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2023-08-11 15:20:02 来源:中国教育在线




I. Do you like sunshine?Why?

I love sunshine! When the sun shines, the flowers are extremely beautiful,the colour of the sky is wonderful, even the air smells different.

2. What do you like to do in sunshine/ on sunny day?

Well, when the weather is lovely, I'd like to go to the beach with my friends. We can play the sands,

swim in the sea, or just enjoy the sunbath. Sometimes I'd like to go hiking or cycling with my family, we chat at the same time, which makes me feel closer to them.

3. What things do you think is hard to do in sunshine? / what do you dislike to do when it's sunny


Well, basically, I love sunshine and I'm willing to do everything in sunshine. But the summer in this city is very hot and dry, I guess if someone moves in the summer when it's sunny outside, it'll be very difficult. Coz you know, moving makes one exhausted, especially when it's burning outside.

4. Do you like going outside on weekends on sunny days?

Definitely. As long as it's sunny outside on weekends, I'll go out with my friends or family. We would go to the beach, go hiking or cycling. Sometimes just a walk in sunshine would make me feel comfortable.

5. Have you ever been a place without sunshine?

Yes, I travelled to London with my dad two months ago. The weather there made me depressed. It was raining all day. Plus, it's windy and freezing as well. I didn't know what weather was like in London before I went there. It is said the summer there is beautiful and sunny. I swear I won't go there in winter again.

雅思口语Part 1范文:晴天

1.Do you like sunny days?

Yes,well,It depends .In summer ,it make me sweat a lot ,but in winter ,it give me a warm feeling and put me in a good mood for the whole day .I really like the feeling when seeing the sunshine through the window in winter .It is fantastic!

2.What do you like to do when it' s a sunny day?

Well ,on sunny day .I can do some outdoor activities such as swimming ,camping ,hiking or have a bbq with my friend in the park or even flying kite with my little cousin .

3.Would you like to stay at home or go outside when the weather is great?

Personally, I prefer going outside. Especially in summer, I like to go to the beach and I can swimming in the sea and lie down on the soft sand ,enjoying a wonderful sunbath and the nice view of the sea and sky.

4.Are there many sunny days in your hometown?

The weather is quite extreme in my hometown, actually. I mean in spring and summer, there are many sunny days, and it’s scorching. While in autumn and winter, it's always rainy and freezing cold.


1.Why do so many people like going to places with water such as lakes, rivers or the ocean?

Well, going to places with water is a different and exciting experience. For one thing, travelers can swim in the rivers, lakes or oceans, which makes them very relaxing. For another thing, too much water makes the surface of water blue, which is beautiful and beneficial to the eyes.

2.What kinds of leisure time activities do people like to do in places such as on the ocean, at beach, at a river, at a lake etc.?

Well, many people like going to the seaside for a holiday, especially in summer. Some people are fond of swimming or diving, while others prefer stretching out on the beach for sunbathing. Still others are fishing lovers, so they enjoying go fishing by the river.

3.As a place to spend some leisure time, do you think the beach or the seaside is more suitable for children or for old people?

Well, I think the beach or seaside is more suitable for children than for old people. Firstly, children like something exciting and interesting. They can have great fun travelling to the seaside. Secondly, it is not very safe for old people to walk near river since they may have trouble with the eyes or feet.

4.Do you think children and old people do the same types of things when they go to a beach?

Well, I think they may do different things. Firstly, children like something exciting and interesting, so they may collect shells along the beach or swim in the river but old people like quietness so they may just stay away from the beach, enjoying the scenery. Secondly, children are active and they may run quickly and go surfing in the sea but old people may just walk along the beach.

5.What activities would you do if you were spending some leisure time at a beach or near the ocean?

Well, if I were spending some leisure time at a beach or near the ocean, I would do the following things. Firstly, I would walk along the beach and collect some beautiful shells. Secondly, I would go surfing in the sea with my husband, which is definitely great fun. When we feel tired, we can lie on the beach to enjoy the sunshine, listening to some light music.

6.Why do some people like water sports?

Well, there are several reasons. Firstly, it is a good way to relax when swimming in the water. Especially in hot summer, swimming makes them cool. Secondly, water sports can strengthen people’s body when they suffer from illness. If people persist in participating water sports, they will be healthier and healthier.

7.Do you think government should invest money in developing facilities for water sports?

Well, the answer is definitely yes. Firstly, it is beneficial to citizens’ health since many like to have water sports. Secondly, it can promote people’s awareness of strengthening exercises and keeping healthy. Thirdly, it can also enhance the local economy.

8.Do you think that human activity is posing a threat to the oceans of the world?

Well, yes. Over the last few decades, human activity has pushed oceans to their limit. Major threats to the world’s oceans include unsustainable fishing, inadequate protection, shipping, oil and gas prospecting and drilling, pollution, aquaculture and climate change.

9.How important is water in people’s everyday lives?

Water is the basis of life. Animals and plants need water. So do we. Without food, we can live for a week, but we can't live for three days without water. Water also plays an important part in our daily life, because we have to clean our teeth, wash our faces and take a shower every day. In addition, water is needed in cooking as well.

雅思口语Part 2预测:童年回忆

You should say:

when and where the incident you remember happened

who you were with

what happened exactly

and explain why it is a happy memory.


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