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2023-08-13 09:07:23 来源:中国教育在线




① Never has the rate of crime among youth in our society been as high as it now is. The rate of youth crime is increasing at an alarmingly rapid rate, for reasons which are not easily explained.(改写题目,介绍背景)This essay will attempt to discover some of the crime rate's contributing factors as well as explore some possible solutions to help resolve the issue.(写作意图)

② One the of most contributing factors of the increase in youth crime could be attributed to the environment in which the children are raised,(年轻人的成长环境) that is to say, an environment of violence and fear. Such an environment often leads to low self-esteem and many other health concerns, as well as making the children very distrusting and fearful of those around them.

③ Still, pornographic or otherwise vulgar forms of media(色情的和其他庸俗的传媒信息)often exert great negative influence on the youngsters, because the young can, many times, find it rather difficult to make positive choices about the types of influences in their lives, it is possible for them to be led astray very quickly and easily.

④ Last of all , many different products used to commit crimes(犯罪工具的泛滥)are very easily and cheaply available to our youth. In fact, guns are sold in a very large number of stores in some countries. This fact alone makes it very easy for young people to embark on the criminal road.

⑤ Considering the seriousness of the issue, we have no alterative but to implement some practical solutions to resolve it. First of all, the government should attach greater importance to the problem, while also enact relevant legislations to crack down youth crime.(政府立法降低犯罪)Meanwhile, much emphasis should be put on strengthening education,(加强教育) for it will aid us in raising healthier, happier, and more well-behaved young generation. Also, families must take every step necessary to ensure that their children could grow up in an environment which is full of affection, safe and free from various kinds of violence.(家庭的关爱) Only when the government, society and every family join hands in resolving the issue will we begin to see the rate of youth crime fall down as it should be.


Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students how to judge right and wrong and how to behave well. Some say that teachers should only teach students about academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


There is no denying that a teacher’s role in the overall development of a student is multifaceted. As teacher, one’s primary obligation is to teach students academic knowledge. Yet, it is equally important for him to make sure that the students make progresses in other aspects.


First of all, whether one can effectively pass academic knowledge to the students makes the first and most important criterion for judging him as a qualified or unqualified teacher. The main task for the students to perform at school is to lay a solid foundation for their study at a higher level, thus the task for a teacher is to assist them to achieve this goal.


Second, a teacher’s obligation is not just confined to passing on academic knowledge to the students. The students are also supposed to develop their ability to judge right from wrong, thus becoming good citizens when they step out of school. To do this, a teacher will have more roles to play than just teaching academic subjects. He will have to set a good example of morality himself and share or discuss with his students his viewpoints towards different phenomena in the society. In a sense, apart from the role as pure academic teacher, he also serves the roles of students’ parents at school.


Admittedly, a teacher can relatively be more sure about the academic progress of the students, but not that sure about their moral development for the simple reason that the society is a big dyeing pool in which one’s being dyed into a certain color is the result of many factors of which family and many other things also have a role to play. Therefore, seen from this perspective, the influence of a teacher is, after all, limited.


It is vital to define success although currently criteria are colorful. A sound definition of the term helps people to live and learn better. Moreover, it plays an important role in the construction of good social mores.

It is wrong to say that people are not successful if they have failed to make a huge sum of money. The reason is that whether one is successful is not only measured with material yardstick but also against the spiritual criterion. Spiritual achievements and contributions bear little relationship with money. Put it in other word, many of those who have not earned sufficient money are considered successful for their accomplishments. For instance, my mother has never been able to make enough money but she is successful in that she has told us why we live.

To emphasize the spiritual elements in the understanding of what success is is not to deny the importance of the ability to make money. On the contrary, the capability to make a massive sum of money in many cases is a kind of success. In terms of the individual development, any human being in a modern society where money is the main economic dimension must be able to live independently by means of earning and spending. In terms of the society development, a country must be rich enough to protect basic human rights, provide foods, and offer education to its members. Otherwise it is not successful.

In conclusion, money is not the only standard of success, but it is necessary to be able to make mone


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