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2023-08-08 13:45:48 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语话题money


Describe a time that you saved money for something

You should say:

When it was

Why you saved money

How much you saved

How you felt about it

Well, I once saved money in order to buy a VIP ticket of the Jay Chou’s live concert. When I was a freshman student, Jay Chou held a live concert in my city. As a crazy fan of Jay Chou, I was eager to buy a VIP ticket in order to have a close contact with my idol. However, as a poor student, it was impossible for me limited living expense. In this case, I decided save money in order to make my dream come true. Firstly, I controlled my daily expense and forced myself to save 10 RMB per day. Secondly, I did some part-time jobs, including giving out the leaflets, tutoring the elementary school students, and so on during the weekends. After one and a half month, I finally saved 1300 RMB in total and bought the VIP ticket I wanted.

To be honest, I was very proud of this experience. I felt that I could earn the money by myself. I felt that I could earn the money by myself. While I was doing those part-time jobs, I realized that it was not an easy task for my parents to earn more money and I would try my best to earn more money in the near future in order to relieve the financial pressure of my parents. Moreover, I also felt very satisfied since I finally saw my idol with my own eyes.


Describe a time when you received money as a present

You should say:

Who gave it

When you received it

What you did with it

How you felt about it

雅思口语part 2范文

Ok, well I’m quite lucky in the fact that I’ve received money as a gift on quite a number of occasions, so it was kind of difficult deciding on which one to talk about. And so in the end I thought it would be easiest just to tell you about the most recent occasion, which was my last birthday.


And the money that was given to me was from my grandparents, which is what they often tend to do for my birthday, because they said to me that it’s probably best that I choose something for myself which I know I’ll like, instead of them choosing something which I might have no interest in at all. So as you can imagine, I was super happy, and was also really grateful to my grandparents for being so generous.


Anyway, regarding what I did with the money, well first of all, I spent some of it on a few new books, because I’m a bit of a bookworm, if truth be told, and whenever I have some money to spare, the first place I normally head to is the bookshop.


So that’s one thing, and as for what I did with the rest of the money, which was actually still quite a considerable amount, well, I thought it would be nice to take my friends out for a meal somewhere and celebrate my birthday with them. So we all went to a hotpot restaurant in the city centre and had a really great time together, although I should add that I wasn’t feeling too great the next morning, because my friends had made me drink a ridiculous amount during the dinner, so it took me about a day to recover!


Anyway, I thankfully still had a bit of money left over, so I decided to just put it in the bank for safekeeping. And that’s pretty much it, so thanks for listening.




Have you ever cooked?

Do you like cooking?

Do you want to learn how to cook?

Is it difficult to cook Chinese food for you?

Have you ever cooked?


Yes, I did breakfast last summer. I still remember an accident when I was scrambledeggs. After heating and pouring the oil, I poured the eggs in. Suddenly, the hot oil in the pot spluttered out onto my hand. I was scalded, and the egg was also scorched. This is an unhappy experience of cooking.

是的,我上个暑假下过厨。我依然记得我在煎鸡蛋的时候发生一个意外。当锅加热和放油之后,我把蛋倒入进入。突然,the hot oil in the pot spluttered out onto my hand.我被烫伤了,而且蛋也焦了。这是一个不愉快的下厨体验。

Do you like cooking?


I love to cook, especially make breakfast. Because cooking has brought me a lot of sense of achievement. One day, I friedBaconand eggs, and made oatmeal in the morning. My parents were not only surprised that I could cook so many dishes, but also praised my delicious oatmeal. I felt very proud and learned a lot of experience at that time.


Do you want to learn how to cook?


I don't want to learn how to cook. First, I think I'm a poor chef. I've tried to cook many times, but all dishes tasted terrible. Secondly, my mother is good at cooking that she always refuses me to cook, because she thinks I will cause a lot of trouble. Third, I need to spend a lot of time on study, and I have many homework to do. So these are the reasons why I don't want to learn how to cook.



In your country, who would ask children to read, schools or parents?

Do you prefer paper books or E-books?

Do you think printed books will continue to exist?

Do you think parents should continue reading?

What kind of books do children read?


In your country, who would ask children to read, schools or parents?

In our country, parents usually ask their children to read books. The traditional Chinese education culture encourage parents as the first teacher for children. In childhood, parents read books before their children go to bed. Therefore, children are gradually being affected to read.


Do you prefer paper books or E-books?

I prefer e-books. First, e-books are easy to carry and light. The traditional paper books are heavy.If I travel,it willtake my space up.Second, e-books canstoremany books. I can always find what I want to see in e-books. Third, the cost of e-books is very low. Usually, paper books are more expensive than e-books, which are not good for people who often purchase books.


Do you think printed books will continue to exist?

Yes. E-books will disappear due to power failure or failure. However, printed books will always exist whatever there is electricity. The printed book is very memorable because it is like an album that records past memories and notes.


Do you think parents should continue reading?

I think parents should continue reading. First, parent could expand new concepts rely on reading. Because sometimes the idea that parents used to know is out of date. Second, reading is a learning process, and parents will learn new skills through reading.


What kind of books do children read?

Children love comic books. Because there are more pictures than words in the comic book, children prefer those pictures. And the content of comic books is simple, and there is no complex thinking.



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