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2023-08-12 14:55:45 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语描述雕塑


Describe an impressive work of art (such as painting or sculpture) you saw.

You should say:

what it is;

when and where you first saw this work of art;

what it looks like;

and explain why you like it.



I didn’t have any special interest in the works of art actually. However, last summer I went to an Agriculture Carnival Festival in Beijing and saw an impressive hand-made work of art there. I remembered that there were many exhibition stands there. Most exhibitions are featured Agro-products. I was attracted to walk into a special exhibition stand, which was decorated as a round-roof hut. Then I found an adorable rabbit that was made of straws!

Or say the straws were knitted to make up the body of the rabbit. It was a kind of special, rough, tough and dark-brown straw. The eyes of the rabbit were made of two watermelon seeds. The nose and mouth were made of red beans. The artisan even made a cute dress for the rabbit by a piece of selected and thin bark. I definitely confirmed that it was a piece of great work of art! Then I found kangaroos, cats and dogs that were made of this kind of straw on the wall of the “hut”. I took the tiny rabbit home at a cost of 40 yuan. I love it and I couldn’t help taking it away with me.

I say it was impressive because it was so outstanding in all Agro-products there. Others were good but only the hand-made straw animals showed a delicate and exquisite sense of art beauty. Besides that, they had extraordinarily attractive appearance than those plant products and agriculture tools. And they concentrated the artisan’s intelligence and skills. In Chinese, there’s a saying “to make the ugly beautiful” to speak highly of this kind of people. The artisans who made up these straw animals turned the useless straws into valuable works of art. They created art as well as the new wealth of the world.


Describe a painting or a work of art in your school.


这个不算换题季的新题,属于之前的旧题(Describe a painting or a sculpture)的改编。重点在于后面加了一个in your school。这样一来大家就不能各种脑洞大开,也不能说啥世界名画了。


①When you first saw this work of art(你第一次见这个艺术品是什么时候)

②Where you saw it(你在哪里看见它的)

③What it looked like(它看起来是什么样的)

④And explain your feelings about this work of art when you saw it.(并解释一下当你看见这个艺术品的时候产生了什么感情)


Ok right then, well the work of art that I’d like to talk to you about is a painting that was done by one of my friends at university. And I saw it at an art exhibition which was held on our campus about four or five months ago, towards the end of last semester.

And um…in terms of what the painting looked like, well basically, it was of a girl. And just behind her was a flock of birds, which, at first glance, looked like they were actually part of her, but on closer observation, were kind of fluttering in amongst her hair, and it actually created a really cool effect.

It’s kind of hard to explain it to you without you being able to see the painting, but basically I just thought it was amazing the way he depicted the… what’s the word… similar attributes of the girl and the birds, in terms of their grace and beauty, so much so that it was almost like they were one, single entity. You know, it was an amazing effect, almost like an optical illusion of some sort.

I don’t know if that makes any sense, but it’s basically the feeling I got when I saw it. You know, it kind of radiated a sense of peace and harmony. And I’d actually probably go so far as saying it’s one of the most beautiful works of art I’ve ever seen. Seriously! And I’m not just saying that because my friend painted it, I really do mean it! So yeah, that’s pretty much it, thanks for listening.


at first glance- 乍一看 - if something or someone seems a particular way at first glance, they seem that way when you first look at them

on closer observation– 仔细观察

例句:With a casual glance all the grasses looked the same; on closer observation,however, every plant was unique.不经意地瞟一眼,所有的草看起来都相同,然而,更近距离地仔细观察,每棵草都是独特的。

depict-描绘;描画 - To depict someone or something means to show or represent them in a work of art such as a drawing or painting.

what’s the word– 叫什么来着!

Attribute -(人或物的)品质,特征; An attribute is a quality or feature that someone or something has.

so much so that… - 甚至

entity-实体; 实际存在物;

optical illusion- 幻觉

make sense of sth - 理解

radiate –发射、流露,显示(情感)If something radiates an emotion or quality, people can see it clearly.

