.为什么喜欢看 ,讲出理由收尾即可。


When it comes to this topic, I would like to talk about 开头句be published 发表continuously 持续地不间断地first issue 第一版edition 版本global circulation 全球发行量distinctive features 特点extensive大量的,广阔的dramatic戏剧性的 夸张的never fail to do 做某事从未失败catch one’s attention 吸引某人 endangered species, global warming and environmental issues濒危物种,全球变暖,环境问题feel close to…对...感觉亲近be born and raised+地点 在某地土生土长 When it comes to this topic, I would like to talk about a magazine named National Geographic, it has been published continuously since its first issue in 1888. This magazine is circulated worldwide in nearly 40 local-language editions and had a global circulation of 6.8 million per month.

This magazine contains articles about geography, history and world culture. There are two distinctive features about it, the first thing is its extensive use of dramatic photographs, when people open it, the colourful pictures of rivers, mountains and animals never fail to catch their attention. The secondly thing would be the topics it has, most of the articles are about important issues like endangered species, global warming and environmental issues, more and more people have known a lot about our planet and its’ main challenge through reading it. I read it not often, maybe about once a month, for the reason that I’m buried in my homework for the most of the time, also that I prefer to read it in English, and there are many words that I need to look up, so it takes me a long time to read it. I love reading it mainly because I love to feel close to nature, for someone like me who was born and raised in the city, I seldom have the chance to go to a forest or climb a mountain, so reading National Geographic is a good way for me to know more about about our beautiful mother planet.


1. Do you like taking photos/pictures?

听到这个题目很多同学的常规思路是“喜欢拍照,因为有意思(I love taking photos because it is very interesting)”。这种答法非常普便,最大的缺点就是太笼统,细节太少,不符合雅思口语评分标准中 ‘speak at full length’的内在要求。



一是like这个单词,我们可以有很多同义替换的词汇,比如love, enjoy, be crazy about, be fond of等等。

第二语料点就是taking photos/pictures,我们可以想一想是给人照相,还是给风景照相,这样我们在设计答语时,就会有两个可发散的方向。或者两者都涉及到以使答更加丰富。关于taking photos/pictures,我们还可以用特殊疑问词去展开叙述,比如what,用什么拍照,相机还是手机,where喜欢在哪拍照,山里还是海边,还有how often多久拍一次。

对于这道题目而言,很多同学会有这样一个疑惑,Do you like taking photos 是给自己拍照还是给别人拍照。这里我们可以引入一个短语 take photo of…表示给……拍照。所以为了保险一点,我们理解为给别人或其他东西拍照是绝对不会产生误解的。当然如想表达给自己拍照可以说 take photo of myself. 此题所考查的语法点并不是很难,主要是like doing something这样一个固定搭配。同时有相同语法规则的词还有enjoy doing something, 大家在使用时注意这一点即可。

范例:Oh, yes, taking photos is my favorite activity to have fun. Every time when I travel with friends or family people to some places such as tourist attractions or parks, I’m sure to take my camera to take pictures of sceneries, people and even myself. I will save and copy these pictures to my computer. Then I sometimes use photoshop to process the pictures to make them look more beautiful. Of course, like a lot of young people, I also use smart mobile phone to have photos quite often. The most important reason why I enjoy doing this activity is that photos always remind me of the wonderful past life. I love it.

2. Would you like to take photos of others or be photographed?

这是一个非常经典的选择性的问答题,面对这样的题目,大部分同学还是可以很快做出选择的,例如很多人会说: I would like to take photos of others.但是后续思路的拓展难倒了很多人,比如为什么喜欢这样的做法。理由的补充是雅思口语考试中最重要的细节之一。所以这个题目的思路的新颖性需要体现在reason这个点上。

我们来进行一下语料分析。首先是Would you like的替换,除了I would like这个短语之外,我们还可以用I would prefer to do, I have my preference for doing,甚至I want to, I love to都是不错的,也可以用一些对比信号比较强烈的词组,例如这样的开头句,Compared with being photographed, I would prefer to take photos of others.


有的同学说自己不上相,我们可以说他不够photogenic,如果这个单词有难度,就可以说I don’t look beautiful/cool/handsome in photo.因此不太喜欢被别人拍照。

与之相反,有的同学比较喜欢欣赏自己的美,就可以说,I feel really confident when seeing beautiful me in photos.甚至可以自嘲说Maybe I have narcissism,有点自恋。因此这样的同学可以选择说喜欢被照相。这里我们谈了较多被拍照的思路,

除此之外,我们也可以就take photos of others展开分析,photography摄影是一个相对专业一点的爱好,想要拍好照片需要一定的技术,所以我们可以考虑一下自己的特长和爱好,从而确定怎么去答题。假如我的摄影技术很差,就可以说Taking photos of others is a hard job for me and many of my friends say that I often make them look weird in photos, so I seldom take photos of others.总之,这个题目思路和语料的展开是非常灵活的,因为题目给我们提供了两个事件:拍和被拍。因此,对比是主题。


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