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2023-08-09 11:43:48 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语对玩具描述该怎么说


Describe a special toy you had in your childhood.

You should say:

What it was

Who gave it to you

How often you played it

and explain why it was special to you.



There are a lot of collectible toys out there, for me, the most impressive one is a model of T-800, the robot in the movie Terminator 2.

It’s about 5 inches tall, made of a special rubber material and applied with highly detailed painting. And you got all the accessories you need, not a whole lot but enough to satisfy. Except for the leather black jacket and pants on it, there used to be an extra T-shirt, a pair of black-lens sunglasses, a shotgun and a figure base with T-800 nameplate.

Now I only keep the shotgun and figure base because it has been almost 12 years since my mom bought it for me. I just couldn’t find the rest. They were lost one after another when I posed it everyday, adding something or putting them away. I remember I took lots of pictures of it at that time.

It’s really a special toy for me due to the great value of collection and its authentic looking. I mean,it fully realized likeness of T-800 in the movie. Other toys of mine all looked like lemons compared to it. Besides, what makes it meaningful for me until nowis because of the movie Terminator 2.

When it first arrived on the screens, I was blown away by the concept - a killing machine sent from the future into our present to eliminate the future threat from ever existing. I wish I could have a similar robot and I just considered this model as my bodyguard in those years.

Be applied with sth 配有…

Highly detailed painting 高度细节化的着色

Figure base 底座

Nameplate 铭牌

Authentic looking 真实感的外观

Realize likeness 实现相似度

Look like lemons 看起来像是次品

Be blown away 被震惊



Well actually there is quite a wide range of sports in my hometown.

Of course, you know there is a fairly broad range of TV programmes in my local area.

Sure, obviously there is quite a wide range of transportation in my hometown.


There is quite a variety of sportsin my country.

There is quite a wide range of transportation in my hometown.

There is quite a diverse mixture of restaurants in my hometown.

There is a fairly broad range of TV programmes in my local area.

There is quite a diversity of shop which can be found in my hometown.


But I guess the most popular would probably be basketball.

However, I suppose the most common would possibly be hot-pot restaurants.

Though I think the most influential would potentially be table tennis.

Yet I imagine the most convenient may be taxi.

Still, I suspect that the most common could perhaps be bus.


The thing with basketball is that it is a challenging physical-contact sport.

I assume buses are so common because they are very cheap.

The point want to add about taxis is that they are the most convenient kind of transportation.

And the explanation for this could be that we have so many table tennis medal-winners in our country.

And the basis for this is that it is a time-consuming hobby.


Besides/In addition to basketball,a second popular sport in my town is billiards.

As well as buses, taxis are also verypopular in my town.

Another kind of hobby would be calligraphy.

Another form of transportation worth mentioning is the subway.

A second variety of sports would be something like football.

A subsequent category would be something like a McDonald's.


The main characteristic of billiards is that it is a quiet sport.

The unique aspect of a taxi is that it can take you to your destination quickly.

One exceptional aspect of fast-food restaurants is that they are time-saving.


And of course there's the usual things like tennis and back horse-riding, although they are not as common as the two I mentioned above.

And obviously you can also find things like trains and motorcycles, although they are not as common as the two I mentioned above.

Likewise, as might be expected, there are things like skating and skiing, although they are not as popular as two Imentioned above.

And naturally, there are things like collecting stamps, hiking and martial arts, although they are notas popular as the two I mentioned above.



Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.You should say:

What animal it was Where you saw it

What happened when you saw it

And explain why you thought it was interesting.


For this topic,I would like to talk about the sloth.Sloths have short,flat heads,big eyes;short snouts,long legs,and tiny ears.Some species have stubby tails.Altogether,sloths'bodies are usually between 50 and 60 cm long.Sloths are hilariously slow in Disney's latest movie'Zootopia'.

This was a smash hit internationally,as it appealed to all age groups.Besides,they are experts in playing cute.I think that's probably the reason why so many people like sloths.What strikes me the most is that sloths are'vegans',they eat leaves,flower petals and other plant products.They are essentially herbivores.They can be compared to koala bears in some ways,as they are both considered to be bone-idle.So I think it's a really interesting animal and I hope to see it in the flesh one day.


1.树懒的英文叫sloth,这个名词除了指树懒,还相当于laziness,比如有这么个例句:He should overcome his natural sloth.




5.play cute这个词表示卖萌


What strikes me the most,除此之外还可以用what impressed me the most或者是impressively



雅思口语Part 2 话题精讲:

Describe a scienice subject that you are interested in

You should say :

What it it ?

When you started to get interested in it ?

What you have leant from it ?

Why you are interested in it ?


1.I ‘d like to talk about virtual reality which is a cutting edge technology .It generates realistic images,sounds and other sensations that replicate a real environment.Now,it’s developing rapidly.Those global tech powerhouses,like:Google,Apple,Huawei,have already invested billions of US dollars in this field.

2.I‘m particularly interested in it.A couple of months ago,a company called Magic Leap released a video clip on YouTube.It shows a the applications of virtual reality technology in the real life.That’s impressive.From then on,I fell in love with it.

3.The more I know about it,the more I realized that it’s something that will completely change the world.I see it as an unstopable trend.I‘ve read some articles about it on some science magazines,for example:Popular Science,Discovery.Since it’s still developing,I‘m pretty sure that I‘ll learn more about it in the future.

4.lastly,I ‘ll tell you about why I ‘m so interested in it.I strongly believe it would change our life,and bring opportunities.The world will not be same.Let me give you one example:Thanks for the rapid devepment of virtual reality .Tomorrow,students and teachers may no longer need classrooms anymore .They may havelessons at any time,any place.I believe the more I learn about it,the more benefits I'll get.So that’s why I’m particularly interested in it.

Thank you for your time.


1.I ‘d like to talk about virtual reality which is a cutting edge technology:(高分开头,讲过多遍不解释了)virtual reality: 虚拟现实 / cutting edge technology :尖端科技

It generates realistic images, sounds and other sensations that replicate a real environment:它可以创造出真实的图像, 声音还有其他的感官刺激来还原逼真的环境。

it’s developing rapidly:它正在迅猛的发展。

global tech powerhouses:国际科技原动力

A couple of months

a company called Magic Leap released a video clip on YouTube:(这句话里有非谓语called在考试的时候在语法上有加分)一家叫做明日科技的公司在youtube上发布了一段视频。

From then on: 从那时开始(词组)

The more I know about it,the more I realized that it’s something that will completely change the world:(这是对比句,有加分)我越了解它,就越来越意识到这将改变全世界。

I see it as an unstopable trend:我认为虚拟现实是一个不可被阻挡的潮流。

Since it’s still developing,I ‘m pretty sure that I ‘ll learn more about it in the future:(连词的使用, 复杂句)因为它还在发展,我很确定在将来我会了解更多。

lastly,I ‘ll tell you about why I ‘m so interested in it:(这是很好用的连接句,来告诉考官我讲到最后一个问题了,也可以起到承上启下的作用)

12.the more I learn about it,the more benefits I'll get:(对比句)

13.Thank you for your time:(礼貌会给你带来更好的印象分)


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