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2023-08-09 09:07:55 来源:中国教育在线




You should say:

When it was

Where it happened

What you did at the end


I'd like to talk about the time when my travel plan got shattered by the horrible weather. / I'd like to talk about the time when things didn't go as planned because of the horrible weather.

Last summer vacation, my parents took me to Sanya, which is a coastal city in the south of China where there's gorgeous views and exciting entertainment facilities. We planed a wonderful vacation during which we could try palatable seafood, play exhilarating water sports, or just lie on the beach doing nothing, so as you can imagine, for a girl who has been living far away from the sea, I was pretty thrilled about that trip, but to my great disappointment, there happened to be a typhoon just the day I arrived there, which totally ruined my plan.

It rained heavily and it was unbelievably windy, I couldn't even step outside, otherwise I would get completely soaked, plus, it was pretty dangerous, you know, with the gale and all. The typhoon lasted for many days, and it didn't go away until the day I left.

I bought lots of colorful dresses that are designed to wear on the beach but sadly I didn't have the chance to put them on. I thought I could take quite a few stunning pictures that I could post on the social networking websites where I can get a lot of likes, you know. However, I just ended up staying in the boring hotel, complaining about the unexpected weather, which pathetically became my Plan-B.

So I felt that the money I spent on my flight tickets and the hotel just went down the drain. It was literally the worst travel experience ever.


We were very close although we live indifferent cities. She asked me to be her bridesmaid. I was flattered and prepared for her wedding for a long time. I helped her choose the wedding dress, the jewellery, even the decoration of her wedding. When the big day came, I was excited. But, the typhoon also came here. All the flights, trains and coaches were cancelled. I was so depressed, I even think about driving a car by myself. But I gave up that idea immediately because it was too dangerous in such bad weather. I called her and apologized to her because I was the bridesmaid but I can’t be there. She understood, of course. After all, there’s nothing we can do against the weather. So we just accepted it. Luckily, her wedding was perfect, which made me feel less guilty. Her little sister-in-law acted as her bridesmaid.

Because of the bad weather, I postponed my visit to Fuzhou for a couple of weeks, but we still feel happy to see each other.


很多孩子的第一选择是“坐飞机出行不幸遇到恶劣天气,结果导致飞机got delayed,无法顺利到达目的地”,这中间还遭遇了其他的种种(比如在飞机上无聊致死,环境闷热或者冰冷,邻座的小孩子哭闹不停,手机无信号,等了好久没有餐食供应,最后被安排在机场附近酒店过夜,然后行程全部被打乱,原本要做的事情没有时间做,blah blah blah…),再描写一下心路历程,两分钟也差不多能搞定,所以也是不错的选择。

不过既然大家肯定准备过雅思口语的travel话题,何必偏要让自己在飞机没起飞就遭遇不幸呢!我们还是到了vacation destination再天气突变吧!


I'd like to talk about the time when my travel plan got shattered by the horrible weather. / I'd like to talk about the time when things didn't go as planned because of the horrible weather.

Last summer vacation, my parents took me to Sanya, which is a coastal city in the south of China where there's gorgeous views and exciting entertainment facilities. We planed a wonderful vacation during which we could try palatable seafood, play exhilarating water sports, or just lie on the beach doing nothing, so as you can imagine, for a girl who has been living far away from the sea, I was pretty thrilled about that trip, but to my great disappointment, there happened to be a typhoon just the day I arrived there, which totally ruined my plan.

It rained heavily and it was unbelievably windy, I couldn't even step outside, otherwise I would get completely soaked, plus, it was pretty dangerous, you know, with the gale and all. The typhoon lasted for many days, and it didn't go away until the day I left.

I bought lots of colorful dresses that are designed to wear on the beach but sadly I didn't have the chance to put them on. I thought I could take quite a few stunning pictures that I could post on the social networking websites where I can get a lot of likes, you know. However, I just ended up staying in the boring hotel, complaining about the unexpected weather, which pathetically became my Plan-B.

So I felt that the money I spent on my flight tickets and the hotel just went down the drain. It was literally the worst travel experience ever.


Describe an occasion when the weather changed your plan.

You should say:

When it was

Where it happened

What you did at the end.



事情经过:在2,3年前,我和妈妈、哥哥一起去黄山游玩,但是我们遇上了暴风雨。因为没有带伞,我们被淋成了落汤鸡(be absolutely soaked), 缆车也因为不安全而关闭了。

事情结果:只能走下山,下山之后也打不到车,我们浑身湿透了,筋疲力尽(completely drenched and utterly exhausted)。



Well, one particularly unpleasant experience that sticks in my memory was the time I went to Huangshan with my mum and brother, which must have been about 2 or 3 years ago, when my mum came over to visit me in Hangzhou. We had decided to go travelling to Huangshan as none of us had been there before, and we’d heard a lot of great things about it.

And basically what happened was that we got caught in a big storm, which seemed to spring up out of nowhere, because one minute it was pretty sunny, and the next it was, quite literally, pouring down with rain, and I mean, REALLY chucking it down! What didn’t help us was the fact that, at the time the storm hit, we were right on top of a mountain, and because we hadn’t checked the weather forecast, we didn’t have any umbrellas with us, so we got absolutely soaked! And the worst thing was, when we reached the cable car to get down the mountain, we were told that it had closed early for safety reasons, coz there were some flashes of lightening, and this apparently made the cable car unsafe to go in.

So we ended up having no choice but to walk down the mountain instead, and because it was still raining when we got to the bottom, we couldn’t find a single free taxi. So there we were, completely drenched and utterly exhausted, stuck in the middle of nowhere.

Thankfully, though, after what seemed like an eternity, a minivan finally pulled up and gave us a lift back to where we were staying, which was a huge relief. I honestly don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t come, because it was getting pretty dark and most people had already left the mountains, so thank goodness it came! And looking back on it now, I would say I actually gained quite a lot from this experience, as it’s really kind of taught me to appreciate the times when I do have easy access to transportation, which is most of the time.

So yeah, that’s pretty much it, and I hope the story wasn’t too boring!


Describe a time the weather changed your plan.

You should say :

When this happened

Where you were

What kind of weather it was

And explain why you couldn't finish the plan.


This topic reminds me one of the most impressive experiences that I had when I was on a holiday together with my friends in Xiamen. It was the second week of September, and we were going to have a long walk along the beach on the first day. At the very beginning of the walk, we felt quite excited and witnessed the picturesque scenery along the beach. Undoubtedly, it's fabulous to enjoy the special atmosphere and escape from all the hustle and bustle of the city.

Unfortunately, the day got dark and suddenly it started raining, it didn't seem to want to stop. The sky was overcast and dismal, which made me feel so down. After a while, it started pouring. I felt

so disappointed and frustrated without any ideas to cope with the unexpected situation. Finally, we ended up with some boring TV series in our rented house for the whole afternoon. I feel still a bit sorry about that day when I think about the holiday.


1.picturesque=visually attractive adj. 如画般的 (雅思口语常用表达词组)

2.fabulous 表示 very good adj. 非常好的(雅思口语常用表达词组)

3.hustle and bustle 指的是 busy and noisy activities 喧嚣 (雅思口语常用表达词组)


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