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2023-08-12 14:39:18 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语描述建筑物


Describe a building you like

You should say:

Where it is

What it is used for

What it looks like

And explain why you like or dislike it


When I was on vacation last summer I saw a lot of interesting places, but one that sticks in my mind is a tower, well actually some people called it a fort – it was constructed a long time ago, in the 17 century. It was used to guard the shore against invasions from enemies and for that reason it had a semicircular gun platform, or an artillery battery, which was able to defend against attacks from the sea.

The design of the building is quite simple; it’s a four-walled structure with a pentagonal turret (or tower) at each corner. The entrance to the tower is via a drawbridge – just like you see in old castles, and there is a moat all around the structure, although now it’s a ditch without any water.

It’s been used for various purposes over the centuries, obviously for defense, also as a prison, and more recently it housed a restaurant as well as a pizzeria although when I visited it the building was closed and apparently now it isn’t actually used for anything – it’s just a historical site – but we were lucky enough to see a special event there – a historical re-enactment of one of the important events that happened during an invasion – this was part of a celebration of the building’s 400th year.

The interesting thing is – it’s not a famous building like the Eiffel Tower or the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, it wasn’t built by a well-known architect or anyone famous, but it’s size and appearance in contrast to the area around it – and its commanding view of the sea are quite impressive, not to mention the fact that it’s more than 400 hundred years old and it’s still standing there – very imposing. When we were standing inside we could almost ‘feel’ the history in its walls and you could easily imagine how things were at the time it was built – it has such a presence. That’s why I think it’s an interesting building – because of how it made me feel.


Is it important to conserve old buildings? Why?

The old buildings are the representatives of the history. They tell the past stories of thousand years and let us know about different issues like how they lived, how their living styles were, what they did, what sort of construction style they had and more other necessary information. If the historical buildings are not preserved, people will be unable to learn about their pasts. It is important to know about the origin, the forefathers and the past in order to live with dignity. If the important buildings are not preserved, the national history will go under oblivion. Moreover, the young generation of a country will be unaware of its history and the greatness of the nation. Usually, the old buildings contain the relics and people develop their idea over their past which is another cause for preserving the old establishments.

Is the history useful for the coming generations? Why?

History is always useful. It teaches us different important lessons and most of the people who have succeeded in life have taken their learning from the history. So, history is also useful for the coming generations. It may happen that they are in some sort of trouble and if they look back in history, they will find that there were some other people who also had the same troubles and got rid in any specific way. Thus, history helps them to get out of any troublesome situation. Moreover, if they are in any critical situations, they could take help of history, but it should be remembered that history does always not refer the events old about 100 years.

What isthe difference between houses built in the past and now?

The basic difference between the house of past and current is space. Earlier, the houses were made more spacious and covered large spaces to be built. But with the increasing population, the houses are made in small space and the number of houses is on the increase. Moreover, the past houses were designed after different distinctive styles. There were ample spaces for recreation and entertainment for the residents. But in the current days, apartments are being made with lower space and even at times they do not have proper walking space in the staircase. Earlier, the houses covered horizontal space but now they are vertical.

What are the differences in sizes of houses? Why?

The house sizes are different for various reasons and the top most cause is the increased population around the world. To meet the demand of the growing population, the house sizes are becoming small. Currently, it is almost impossible to build a house covering a large space for the living of a family in a comfortable manner rather the large space could be used to build apartment blocks or residential towers that could house several families instead of one family. Accommodation is one of the greatest challenges in the coming days and already people are experiencing the problem in different cities of the world.

Do you prefer a big or a small house? Why?

I prefer living in a big house because the environment of a big house is comfortable. The houses are made in such manner that light and air could pass easily. Moreover, the houses allow the people exercising some hobbies (I like gardening) and if there are spaces, the residents could make gardens before the house which will increase the beauty of the house. But if it is a small house, the options are rare. Moreover, the architectural style of the big houses is usually very attractive and good looking which attracts me more. But the small houses are made commercially to accommodate people, not to exercise their hobbies.


Describe an interesting building. You should say:

Where it is located.

What it looks like.

What services are provided?

Why you like it.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.

1. a) Of all the interesting buildings I have seen, the 305 meter tall Radio and TV Tower in Shenyang comes to mind.

b) It is located in the city center near the Government Square.

2. a) The design of the tower is that of a needle with a brood base.

b) Situated near the top is what, in my opinion, looks like a massive hamburger.

3. a) The primary function of the Tower is telecommunications.

b) Engineers use it to send telephone signals far and wide.

There are a couple of reasons why I find the TV Tower such a fascinating building. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.

4. a) To start, the tower contains a revolving restaurant.

b) What I mean to say is that one can sit down for a meal while the view over the city is forever changing. It takes 45 minutes to complete one revolution.

5. a) Secondly, the engineering skills and technologies that were applied to build it are mind-boggling to me.

b) What I mean is that this fills me with a great sense of pride about my nation and my country.

6. a) Lastly, to me the tower is a symbol of the strength of the Chinese people.

b) For example, it has experienced many storms without being blown over.

7. So, in short, those are my views on an interesting building.


涉及建筑的雅思口语话题如要求考生描述a modern/historical building, a concert hall, a garden, an interesting architecture等。而遇到这些话题后,考生们往往只能根据题目作出简单的回答,之后便无话可说。



1. Describe a hotel

2. Describe your favourite shop

3. Describe your ideal house

4. Describe an old building

5. Describe a traditional/modern building

6. Describe a museum

7. Describe an art gallery

8. Describe a concert hall

9. Describe a library

10. Describe a park/garden

11. Describe a restaurant/cafe



建筑话题中的所有话题都有描述感觉类的下属问题,且往往要求考生描述如下方面:建筑所在地点(where),参观此建筑的时间(when)/多久去一次(how long),参与的人(who)以及为什么喜欢/不喜欢这个建筑(why)。




1. 多层结构

这种类型的话题一般与library, art gallery, concert hall, museum等相关。


其次要注意句型的多样化,最好不要in the first floor, ... . In the second floor, ... . 这样流水账式的一路说下去。在备考时可以多准备些相关句型,如:If you go up to the ___ floor, you'll see ...到时套用即可。

2. 单层平面结构

这种类型的话题一般与park, garden等话题相关。在准备此类题型时,考生同样需注意表示先后顺序的关联词的使用。这种题很类似听力中的地图题,因此准备时可借鉴听力地图题的描述方法。

此外,考生要特别注意描述时的starting point,并根据出发点确定描述的方向;同时句型的多样化依然是准备的重点。



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