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2023-08-13 15:43:41 来源:中国教育在线



雅思 口语part2话题天气


喜欢的天气Describe your favourite weather

You should say:

what kind of weather it is

when this weather usually occurs

what you usually do during this weather

how this weather affects you

and explain why you like this type of weather.


Ok, well I’d say my favourite weather would have to be sunny weather, which I guess is the same for most people.

And as for when this weather usually occurs, well unfortunately, not often enough! Because where I’m from, it seems torain the whole time, and when it’s not raining, the sky’s usually quite cloudy, so we don’t really get all that much sun in my hometown, but hopefully this year will be a bit better – fingers crossed!

Anyway, regarding what I usually do when it’s sunny, well I guess it probably depends on how much free time I have. So I mean, if I only have a little bit of free time, then I might just go for a walk around my neighbourhood or chill out for a bit in the gardens of my apartment complex. And if I have more time, then I might arrange to play some tennis or basketball with a few friends, although if it’s too hot then I probably wouldn’t bother.

And with regard to how this kind of weather affects me, well basically, I’d say it normally always puts me in a good mood. So for example, waking up with the sun shining through the windows is always a great feeling, as I’m sure you’ll agree. And another thing to mention would be that the traffic usually tends to be better on sunny days than rainy days, so it means that I can get to work quicker. It’s funny, because it always seems that there are more cars on the road on rainy days, which I can never quite figure out!

Anyway, finally then, as for why I like sunny weather the most, well, I suppose it’s really a combination of reasons, one of which would be that there are generally more things you can do when the sun's out, like playing sport and walking around outside without getting wet! And as I mentioned a bit earlier, it’s much easier getting around when it’s sunny, for example, the roads are less congested and it’s normally a lot easier to find a taxi, as you may have found out yourself!

So yeah, I guess that pretty much sums it up, and I wish I could wake up to a bright sunny day every morning!


1. Do you often look in the mirror?




look into the mirror 照镜子

every now and then 偶尔/有时

check my make-up 检查妆容

check my good looks 查看美丽的外表

check how I look 检查下美不美

hair style 发型

with the help of… 在……的帮助下

get rid of… = remove… 去掉……

sleepies 眼屎

stick around 粘着

be addicted to… 沉迷于……

get smudged 晕染了

embarrass oneself 丢脸


Well, sometimes! You know, I’m a lady and I’ve got to make sure I look good 24/7. Plus, every now and then I need to check if I’ve got any sleepies sticking around the corner of my eye.


I guess so. You might not know this, but I’m quite addicted to heavy make-ups and that. So I kind of have to constantly check my face to see if I’ve got my eyeliners smudged. Otherwise I could potentially scare some people. Did that once actually. Was pouring that day, so my whole face was all gone.


Not particularly. You know what, I don’t even own a mirror to be honest. But sometimes I do borrow other people’s mirror for a second just to check the spot on my face. Other than that, I don’t really spend much time looking in some mirrors.

2. Do you often buy mirrors?


误区:有的同学会就用粉饼盒子当镜子,但是英文又不确定怎么讲,没关系的,稍微解释一下就行‘I just use my face powder box or container, you know they always come with a powder puff as well as a mirror’


free gift 赠品

cosmetic products 化妆品

blusher 腮红

foundation powder 粉饼

plastic wrapping 塑料包装纸


Not at all. In fact, most of the mirrors I’ve got are free, I think. They are either from my friends or just came in some magazines, you know they always put some free gifts in the plastic wrapping.

3. Where do you put mirrors?




hang… on the wall 挂在墙上

hang… in the bathroom 挂在浴室

be scared 害怕

horror films 恐怖片

all those years 这么多年来

avoid doing… 避免做……


Well, if you mean the baby ones for my make-ups and that, I always just stuff them in my handbag. But when it comes to the bigger mirrors, you know the ones you put in the house, I think I might prefer to have one on my bathroom wall or anywhere else except in my bedroom, cause I would be quite scared. You know, I’ve watched too many creepy horror films all those years.


1. What's your favourite colour?

I'm not really all that sure actually, but I guess it's probably a toss up between green and blue. You know, I've always liked those two colours, and they were the ones that popped to mind when you asked me the question.


2. Are there any colours you dislike?

No I wouldn't say there are, cos I mean, obviously for some things, there are certain colours that I don't think would look so good, such as me driving a pink car around! But that doesn't mean I don't like pink, it just means I wouldn't choose it for certain things.


3. Are colours important to you?

Not really, no. I mean, I might take the colour into account when choosing something, like a shirt or pair of trousers, but you know, in the grand scheme of things, they're really not that important at all, especially compared with things like friends and family.


4. Is colour very important to you when you're buying clothes?

Yeah, I suppose it kind of is, because certain colours tend to look better on me than others. For example, a lot of my friends have told me I look quite good in a white shirt, so I tend to favour that colour when I'm choosing a new shirt. And as well as this, I'll also consider the colours of the clothes I've already got, and maybe choose a colour which I don't already have.


5. Do you prefer light or dark coloured clothes?

I honestly don't have a preference, because I mean, I actually like to wear a combination of both. So just to give you an example, I often wear light trousers together with a dark shirt, or vice versa, because the light and dark colours kind of compliment each other, if you know what I mean!



Describe a time that you looked for information from the Internet (new)

You should say:

When it happened

What you were looking for

Where you were searching on the Internet

And how you felt about the information


When I was traveling to Rome this summer, I searched for the museum address with my mobile phone network. Before traveling, I usually make plan to confirm the address, because I could find places as soon as possible. However, during my trip, my travel notes were missing. I was very anxious because I didn't know the name of the museum, so it was hard to find out the specific address on the Internet.


So I use my cell phone to took pictures, and put the pictures on the Internet. Finally, I found the museum. I'm amazed that I could find specific locations just through the internet. At same time, the internet also recommend scenic spots and delicacies around the museum. The technology is really convenient now.



What ways can people get information these days?

First, people can get information through friends. People can get the most directly information when chatting. Second, people can get information through social software in mobile phones. Many mobile social software can send information for the first time. Third, people can get information through newspapers, magazines and so on.


What are the differences between getting information from library and getting information from newspaper?

Information is usually more attractive, less objective and comprehensive in newspapers. Sometimes there are some fake news. But in the library, information will be more fair and detailed. If you get information from the library, people can take many different points of same view.



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