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2023-08-08 15:01:23 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语关于手机的范文



Describe a time you felt happy that you used your cellphone

You should say:

When it happened

Where it happened

Who you were with

And explain why you felt happy by using your cellphone




Well nowadays cellphone is not something unusual anymore. You can see people take cellphones everywhere, on the train, in the school…literally everywhere. I have become so accustomed to it that sometimes I can hardly feel anything particular. But the experience I had last weekend totally changed my view. I was so happy to own a cellphone and solve my problem at the very moment. Last Saturday I went out to buy a birthday gift for my friend by my own. I planned to buy her a big birthday cake, which needed to be preordered. I spent an hour on the bus before I finally arrived at a popular cake shop. After I determined which cake to buy, I spent another half an hour waiting in line to pay for it. When it came to my turn to make a payment, I suddenly found that I didn’t bring my purse. It was so embarrassed and a lot of people were still waiting in the line behind. Suddenly it occurred to me that I could make a payment through my cellphone. So I delightedly took out my phone and asked the shop assistant to sweep the QR code and money was then transferred to the account of the shop. I felt so happy that I successfully bought the cake with my cellphone.



一. 在医院使用手机,可能会影响一些医疗器械的正常工作

Usage of mobile phones in hospitals sometimes might affect normal functions of some armamentarium.

二. 在加油站或者飞机上使用手机可能会导致危险

Using mobile phones in gas stations or onboard could cause danger on account of the signals of mobile phones.

三. 在一些需要安静的场所,使用手机产生的噪音会影响别人

In some places where quietness is seriously required, using cell phones may cause noise that is likely to bother others.

四. 课堂上使用手机会分散注意力。

Using mobile phones in class may lead to students’ distraction, as what they chat with their friends over the phone is often more eye-catching than what their teachers teach them in class.

五. 新电影的“点映会”禁止使用手机从而来保护版权

While seeing some movies in limited release, people are not allowed to take their cell phones so as to protect the copyright of new movies.


What do you do in the mornings?


In general, I will listen to morning news after brushing teeth and washing face in the morning. I can quickly learn about news from different places, and I am particularly concerned about economic and political topics. Because I think it is interesting and increasing my knowledge. In addition, sharing these news with others can enhance my social skills.


Is breakfast important?


I really enjoy my breakfast. First, my thinking always is fuzzy in the morning. A good breakfast can bring enough energy to refresh. Second, breakfast is delicious. Bacon and eggs in the breakfast are especially delicious, especially Bacon is very crisp. Third,I can chat with family during breakfast. During breakfast, I can share some interesting things with my family to help me release the pressure.


What is your morning routine?


The first thing I do in the morning is to listen to the news. I can quickly know the news from different places, especially about economic and political topics. Then I run in the morning, because the park air is so fresh in the morning, and it boosts my immunity. Finally, I will have a good breakfast, which will bring me enough energy.


Do you like to get up early in the morning?


I usually wake up at 7:00 amso that Icouldhave enough time to run. Normally, the park air in the morning is so fresh that I can wake up as soon as possible, and running can boost my body's immunity at same time. In additional, I can spend extra time on reading book, because my degree of concentration will increase in the morning.



Describe a person who helps to protect the environment.描述一个保护环境的人。

He is the first person to harness the desert in China, called Wenbiao Wang. In the north of China, desertification is becoming more and more serious, and many lands have changed deserts. This problem not only lead to many farmers no land to cultivate, but also caused serious environmental problems such as frequent sandstorms.


By planting different plants in the desert, Mr. Wang discovered that one species of plants is best suited for desert survival. So he planned to plant the plant in large areas and different planting areas. Finally, their ways effectively resisting desertification in northern China.


I am living in the north of China. I know the dangers of sand storms. Therefore, I particularly respect Mr. Wang. He not only help farmers get more land for farming, but also his method was also effective in preventing sand storms. Let's have a better living environment.



A successful family business you know


Describe a family business you know

You should say:

What the business it

How you know it

What products it sells

Who the customers are

And how you like it


What are the advantages and disadvantages of family business?

How to be a successful businessman in your country?

Do people in your country like to work for big companies or small companies?

Do you think globalization is a positive development?


The LUCRATIVE SMALL-SCALE business that I'd like to talk about today is a boutique that I patronize, named "She Loves".

As a fashion shop, it sells an array of women's wear and specialize in dresses and blouses. Although they're not tailor-made clothes, customers can almost always find an outfit that fits them at "She Loves" because the shop will have the clothes adjusted, free of charge - I should add. There's also a range of chic accessories such as clutch purses and belts.

If I'm not mistaken, "She Loves" has been up and running for 2 years. What I find impressive about the shop is that within such a short period of time, its sales figures have soared and its business profile has been enhanced significantly. Its Facebook has at least 350.000 followers and there are hundreds of orders per month from different areas in the country. What's more, the shop's always packed with people shopping or browsing.

I knew about the shop by random, seeing its banner ad when surfing the net. Captivated by the dresses advertised, I clicked on the ad and have visited its website at least once a week out of a habit since then. Also, I drop by the physical store more than twice a month, especially when there are new arrivals.

If I had to give an explanation for my liking for the shop, I'd definitely say that I'm really content with the various products, plus the enthusiasm of the staff there. Despite being a family business, to my surprise, the shop operates really professionally. Besides, as it's a clicks-and-mortar business, I can conveniently do the shopping right at home. "She loves" is surely always on the list of my favorite boutiques.


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