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2023-08-13 10:43:34 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语帮助他人范文

雅思口语Part 2的话题考试时长最长的,大约作答时间为90-120秒。大家在考前要重视这部分内容的备考。下面是小编搜集整理的关于雅思口语帮助他人范文的资料,欢迎查阅。

Describe a time when you helped someone.

You should say:

who you helped;

how you helped them;

why you helped them;

and explain how this person benefited from your help.

Well. There are times when people need other's help and lend a helping hand to others as well I am no exception. Last year, I helped my roommate to see a doctor as she could barely walk because of the great pain caused by kidney stone.

Actually, it was in a snowy morning, I waked up and saw that she was trembling all over and as white as a sheet in her bed. She thought it would be alright after a while. Without a second thought, I took all the cash I had and helped her to get dressed, and then we hurried to the nearest hospital in ataxi. However, after all the dimculties we had in catching a taxi and all the coldness and pain my roommate suffered, the hospital did not put an Immediate end to it. We had to stand in a long line to pay the registration fee first.What pissed me off was that there were still more patients before us waiting to see the doctor. Later, with prescription in hand, I had to do the whole waiting thing again to pay for and pick up medicine separately. Thankfully, the acute pain of my roommate was greatly relieved by a shot of painkiller. As we returned to school , I put her to bed and saw her grateful look.

For my part, I think it is quite natural to help people we care about and expectnothlng in return. And I believe a friend in need is a friend indeed.Besides, I do enjoy the feeling of being needed.


1. Are there many museums in your hometown?

Yes, there are various kinds of museums in China, such as the museums of modern art, museums of science and industry, and museums of nature.

2. Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown?

Sure, I believe museums are a great educational tool. Both adults and kids can gain an understanding of history and culture there.

3. Do you often visit a museum?

Actually, I seldom visit museums coz there is only an art museum in my hometown and I am weak in understanding the deeply meaning of the work of art.

4. Did you go to any museums when you were a child?

Yes, when I was child, my Dad took me to the nature museum in my hometown. I was very interested in dinosaurs and I enjoyed the dinosaur models as well as the fossils of dinosaurs. And before we went home, my Dad also bought me some souvenir and books.

5. Do you think museums are important?

Sure. Museums are pretty important. Adults and kids can get a chance to acquire new knowledge in different aspects. Also,hands-on exhibits and models showing in the museums can surely bring science and arts alive for them.

6. Do you think it’s suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?

Well, I should say it would be a good idea for the museums to sell things related to the exhibitions to visitors. Visitors can keep them as souvenirs or sending them as gifts to friends. For those non-profit museums, they would have a larger budget to improve their conditions and services if they can increase their income by selling things to visitors. However, there are some museums selling some products at a high price to visitors. I would think it’s not suitable, because museums are mainly for the public interest.

7. When was the last time you visited a museum?

Actually, I treat different kinds of museums as a place for hanging out with my friends, so last Sunday we went to the science museum together. We joined the workshops to learn the practical science around us and also get to know more about the latest science and technology.

8. Are there many (or, any) museums in your hometown?

Not so many, actually there is only one museum in my small county about the local history. It allows the local residents to know better about their traditions and historical celebrities.


What are some things that you can cook?

I know how to cook many things, including desserts and savoury foods. I mostly cook pasta or rice, though.

Do you like cooking?

To be honest, no, I don’t really enjoy cooking. I find it to be a chore and I get tired of making a meal every day.

How often do you cook?

I cook three meals a day because where I live it is simply too expensive to go out to eat and I have no one else to cook for me.

What dish are you best at cooking?

I’m probably best at cooking vegetarian dishes because I grew up in a veggie household, but I’m not a vegetarian myself and I know how to make a decent roast chicken.

Does anyone in your family like to cook?

Yeah, my dad loves to cook. He doesn’t work on weekends and so you’ll often find him in the kitchen, experimenting with some recipe he saw online.

Do your parents know how to cook?

Both my parents can cook pretty well. They take it turns to prepare dinner for the family.

Do you think that it’s important to know how to cook well?

I think it’s a really important life skill that children should learn when they are young. Being able to cook allows you to live a healthy life without relying on junk food and other snacks.

Who is the best cook you know?

I have a friend who works as a chef in a fancy restaurant. She is probably the best cook that I know because she’s professionally trained.


1. Do you like trees?

Yes, I am a tree lover because trees let me breath better, without them I couldn’t survive any longer.

2. Are there any important trees in your country?

There are many important trees in my country. The use of bamboo, for example, can be ranged from furniture making to building construction. Besides, the weeping willow trees symbolise the new hope in ancient China, therefore, there are many poem complimenting them.

3. Is there a forest near your hometown?

Yes. It’s just the world-renowned Huangshan Mountain with various kinds of trees living there, the most famous one are pine trees.

4. Would you like to live in a place that has a lot of trees?

Yes, I’m really into getting close to nature cos I believe it’s the most healthy and natural way of living.

5. Where can one find trees (or forests) in your country?

I guess trees can be easily seen in my country. If you are in cities, there are always many sycamore trees along the streets; or if you are in the suburb areas, you will see forests in various sizes.

6. Do you think places with trees attract more visitors than places with few trees?

Well, yes. Obviously places with lots of trees are more shady, cooler, more humid and much less windy, therefore, people will feel more comfortable and more likely to get close to nature.


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