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2023-08-12 14:03:32 来源:中国教育在线



1.How often do you go holiday?
"I usually go on holiday twice a year to Hainan,which is an island at the southem tip of China.I love sunbathing on the beach and drinking cocktails. My favorite hotel is right on the beach where it is reasonably peaceful."
2.Where do you usually go ? / Tell me more about you usually go.
"I usually go to places near Urumuqi.There are many interesting places outside the city,I like to relax and take photographs at the Heavenly Lake and Southern Pastures. Many people like to have their photographs taken here,so maybe I could do this as a job, not just a hobby."
3.Who do you prefer to go with?
"I prefer to go with friends who are interested in photography and history, because the areas outside Urumuqi are historical and beautiful. especially the Heavenly Lake and Southern Pastures.We like to sit down in the countryside,have a picnic and chat on a beautiful sunny afternoon."
4.What do you like to do on holiday ?
"I like to lake photographs and visit interesting historical places. Sometimes, I like to relax on
a beach or in a bar. I don't like to use too much energy on holiday. It's a time for relaxing."
5.If you could go to any foreign country for a holiday,where would you go?
"I would like to go to Japan with my girlfriend. She wants to pick up some fashion ideas in Tokyo whilst I'm interested in climbing Mount Fuji.Some people might think strange it's go on holiday with someone then not spend all the time together. The thing is that we both enjoy photography, but she prefers fashion photography whereas I prefer photographing the scenery."
Describe an idea of vacation away from home
You should say
Where will you go
Who will you go with
When will you go
What will you do there
Have you told your friends about this
I'd like to talk about my idea of a perfect vacation. As I live in Spain, I normally like to visit cities when I go on vacation, to soak up some different types of culture. Of course, there is plenty of culture here on this lovely little piece of paradise, but every now and again I need to leave and visit a busy bustling city. My perfect vacation would probably lead me to New York.
I have visited New York once and I can't wait to return, the noise, the lights and the non-stop energy of the city makes it a great place to go. I would visit the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and The Met Museum to see both traditional and modern art, before planning my way through the city. Visiting Central Park, 5th Avenue to window shop, Times Square, The Rockefeller Centre and even the Statue of Liberty.
There are other places I would like to visit, which include the Natural History Museum, the sex and the city tour and to see a Broadway show. I would also like to see the restaurant close to Times Square that is decorated like a 1950's diner, where the waiters and waitresses get up on the tables to sing. I have heard they are all amazing and the experience is one that you will never forget.
When I visit again, I will take my husband as he has never been before. he really enjoys travelling and seeing new places, he enjoys looking at famous architecture, so I know that he will want to visit the Empire State building and ground zero, where the twin towers used to be. We could also sample the food whilst in the city, with breakfast in art deco diners, lunch from small cafes in the park and dinner in a different place every night.
This would be my idea of a perfect vacation because it allows us to have a different lifestyle for a week, which is a refreshing change from the quiet, but stunning place we live in now. I like to feel inspired from my vacations, visiting places that give me ideas and make me feel energised. New York is such an amazing city that you can feel the buzz around you of people living their lives. Visiting a busy city like this, makes a vacation feel exciting and full of energy, which is ideal in my perspective.
  You should say:
  where you would go
  what you would do there
  who you would go with
  and explain how you think you would feel at the end of this day.
  Part 3
  Working Hours
  In your country, how many hours do most people work per week?
  Do they have any days off (days free from work)?
  Does the government in your country have a law stating how much free time employees must have per week?
  Do you think it’s good to have such a law?
  Do people ever ask their employers for extra time off work?
  What are the reasons for asking this?
  Do you think these reasons are always true?
  If I had a day off, I won’t do anything special or taking any adventures. I just want to spend the whole day with my family. And I think go to a park with a big lake is a good choice. Because this is a free way to get some outdoors time with my family, and maybe even some exercise too. For example, I think I will bring a kite or bike there. Also I want to rent a small boat and go out fishing. Finally, after a whole day’s activities we can have a BBQ there.
  No matter you are working or studying, we are all busy with our daily routine and leave no time for family. A day off and going out with parents makes me feel we bound together. Talking some interesting stories while we are fishing makes me feel warm. Also, with all the beautiful natural sceneries I feel relaxed and happy. Moreover, having outdoor activities is like living in the air and I can get rid of all the pressure.
 Describe the best holiday you ever had.
  You should say:
  when & where you had it
  how you reached there
  what you did and with whom you did that
  and explain why it's so special.
  The best holiday in my life was the holiday I had with my parents and sisters 2/3 years back. I work in the capital city and visit my hometown 3-4 times in a year. That time I got a week’s holiday and I planned to give surprise to my family members. I reached home at around 1.00 am and my parents and siblings were very happy and surprised. They became even happier when they heard that I have got a vacation for 7 days. My mother next day called my elder sister who came to visit us that day with her kids.
  The next day we went to watch a movie in the theatre and we ate our dinner in a Thai restaurant. We return home at late night and then played some indoor games.
  Next day we went to a nearby picnic spot and that was a very pleasant experience. We cooked our food and to our surprise, that was delicious. We played outdoor games, ran in the fields and swam in the water. This was a truly great day that I enjoyed.
  Since my vacation was getting over, my parents planned to visit our grandparents’ house. Though our grandparents are not alive, still we cherish the place and enjoy our stay there. In the next morning, we started our journey in our automobiles. It was a bit tough to get all of the family members in the car yet we did that. There were total 9 people in this medium size car.
  In the evening we reached at our grandparents’ house where only one of my uncles and his family members live. We went to visit the nearby river and enjoyed the open and fresh air. In the evening we returned home and had our dinner together. Our 2 days’ stay there passed very pleasantly and quickly. I returned to our own home and the next day I returned to the city. This holidays I had is a memorable one as I get very little chance to meet and spend time with all of my family members at a time.


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