I would go so far as saying – 我甚至会说…


Describe a trip by public transport

You should say

Where do you go

Why choose this public transport

And how you feel about it


Public transports, according to my father are the safest means of commuting from one place to another. So, one day, while coming back from shopping, I got late and decided to go by public transport. The place that I went to was 1 hour away from the training center where I had my accommodation fixed.

When I boarded the bus, it was kind of filled and I did not got any seat to sit. However, I thought that it might get empty as the journey would begin as people might start leaving the bus and would go for their homes. But, it was a wrong speculation made which I realized later on. With time passing by, more and more people started filling in and at one point of time we were all standing neck to neck with each other having no space between two bodies.

To worsen the situation, the bus did not had any opened windows and after some time it became very suffocating. Initially, I thought I will be able to bare it but to my surprise, after twenty minutes I fainted. I could barely stand and the girl sitting next to me, gave me her seat. It was a lovely gesture that she did and I thanked her for it.

The seat was a real relief, although there were still so many people standing on my head, with me being able to sit, I was able to regain some energy. The girl left the bus after some time and the one hour long journey came to end after some time.

It was a real terrific experience for me because I was emaciated and torn. It was that day that I swore not to travel by public transport. However, later I had to because of certain reasons, but the travel was fine. I suppose, it must have been a bad day.

Public transports are the most common way to commute between cities in our country. Most of the people use public transports like city bus or inter-city buses to travel. Last month I had to go to Puri to visit the Puri Rath Yatra and planned to travel by a taxi. However, due to some reasons the taxi driver refused to come and I had to travel using public transport. I chose the city bus to reach the bus stand and then from there took the bus to reach Puri.

Initially, I did not got seat for five minutes, but the conductor was kind enough to make changes in the seat arrangement and make sure that I have the seat, in the next five minutes. I got a window seat and was able to see the scenery outside. It was a real beautiful experience for me as it was the time of Rath yatra and along with me there were several other devotees. Some of them started chanting mantras and songs in praise of their deities. The entire environment was so soothing and nice that one could just instantly fall in love with everything.

I reached Puri in about an hour and half and from there went to the Rath Yatra. On coming back, I again preferred the city bus service as I found them really nice and comfortable.

雅思口语Part 3

Why so many people choose to take the public transport?

What kind of public transports in china

Do you think the ownership of private cars is the symbol of status?

People like the private cars or the public transport?

Whether the government should encourage the public transport, why?

What is the most favorite public transport, why?


Describe a sport you have only watched and you would like to try in the future

You should say

What the sport is

Where you watched it

Why you choose to watch it

And explain why you want to try it later

Are there many people around you play the sport?


Gosh, this topic is hard for me, I don’t really go to many sporting events, and it isn’t especially an interest of mine. However, I can think of one which enticed me to go and watch, I’ll tell you as much as I can about the event, how often it takes places and why it was, to me at least, interesting!

The sporting event I went to was Le Tour de France – except it wasn’t! For one year only the opening stages took place near to where I live in South Yorkshire, but more of that later.

The event is a world famous cycling race. It takes place every year, in a series of stages which are mainly in France, but it does occasionally pass through other countries. I think it started around 1903 and has taken place each year since then – apart from during the two world wars when obviously it was suspended. The cyclists are professional riders, and the tour is gruelling. To be honest, I get very confused about how it is all timed and organised, but I do know that for each stage, the rider who has completed it in the fastest time gets to wear a yellow jersey for the next stage of the tour.

The race has fallen foul of cheating over the years, famously Lance Armstrong who won it some seven times I think was later banned for drug taking. However, more recently cycling has cleaned up its act and gained in popularity. Although I’ve never previously been interested in cycling, some of my friends are, and with such a world famous event happening on my doorstep I wouldn’t have wanted to miss out.

I was really proud to be one of the supporters on what was a once in a lifetime opportunity to see The Tour de France passing through practically on my doorstep (I live in Sheffield).

雅思口语Part 3

Which sports is watched by both young people and the old people in your country?

Are people watching the American balls game in your country, like the baseball

Do you think that there are too many sports programmes in the TV?

Why do you think many companies use the athletes to advertisement?

Do you think instead of watching sports games, many people are too lazy to do

How you feel about the advertising that use the sports stars


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