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2023-08-12 10:03:13 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语话题太空旅行


1.Do you want to travel in the outer space?


You bet! I doubt there exists a human being who wouldn’t jump to seize the chance if they can set out on a space travel, of course provided it is totally safe.

2.What would you do if you had that opportunity?


I’d like to be the first one who ever set foot on the Mars and I want to check it out whether there is water or life with my naked eyes.

3.Do you think it's necessary to see other planets?


I don’t know. I mean on the one side the mankind is an adventurous race that should not be bound by earth or solar systems, but on the other side, many si-fis and even some renowned scientists warn of the potential unexpected consequences if we are set to space exploration.

4.When was the last time you went travelling?


I am not a travel bug that will do all kinds travelling even in the weekends. So maybe it is no or all for me , and the last time I traveled I went across half of the world to the far away north Africa, Morocco with my dear wife. It’s August 2017 and it’s my honeymoon travelling.

5.Do you like to travel by air?


Not really, since I don’t feel comfortable in the rather cramped economy seat which is what I can afford, and the long wait for departure is tiring. So basically the whole experience is worse than that of a train travel in China.


1.Do you think memory is important?

Yes, I do. If we couldn’t remember certain things, life would be very awkward and difficult. Our memories hold a lot of important information we use all the time, every day, just to live.

2.Do you think it's important to have a good memory?

It can certainly help make things easier. If you can remember things easily and not forget them it can be very beneficial. Activities such as studying and learning seem much easier.

3.What are some of the benefits of having a good memory?

I guess some people think you are maybe more intelligent, or certainly smarter than most people, especially if you have an excellent memory and can remember everything. It can help you avoid embarrassing social situations if you never forget someone’s birthday, or if you don’t forget people’s names when you haven’t seen them for a long time.

4.Are there any things that are especially important for people to memorize?

I suppose it depends on the situation. Everything is important to some people. I mean… most people get upset if their friends or someone close forgets their birthday or a special occasion like an anniversary.

5.Do you think having a good memory is important for students?

Well, it certainly helps, doesn’t it? I mean it’s so much easier to remember all those facts, or formulas or information or whatever it is you’re studying. It can save a lot of time if you can just recall most things you need in an instant and not have to review your books or look it up again each time you some information.


Describe a shop you like to go to.

what shop it is

what it sells (or, what you usually buy there)

when you first started going to this shop (or, how you came to know about this shop)

and explain why you like (to go to) this shop.


Well, it took me a few moments to decide on which shop to talk about, because I actually like going to quite a number of different shops around my hometown, but possibly my favourite is H&M, so that's the one I'm gonna describe.

Firstly then, with regard to what it sells, well I'm not sure if you're familiar with H&M, but it's basically a mid-end clothes shop which sells a variety of women's and men's clothing, mostly geared towards young adults like myself. And as well as clothing, the shop also has a small accessories section for women, with things like hair bands, bracelets and earrings, but the main focus is definitely on clothes.

Anyway, as for when I first started going to this shop, well to be totally honest with you, I'm really not that sure, but off the top of my head, I guess I must have first started shopping there two or three years ago, round about the time I was in high school, because I seem to vaguely remember one of my high-school classmates telling me about it, and how good it was.

So that's kind of how I got to know about H&M, and finally, regarding why I like shopping there, well I suppose it's really a combination of reasons, one of which would be that the clothes there, on the whole, tend to be quite fashionable and trendy, unlike the stuff I see in many other shops, and the clothes are pretty simple in style, which is exactly what I like. So that's one thing, and I guess another reason would be that everything there is really good-value, and just to give you an example, a decent pair of jeans there costs around three hundred yuan, whereas a similar pair at another shop would probably set you back a thousand yuan or so, and in terms of quality, well, there's really not that much difference between H&M's clothes and the higher-end brands, but you're paying considerably less.

So yeah, I would say these are, more or less, the main reasons why I like shopping there, and I would probably go so far as saying it's become one of the most popular clothes shops here in my hometown, and I just hope they continue to keep their prices as low as they are!

That's pretty much it then, so thanks for listening.


Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education.

You should say:

where you met them

what subject they taught

what was special about them

and explain why this person influenced you so much.


I think my first English teacher has greatly influenced me in my education. I had some trouble in studying English when I studied in middle school. I felt English was very difficult,so I did't like to study it .One day, my English teacher spoke to me about the study of foreign languages . He said :" You must do a lotof reading , listening and speaking . Never mind, keep on trying, I believe you are a good student." In the years that followed , I studied hard and made greater progress. My English teacher loved his job and he was knowledgeable in his field. I love and respect him.

1) compare the differences between education in ur city with them in 20 years ago?

In the past, many children can't go to school, and educational conditions were very poor. But now, government provide 9 years compulsory education. Each child who is 7 years old must go to school. And government provide much better facilities and staff. Also, schoolyards are beautiful than before.

2) compare the differences between university and middle school?

We study basic knowledge in the middle school. But the course of university is practical and special, such as computer and business courses.

3)compare the differences between students now and past .

At present , it is difficult for student to find job. So, their pressure is he avier than before.


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